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Why are there so many permanent body swaps?
From: guest , 69 months, post #1
No offense to anyone who does, but I just don't exactly find the idea of being permanently trapped living someone else's life to be something I'd like to experience. I'm curious to know why there seem to be so few body swap stories that I can find that don't end with the swapped characters finding out they're trapped in each other's bodies forever. What's the appeal?

From: guest (Cornerodaweb) , 69 months, post #2
Probably just finding the positives in how the "other side lives." For me at least, I enjoyed these types of stories cause I really disliked where my life was at the time, so trading out was kind of a very attractive piece of escapism. At least that's how I enjoyed them when I was really into them.

From: guest (Riley Avery) , 69 months, post #3
That's how I've seen it to, it's a desire that some want fulfilled. There's a big grass is always greener mentality in this world.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 69 months, post #4
It could be the idea of it being permanent is a lot like having the power taken out of your hands, being forced to be them. That idea is erotically compelling somehow.

The best way I can describe it is as a form of submission.

From: guest (Thomas J) , 69 months, post #5
Well, body switches are not my favorite form of tg story. I like the "Goodbye Charlie" archetype more than the "Turnabout." But whatever the mode of change, I like to see it permanent. I see a permanent change as a sort of reincarnation, a metaphysical revelation of the vastness and richness of the possibilities of life. If one fines treasure, he doesn't throw it away. If a novelist or scriptwriter feels he has to switch back his character(s) at the end, he is saying a couple things, neither of them positive. First, this story isn't a serious one, i.e. "don't worry folks, like in every sitcom episode everything will be just the same as it was at the end of the story as it was in the beginning. Don't worry about what the story means; it doesn't mean anything at all." What I say to that is, if we have to end up in the same place we started, why make the journey? Or, secondly, the writer is saying that being one of the opposite sex is so degrading that he as a writer couldn't even condemn a fictional character to such a fate. Some writers are so wacky that they would even kill the character to keep the character from being (horror of horrors) sex-changed for the rest of his or her life. Don't worry about the new things he or she might learn or experience. Of course its better to die than to learn anything new. This was used in Goodbye Charlie [the movie; the play was okay and Switch. This sort of writing is basically sexist and fans shouldn't encourage such ideas.

From: guest , 69 months, post #6
For me, it's pretty straightforward. I'm transgender. I want to be a woman for the rest of my life, so of course stories where a character becomes a woman permanently are more appealing.

From: guest , 69 months, post #7
I don’t like being myself (though, thinking rationally about it, it’s not really that bad). I’m a tall male who’s getting old, and as far back as I can remember I’ve wanted to be female. I’d like to be short, cute, thoroughly feminine, and ideally a good bit younger. (Also, I’m not really intelligent enough.)

A permanent change into a cute little twenty-something brainy chick (glasses optional) would be a dream come true.

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 69 months, post #8
Because everyone views things differently?

From: guest (Gypsy) , 69 months, post #9
I prefer the path idea.

You take a character and you place them on a difficult path, change their life, make them endure some pain and suffering.

Not every person is okay with being change into some other person (no matter how it happens), and many of them will fight tooth and nail to get back to where they were. Of course there are the people that will fight, get to their chance and blow it or decide- "I think I like this," but to me that is not real anymore than the story is that got them there.

I run table top campaigns where body swapping and gender transformation happens. My other players are less then interested in it but they tolerate it. I use it (to often) as a story point, if there is a way back they always change back, if there is not suicide is an option to many, acceptance is there, and insanity often occurs.

I want some manner of realistic reaction in the story, and always accepting is not truthful to realism

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