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New Lalola? What should they do different?
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From: Holly Dunn , 73 months, post #1
I think there is hope eventually a new Lalola will come out somewhere, maybe in an English speaking country.

What would you like to see different from the old Lalola's?

Here is one idea--- The Lalola character pretty much gets his old job back immediately in most of the LLL's. I would like to see him have to take a reduced reole, even though his work may be superior to others. Slowly he would work his way into power, but it wouldn't happen off the bat.

From: guest , 73 months, post #2
I will just copy paste my comment in the last thread.

"Talking about American remake, one thing that SHOULD be changed is Grace. In the US it is unthinkable for men & women to have that kind of platonic relationship like Grace & Lalo, even habitually sharing a bed without sexual relationship. I know it is not that far-fetched for many other cultures, but for US this is just not possible. So the American version should either have Grace be a lesbian (kinda like the reverse of "Will and Grace", funny how both characters are named Grace) or a gay man (like the Filipino version of Lalola)."

From: Holly Dunn , 73 months, post #3
@guest--One thing that could be fun for the Grace character would be to make her a cousin or sister that the Lalo character protected and kept her out of the world of the demeaning of women as is done by the magazine. ironically, it would be that cousin who would push the LLL character deeper into the role.

From: guest (Canadafan) , 73 months, post #4
Any word whether there is a Mexican Laloa this year on TV Azteca?

From: vup , 73 months, post #5
I would like to see him have to take a reduced role

Like in Cleo/Leo where he has to become a secretary/receptionist.

From: vup , 73 months, post #6
All Lalolas are basically Blake Edwards' Switch .

One thing that always bugged me was that the premise begged the question of someone walking into a company and saying that they are the boss's (or anyone's) replacement. That might work if you were a temp. They need to change that.

They should spend more time showing LLL trying to get a convincing fake identity and the reason that LLL has to work there is b/c there is something about that place or someone who works there that he/she needs for him to change back. LLL shouldn't be allowed to just ~walk~ back into the job just like that.

LLL shouldn't have to be feminine to get the job but comes to realize he/she will need to willingly adopt a more distaff approach and feminize "himself" to get what he wants/needs...and therein lie the seeds of his reluctant transformation into a true woman.


From: guest (Whoat) , 73 months, post #7

About the replacement thing, maybe that's how things work in Latin America. In Argentina, the country of the original Lalola, they had two presidents(Peron & Kirchner) succeeded by their wife so it seems like nepotism runs deep in their DNA & if you could have chief of government succeeded by their spouse, having a cousin as temporary replacement as a company executive doesn't seem far-fetched.

As for her "feminine" clothing I think as someone who is depicted as intelligent & talented as Lalo it would not make sense that he didn't know that as a woman in the company there would be some expectations on the way he dress. After all from what we can see, only the boss' daughter seemed like she was free to dress whatever style she wanted while every other woman in the company had to adhere to certain style of dressing. It seems a stretch that Lola would not know the rules there since she had worked there for quite some time as Lalo, unless you want to make it that she has lost her intelligence because of the transformation...

From: guest (penguinattack) , 73 months, post #8
I always thought the premise of the show was interesting, but the show itself was rather cliche and boring. I felt the same way about Blake Edwards movie, Switch.

From: guest , 73 months, post #9
Saying that man-woman platonic friendships aren't possible is simply false. Actually, the Grace relationship is one of the saving graces of the Lalolas, which in my opinion are quite forgettable.

From: guest (IWishIwasALittleGirl) , 73 months, post #10
I wish they throw a lot more pantyhose/tights scenes 👌

From: guest (Bud) , 73 months, post #11
I second the pantyhose/tights scenes. Also, it would be nice to see some bikini and lingerie scenes too. I think it would be interesting to see the Lalo character have to start at the bottom as a secretary or assistant at her job and have to prove himself/herself to the boss to get a promotion. I'd also like to see Lalo live alone and have Grace as a friend but have her live across the hall in an apartment complex. Make Lalo's story/excuse that Lola is an ex-girlfriend or college friend of Lalo instead of saying they're cousins. Don't make Gaston an idiotic villain. Let Lalo be bisexual in his female body so he can like both men and women.

From: guest , 73 months, post #12

I never said platonic relationship between man & woman is not possible. What I am saying is that the kind of relationship that Lalo & Grace had is not possible in US cultural context.

