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What TG movie or show have you never seen?
From: guest , 80 months, post #1
I have seen most movies and tv shows with TG elements I have wanted too see. Only movie I haven't seen that I really want to but I'm probably never going to see is Alien Love Triangel.

What if any movie or show you haven't seen yet?

From: guest (ShinyShip) , 80 months, post #2
I have been looking forever and will probably never find it but I have been hoping to find Mind Switching Machine . Google searches turn up nothing and there were about a million different playboy video collections from that time.

I found two video's on porn hub, PLAYBOY TALES OF EROTIC FANTASIES and PLAYBOY EROTIC FANTASIES 4 . There are at least two more "Playboy erotic fantasies" I can't find that may contain the video.

In addition, it looks like there may have been a series of videos three years before these called just Playboy Fantasies . There are so many possible dead ends, mixed with the fact that the video is on a dead media and I am fairly certain I may never find it.

From: Holly Dunn , 80 months, post #3
Oh wow. I had never heard of Alien Love Triangle. Too bad it was never released. you can read about it on IMDB.

From: guest (cyberzombie) , 79 months, post #4
Cousin Skeeter - Trading places- tv show

From: Holly Dunn , 79 months, post #5
Is Cousin Skeeter Trading Places just a voice swap or a body swap? Found this summary on, but obviously can't vouch for the accuracy. Sometimes people not interested in transformation don't describe these things accurately. Based on the grammar of this synopsis, the accuracy may be in question. Has anyone seen it?

Season 3 Episode 6 - Trading Places
Bobby and Skeeter try to beat a different team, but there's a problem. They can't really beat him! Nina and Skeeter are getting into fights all the time, then Bobby puts this little doll on the table and it's make a spell that makes Skeeter's voice turn into Nina's, and Nina's into Skeeter's. Uh-oh! We'll see what happens. Air Date : 18th-Feb-2001

From: guest (LisaLewis86) , 79 months, post #6
I have seen Mind Switching Machine from Playboy. You're not missing much. It is very short in length and there's really no reaction by the actors to even show that a swap had taken place.

From: Holly Dunn , 79 months, post #7
IMDB's Description of Alien Love Triangle sounds very interesting. It is made up of three 30 minute shorts. One short has a male alien disguised as a female, played by Courtney Cox. The film was made in 2008 but never released according to one site, and released in the UK according to another. I had never heard of it until it was mentioned earlier in this thread.

This is why I come here, though it is unlikely we'll ever find this.

Physics lecturer Steven Chesterman finally realizes his long cherished dream of perfecting a teleportation device and rushes home to tell his wife, Alice. But she has news of her own - she's a male alien disguised as a human female. Then Elizabeth arrives, another alien who is to escort Alice back to the planet Nulark.

IMDB lists Courtney Cox as Alice.

From: guest (anon) , 79 months, post #8
Vladimir Vitkin's X,Y

From: guest (Guest) , 79 months, post #9
Novel: Forcible Entry by Stewart Farrar.

There's a section posted on this site, and years ago I read another section. Would love to find the whole book.

From: guest (Fed Up) , 79 months, post #10
A book is not a movie or TV show

From: guest , 79 months, post #11
I've wanted to see a movie called "Stop It, You're Killing Me". I remember seeing a clip of it years back but never been able to find the full movie. Had a gay zombie in it who bodyswaps with a gold digger con woman near the end.

From: Polover , 79 months, post #12
I am still DESPERATELY looking for Teen Bahuraaniyaan which had a possession saga towards the end of the series which from the synopses I've read, had everything I enjoy in possession arcs (explicit possession, separation & re-possession, interaction between possessor & possessee). The sad thing is, it was readily available until 2012 when zshare got taken down along with megaupload. Honestly, I would pay like up to $80 to be able get my hands on that arc.

From: guest (Lorinell) , 79 months, post #13
I am looking for POLISH DUBBED "Ice Angel". I know that it was released, but it's nowhere to found :(

From: guest (Gadzooks) , 79 months, post #14
(@post #11) I've been looking for "Stop it, you're killing me" for a while, there's a review with stills and clips at the Badmovie Archive but I haven't been able to find the full video yet.

From: guest , 79 months, post #15
holy crap I was just thinking about Stop It Youre Killing me the other day but couldn't remember what it was called. I remember seeing the body swap clip a loooong time ago on Mr. Bug's website.

From: Eric , 79 months, post #16
if you go to y tube & ype in Stop you're killingg me movie you can fins a trailer. Wwarning its super disigusting

From: guest (Guy Noir) , 38 months, post #17
Like the OP I seemed destined to never see Alien Love Triangle. Cannot think of any others at the moment but there has to be one or two.

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 38 months, post #18
There is this lost Asian film or series. Clips of it were around in 2001 and early 2000's.

The clips i saw had the girls blue brain flashing then causing swaps between people, including her.. There were multiple swaps too - between child and mother and between the girl and a friend. It looked modern so i had pegged it as Hong Kong cinema, but could have been wrong. Sadly i never found out the country of origin and the clips have long since dissapeared from the net - so no idea what to search for.

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