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The Innocents - Transformation-related Netflix series
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From: Tal , 69 months, post #41
Was looking at them too Stag!

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V oryvrir gur certanag jbzna jnf zragvbarq gb or gur ahefr va bar erivrj. Nyfb bar erivrj fcbxr nobhg ure punatvat vagb n "Pheil Qeht Qrnyre" juvpu V guvax zvtug or gur tvey sebz gur Pyho fprar? Birenyy, ernyyl ernyyl rkpvgrq.

From: guest (Stag) , 69 months, post #42
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V jbaqre vs gur "Pheil qeht qrnyre" vf gur ynetre nsevpna nzrevpna jbzna jr frr va zvahgr znex 1:24 bs gur 2aq Genvyre.uggcf://jjj.lbhghor.pbz/jngpu?i=ra4RPEzMmdZ&nzc;g=30fPhevbhf gb frr ubj guvf "bgure" funcrfuvsgre cynlf bhg va gur frevrf. V'z thrffvat fur gevrf gb fubj Whar ubj gb pbageby ure cbjref. Fur nccrnef gb gnxr guvf ynetr nsevpna nzrevpna'f sbez va guvf pyvc naq vg nccrnef gb or gur fnzr tvey jub xvffrf gur thl naq gheaf vagb uvz ng gur 1:19 znex bs gur 2aq genvyre.

From: Tal , 69 months, post #43
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Nsgre er-ernqvat gur erivrj, vg frrzf V jnf zvfgnxra. Vg'f qrfpevorq nf n "funcryl qeht qrnyre". Nyfb bs abgr, V abgvprq Thl Cvrepr yrg vg fyvc va n vagreivrj gung gur funcrfuvsgvat trar bayl nssrpgf jbzra va n Fpnaqvanivna oybbq yvar. Fb vg frrzf gurer znl or ab ZGS'f?V nz nyfb irel phevbhf nobhg gur frpbaq 'serrynapr' funcrfuvsgre. V'q ernyyl yvxr gb frr fbzrbar rzoenpr gurve cbjref naq hfr gurz n gba.Netuuu! Whfg n srj zber qnlf!!

From: Bodyswap1 , 69 months, post #44
Two more days then we all watch the series.

From: Tal , 69 months, post #45
On the Netflix app (not on YouTube), they uploaded a new trailer with very few new scenes and some new dialogue.. No new shapeshifts though. Trailer is titled "I choose you."

From: guest (excited) , 69 months, post #46
It release in a few hours, I hope they show the shapeshifting effect not only in the first episode and then like "Oh you heard the sound, now you know"

From: guest (KJN) , 69 months, post #47
“larger african american woman”

What part of Africa was she from? What if she was from the U.K.?

From: guest (Stag) , 69 months, post #48
Touché #americanpoliticalcorrectness

From: Bodyswap1 , 69 months, post #49
Transformations were really good. Too bad though they see their true selves in the mirror.

From: guest (Mettoo) , 69 months, post #50
A little more info on the transformations especially the hot girl on the club scene

From: Bodyswap1 , 68 months, post #51
Yeah that girl was really beautiful

From: EthanGrace , 68 months, post #52
I haven't watched the series yet, but I heard there was a MTF on-screen transformation in episode 2. So i found it and cut together just the on-screen parts (there were some cuts to a teenage boy friend I removed). Could have been a better scene and wish they showed more but good for what currently is out there.

Let's see if embedding works, otherwise follow the link:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe>

From: EthanGrace , 68 months, post #53
Sorry for the spam but here is a Gif if you don't like following links :)

From: guest (Guest) , 68 months, post #54
Thank you! Which one would you consider the best right now?

From: Bodyswap1 , 68 months, post #55
I would consider episode 3 the best transformation.

From: guest (Guest) , 68 months, post #56
Episode 3 was the hottest, but I like what they did with her mentally as the pregnant nurse.

From: EthanGrace , 68 months, post #57
I haven't watched the series just heard there was one in Episode 2. I will suss out Episode 3 and see if I can clip it too :)

From: guest (Guest) , 68 months, post #58
A thread a few down pointed out all the time stamps

From: Bodyswap1 , 68 months, post #59
I wonder how she will use her powers in the second season.

From: guest (som) , 68 months, post #60
  1. 59

I don't think they would make a season 2, because it ends where it starts and no questions left to really get an answer. Is so sad it was only a few episodes.

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