For example, I have at least two male friends who I would count among my best friends but no way that I would sleeping on a same bed with any of them. Also if one of them saying something like "You know what, I think all girls are stupid... except you of course", I will instantly downgrade him from friend to acquaintance.

From: vup , 73 months, post #13
@ Whoat:
...nepotism runs deep...

But having politicians being succeeded by relatives is commonplace worldwide.
Even here in the U.S. it's typical for a wife to succeed her husband's vacant seat in congress and statehouses and Adams, Roosevelt and Bush had sons or cousins get elected. But those were people who were already in politics (and their known wives) not some stranger no one's ever heard of just showing up saying "I'm the replacement. Just trust me."

Even at a company, if an owner assigns a relative as a replacement they make a formal announcement and a corporation would have a press release in advance. That's a decision for the board.

Maaaaaybe an owner could send out a company-wide email saying "due to certain circumstances so-and-so will be my replacement for now" but Lalo wasn't the owner and that's not how it would work at a corporation.

I'll give you that as a fashion magazine there might be a higher expectation to dress "fashion-forward" but there's a difference between "professional" and "sexy". That was what I was referring to when I said he shouldn't have to be "feminine".

From: guest (Bud) , 73 months, post #14
You have to look at the market. People aren't going to watch a show about a man that is transformed into a woman if the "new woman" doesn't dress feminine which is basically girly. That is a running gag in MtF body swaps/transformations. People want to see the "new woman" struggle with heels, panties, short skirts and dresses, bras, and pantyhose.

From: guest (Scipio) , 73 months, post #15
There was a Laola who had to begin as a secretary, and that was the Philippine version. I really wish we had that one dubbed or at least subbed. She was the sexiest dresser of them all, which wasn't too much of a stretch, because shortly after her original change, the witch gave her an extra shot of femininity, which showed -- especially in her hemlines. Further, she was one of the prettiest, and also had one of the best situational circumstances in the finale.

From: Holly Dunn , 73 months, post #16
The Filipino version had the character start as a secretary, but was promoted to account manager almost immediately after. I would love to see the character in a reduced role, often saving the day, but still getting passed over. The star of that show was 17 when they started shooting and turned 18 in real life a few weeks into shooting the show. That show was about getting a popular hot throb together with an up and coming starlet beauty. Her acting wasn't great, and playing a masculine role I don't think was in her skillset. She was among the prettiest Lalolas IMHO.

From: guest (Bud) , 73 months, post #17
Yeah, the Lola in the Filipino definitely like to wear skirts and dresses with short hemlines. The Peru version dressed like she was going to club every day to work LOL. I understand why the Filipino version wore skirts and dresses that rode up and almost showed her panties because it was part of the spell. I don't get why the Peru version Lola dressed like she was at a dance club every day at work with the short tight tube top dresses. I mean if you are a man and you get turned into a gorgeous woman, I think it's going to take you a while to feel comfortable wearing a dress that is held up by your breasts.

From: Holly Dunn , 73 months, post #18
The Italian Lalola never got made as planned in 2008, but it was to star Sabrina Ferilli, an Italian actress who has won some acting awards and was model. She was about 40 at the time of the show would have been taped. The actress looks a bit like Sofia Vergara from "Modern Family" with really long hair, a small waist, and unusually large breasts.

That would have been fun watching the new Lalo/Lola deal with that combination.

From: guest (Garfield) , 73 months, post #19
Would’ve been interesting to see that version cause all the other Lola’s are always in there thirties. I’d love to see a version where Lalo is turned into an older woman than his own age.

From: guest (Zime) , 73 months, post #20
LOL about arguing on the clothes. Is there still distinction for dresses worn by women today?

30 or 40 years women would never wear same clothes to wedding & to work (office job). Nowadays same dress could be worn to party, work (office job) or even clubbing.

In my country in Southeast Asia, you know what I found interesting about those tourists (particularly, but not limited to, Western tourists)?

Male tourists normally wear shirt or T-shirt with shorts, which obviously not proper attire to go to work or formal party.

On the other hand. female tourists normally wear some kind of "holiday dress" that would not seemed out of place in workplace, party(outside of very very formal black-tie party) or nightclub. You know it is "holiday dress" when you see it, but you could tell it is perfectly fine to wear in other occasions as well.

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