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Transphobics Want to Ban our Body and Clothes Swap Videos on YouTube
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From: guest (vup) , 83 months, post #41
Oops, my second paragraph was directed to Fed Up's post #32


From: guest (guest) , 83 months, post #42
Not your personal army.

Don't try and play dumb here, you said it was the ex's fault. EX. Someone with a potential interest in the kids welfare perhaps. Trying to drag us into a family matter is ONLY going to make this worse if they find out you are recruiting from here to "help" you.

From: guest (Cookie Momster) , 83 months, post #43
@ Vup. Thank you for the support and helping to explain our points. 100% we are not going to piss off child services when the kids are at risk of being taken away. especially when it has now come to light from a children's lawyer that I am thought to be weird and dark and the videos border on child pornography. They also accused us of deliberately calling our channel Suburban Six so it could be a play on the words Suburban Sex. I know you guys don't have the history about my ex, but if he was truly concerend about the content of our videos would he let the kids watch SuperBad, Get Hard, Let's be Cops, Harold and Kumar, the Purge? why does he allow them to have their own YouTube channels if worried about online predators? And yesterday James got a call from a different CAS. They, unlike the CAS in my case, were apologetic for even having to call him but said they had to call to follow up and they don't waste time dealing with stuff like this when they have real abuse cases to deal with. My kids told me that my ex was asking them where James' daughter lived. so you can put two and two together. The difference is that CAS is not in a small town where I am.

Anyway, James and I obviously had no idea that this site is not what it appears to be or else we would have done things differently.

I am so sick of all this drama and am sorry for the drama it has caused on here. The kids will no longer be in any of our videos. God forbid we should make a video about cooking with them and they say I was really making a play on the word cocking. We will be rebranding the channel. without the kids we are no longer SIX anyway. Even without the kids in the videos, surely they will next say what kind of role model am I for having cleavage showing.

Rant over.

From: guest (Fed Up) , 83 months, post #44
Do not expect everyone here to fit your mold that you have pre-conceived

Sometime back I ran a site where people could post TG captions to pictures, with the explicit rule, no photos with minors.....Is the safe way to play it.

From: Miss Pinky , 83 months, post #45
CMom, don't you ever worry about how you look in the videos. You're a good parent for including your kid, and its really sad that you had to learn about the world this way. You're not nearly the next 'Daddy O'Five', but you and the kids learned and you can have fun. Do more genie videos with green screen if you want, with more kid friendly themes. That sounds like great fun for them.

From: guest (Cookie Momster) , 83 months, post #46
@Miss Pinky. You have no idea how much that meant to me to read your post. Thank you. I've been pretty down about this all actually no matter how strong I appear to be on the outside. Funny you should mention Daddy O'Five, b/c someone did say we are them but with our "fucking kink in place of hitting and yelling at children". What has the world come to when body swap is not considered kid friendly??? Unfortunately, the ex doesn't want them in videos period. #controlfreak

From: guest (CJRock) , 83 months, post #47
@CMom, it is super clear that you and J super-care about your kids and would never want them to be in harms way. I would dare to guess that's one of the reasons, maybe THE reason, the guy who brought this upon you is an EX. And I would dare to guess that's why you had such a public reaction to the EX ganging up, because he is ganging up against your kids and trying to harm them.

I hope you never lose the idea that it is fun to spend so much quality creative time with your kids, and that you never lose your resolve and strength by which you defend their fun.

I saw your videos as teaching your kids that the value of freedom. Freedom doesn't come for free and must continuously be explored and defended.

Statistically, there is little you can do on YT that doesn't draw something unexpected. That's just today's world. But it doesn't have to change your values.

Thank you for daring to put yourselves out there. The vast majority of people don't have the guts to do it. Even on this board, how many are anonymous (me included).


From: Miss Pinky , 83 months, post #48
The difference between you and Do5 was he was using his kids with his plan to get famous, and you guys are just doing things your kids want to do as a fun family project. The only difference between this and the 'family sing-along' of 25 years ago is that everyone on the internet can see this now and put their own spin on it.

From: guest (David) , 83 months, post #49
I enjoyed your videos, but yeah, body swapping is a,fetish for some people get off on this stuff so maybe don't have your kid wearing women's clothing

Personally I love body swapping because I want a break from my life, see from a new perspective and experience being a female. Its nice to see this scenario because gender body swaps are rare.

That being said, if it was an ex bringing all of this up, I can kinda see why, its a niche weird subject to a lot of people, but it shouldn't be, there's lots of body swapping episodes, movies, etc , hell that anime that was a world wide hit was about body swapping.
I guess if you include kids, don't have them wear clothes like that?

I do hope you guys beat this and make more videos

From: guest (abcde) , 83 months, post #50
I'm pretty sure I predicted this weeks ago...and was attacked ...besides the weird fetish crap do you think it is fair to put your kids in videos that will humiliate them when they are older? They aren't old enough to know this crap will never go away or why people want these videos. I hope you clear all your legal issues and your family stays intact but I also hope you smarten up and stop putting your kids future happiness at risk for a little fame and a few bucks...just my opinion (which apparently was right in that this would come back to bite you) so settle down Metamorph regs!

From: f2flover , 83 months, post #51
Boy am I glad that I prefer wholesome F2F bodyswaps where savvy mature MILFs take over the bodies of foolish unworthy sweet young things and put the bodies to better use and live happily ever after. :D

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