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How do you identify?
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From: guest (Riley Avery) , 74 months, post #1
I'm curious how you identify. I've been frequenting this website for over 10 years now but yet I personally identify as somewhat cismale. What I mean is that in my day-to-day life I identify as a man, but I would say that I am 60% cismale at the maximum. I feel as if there were a button to change my gender permanently I would press it, and have no contest towards it, but I am also satisfied with being a man. How do you identify, more importantly how do you identify publicly, and how do you identify to yourself?

Publicly I am a 100% cismale, but privately I am only 60% cismale.

From: guest (Bud) , 74 months, post #2
I'm 100% male in public. I've never been a fan of the whole cismale or cisgender term so I don't use it. I guess in private I might be 50% percent male because my curiosity of the female body gets the better of me. I'm mainly just curious about the experience of being a woman through supernatural or scientific means like a lightning strike/electrocution or maybe Come Back Mister style but I don't dress up or want to have surgery.

From: guest (Gypsy) , 74 months, post #3

I have zip for interest in men, I do not want to be changed but briefly into a woman, and I have zero interest in having a relationship with a male if I was changed (I have a friend who is a lesbian that I would definitely call).

I would probably freak out and panic if I was changed and swear off all this permanently to get back to male.

Curiously, I am very ill, and my favorite story that I have ever written with M2F theme is about a potion that could save my life at the cost of my gender. I was thinking about that one day while going through some medical stuff and I realized... I would not take the potion to stay alive. I would die rather than be permanently changed.

Much love, guys and gals, I am not judging or saying anything ill of you, just answering a question

From: guest , 74 months, post #4
I’m physically male, and although I’d rather have been female I’m stuck as I am. I’m used to it, don’t like it much but I cheerfully enjoy the advantages. If I woke tomorrow magically changed into a tolerably attractive female I think I’d be happier, but maybe that’s just a persistent idea I can’t shake. It’s not worth the trouble and expense to undergo what’s available, not to me.

From: Nptox18 , 74 months, post #5
i'm 100% male...

but the way women look beautifull in their clothes, their grace their pose, that always allured to me as long as i can remember...

so iw ould like to know what its like to be a woman, but don't know if permanently...

its more like a do a test drive, and know after if you would buy or not...

From: guest (Jayzie) , 74 months, post #6
I identify primarily as male. I have no interest in men at all.

However, part of me is so strongly curious about being female that if given the option I'd turn permanently into one assuming I was the sort I always wanted to be. I can also see how I could easily identify as a female and maybe even try some heterosexual acts.
Also, I can pretty much guess that if it wasn't permanent, unless there were certain other circumstances surrounding the change, I'd probably try the least hardest possible to turn back.

From: guest (Cee) , 74 months, post #7
100% male. Although when I see hot girls I rather possess them than have sex with them. Until body swap/possession becomes available, I have to settle with second best..

From: guest (Tights) , 74 months, post #8
I wish I was a little girl :\

From: guest (Bud) , 74 months, post #9
So Jayzie, if you became a woman and she was the type of woman you wanted to be, what would you do about pregnancy since you wouldn't ever sleep with a man even if you were in a woman's body? Sperm bank?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 74 months, post #10
I never said all of that. Lol, I would probably get the urge to sleep with a man as a woman because the hormones would affect me that way. I believe part of our sexual desire comes from us and another part comes from hormones, so maybe I'd be okay with it.

But if not then I wouldn't really try to get pregnant anyway. Children are a big responsibility and I am lazy.

From: guest (Should Be Beverly) , 74 months, post #11
Identify as a male, look like a male, for the most part the the mind of a male, but has the soul of a female that desires to be in a body where that soul matches up with it's body and mind.

From: yoyo , 74 months, post #12
I'm a male and i'm ok with it, however i'd love to be a shapeshifter.
The idea of changing into anyone and anything is just plain awesome.
So out of sheer boredom and such i'd definitely change into women, but most likely not permanently.

From: guest (Bud) , 74 months, post #13
Jayzie, you're going to disappoint a lot of men if you become a woman and refuse to have kids with them. Besides, I thought "pregnancy was a part of the female experience".

From: guest (Jayzie) , 74 months, post #14
Hah! Sucks to be them, then. I know a lot of women that choose not to have kids for whatever reason. There are also plenty of great, awesome women that just happen to be infertile.
I'm not going to lie and say that it's not a kink of mine to get impregnated in fantasies, but I think that irl it would be something to be weary of. I mean can you imagine trying to raise a kid in this economy?

From: guest (Bud) , 74 months, post #15
No but hopefully in your fantasy, you're with a man that makes a decent amount of money and can take care of you.

From: Alias , 74 months, post #16
I identify as 30% fire engine, 35% Dirty Harry and 35% Gordon Ramsay.

From: Alias , 74 months, post #17
In that, I'm always putting out fires, would love to be able to just shoot any problems I have, and have to scream insults at idiots all day.

From: Forestier , 74 months, post #18
I woulds say the same as you, OP.

From: guest (Imanonuymous) , 74 months, post #19
And this entire thread sucks .

From: guest (Jayzie) , 74 months, post #20
We're terribly sorry. What can we do to make your experience better?

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