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The Next Doctor Annoucemnt Sunday.
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From: guest (barackobrahma) , 81 months, post #41
But, some timelords change their behavior whenever they revive. I think that it'd be normal if the doctor got in love... with a female companion, nonetheless.

From: Air Gear , 81 months, post #42
"For one, he's already been a woman ..."

Now when did this happen, may I ask?

From: Random , 81 months, post #43
I assume that he's referring to The Curse of Fatal Death, because everyone seems to like to trot out the non-canon comedy skit written for charity as proof.

From: Air Gear , 81 months, post #44
Oh right, thanks. I keep forgetting about that one.

From: A Pseudonym , 81 months, post #45
@Random Also this, if you'd bothered to read the whole thread.

Canon is purely subjective in a Universe filled with parallel universes, alternate timeliness and reincarnation, as stated by the studios and the showrunners themselves. Who's to say Joanna Lumley's doctor was any more or less Canon than Tom Baker's or John Hurts'?

It was "canon" for a while that Time Lords changed gender when they committed suicide.

From: A Pseudonym , 81 months, post #46

From: Air Gear , 81 months, post #47
The BBC. That's who's to say.

From: A Pseudonym , 81 months, post #48
The BBC have very specifically never legislated anything about Canon in Doctor Who.

From: Air Gear , 81 months, post #49
I was being serious. The BBC controls what Big Finish is and isn't allowed to use (the stuff from 2005 onwards was off-limits until they said otherwise), the novels and other media as well. There's also been times that they've changed what's in and what isn't in these areas.

They've basically exerted a similar power to Lucasfilm in relation to Star Wars Extended Universe media where Doctor Who is concerned.

From: guest , 81 months, post #50
I still don't understand why this upsets people so much when it's a central part of Doctor Who canon that the Doctor periodically becomes a different person. Why does it matter that one of those people might occasionally be a woman?

Actually, I do get it: I think it's part of an ongoing backlash against feminism, and it touches on sore points people have had the last few years around genderbending and racebending of characters and franchises (Marvel Comics, Ghostbusters, etc), and it has to do with the fact that women are much more comfortable identifying with men in fiction than men are with women, and of course there's some good old-fashioned sexism at work.

But still. It seems a bit silly to me. Even putting feminism and my interest in genderbending aside, this seems both perfectly in line with Doctor Who's canon and like an interesting way to freshen up a 54-year-old franchise.

From: Air Gear , 81 months, post #51
Who's upset? I think it's a great idea. Also, they were signposting it so heavily in so many ways over the last few years with ever increasing intensity, it actually would have made less sense for the next Doctor to be played by a male actor than a female actor this time around.

From: A Pseudonym , 81 months, post #52
I'd say comment #8, #38 and #43 all seem pretty upset.

Good comparison with Marvel though, guest #50. I think that the most obvious parallel it draws here is with Thor. That was a character that didn't fit the gender bend and seemed like spineless pandering. Whereas the Doctor is literally a genderless alien. He/She/It isn't defined by his sex in any way. I don't think we even know if he HAS genitals.

From: Air Gear , 81 months, post #53
Yeah we do. When he ended up in hospital and/or medical attention as the 3rd, 4th and 7th doctors at the very least, I think they would have noticed.

From: Random , 81 months, post #54
Exile is an alternate universe story where the Doctor escaped from his trial as the second Doctor and then regenerated into a woman for his third. It also stated that the way for a Time Lord to swap genders is to commit suicide, which has been shown to not be the case(although I suppose you can say that with the Master that's sort of what happened).

Regarding canon, as you stated it's up to the producers and showrunners(and as Air Gear said the BBC). So, much as I like the Big Finish audios, until Moffat said he's considering them canon they were just nice official fanfic to me.

Regarding Thor, while a lot of people were upset about him being a woman, I think a lot of people were also upset about a different character becoming Thor, as they were hoping that future hinted at in Earth X(I think that was the mini) where Thor himself becomes a woman would have been shown happening.

From: guest (guest) , 77 months, post #55
Tommorow is the night.

From: hskfmn , 77 months, post #56

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