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Open TG Captions down?
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From: Carlsbad , 83 months, post #1
For the past 2 days or so, has been down. Any idea what's going on?

From: guest (Miteyhawk) , 83 months, post #2
According to the creator of Open Tg captions, Emily Thompson, in this twitter post she had some issues with the hosting provider and is being resolved.

From: guest , 83 months, post #3

That tweet was back in April, not related to the current downtime.

From: guest (Miteyhawk) , 83 months, post #4
Sorry about that I saw the day and year automatically assumed it was referring to the current down time. My bad.

From: hskfmn , 83 months, post #5
Bumping to try and get MSG Board back on track after spamming.

From: JosieChung , 83 months, post #6
Looks like it is back online again, but it's pretty slow, so be patient with it.

From: guest (Cornerodaweb) , 83 months, post #7
Yeah, I can get Open TG opened for a little bit, it's horribly slow and if I try to log in, I get the "took to long to respond" error.

Hopefully she gets it figured out.

From: IstraPsyche , 81 months, post #8
Any news on this?

From: rugal , 81 months, post #9
It goes down for days at a time practically every other week at this point so there's not really much to say.

From: guest (cornerodaweb) , 81 months, post #10
Yeah, love the site, but the inconsistency makes it really hard to log in and get into it again. Met plenty of great people there, but barely make it to the site due to knowing that more often than not it's down.

From: guest (Ttylttylalex) , 81 months, post #11
This is why I wish we just had a subreddit or something with that same kind of following. Things would be so much easier. Instead all that attention goes to waste on a site that can't even operate. It's a shame.

From: guest (cornerodaweb) , 81 months, post #12
Checked it earlier today and it was up. For how long remains to be seen.

From: guest (para) , 81 months, post #13
@ post 11 - People use it because it's a well-designed site that offers services that fit our needs pretty well. It's a shame that server/hosting issues are arising, but the creator put a lot of time into a great product and reliability issues can always be fixed. a subreddit would offer a completely, completely different functionality and wouldn't have many of the available features (like the preselected image database, favorites, ratings, etc.)

The hosting issues are likely to be eventually resolved again.

From: rugal , 81 months, post #14
>well designed

I'd argue that there are issues there. The search function is kind of a pain and there's no organization at all to anything. Why, for instance, is there no option to search by specific author/an author list to browse, a category list to easily scroll through instead of having to guess at tags, etc.? I believe there are other issues that make navigating and searching kind of a chore as well that I can't really check to jog my memory due to the site being down.

I'd say there are other problems too such as the inability to use Imgur (IIRC Imgur images just show up as blank); I'd say images should be directly uploaded instead of hotlinked from an image host too but I'd assume that'd bump up the cost of running it significantly. Still that means having to go through the admittedly minor annoyance of finding some other small image host that may or may not be shady, I know I've gotten images people have linked from whatever porn sites blocked and set off my antivirus. Plus if the host goes under or has issues or just decides they don't like hotlinking then you're SoL with that caption.

That's not to be negative since I very much like the idea of the site, I wouldn't visit or have used it if I didn't after all. Just that there's still lots of things that need to be ironed out to make it even better.

From: guest (m02) , 80 months, post #15
It is down again.
For the moment, we can post in:

From: guest (m02) , 80 months, post #16
Now, this is the Reddit version:

From: guest (TeaGeeYouSir) , 80 months, post #17
Has Emily ever commented on details as to what's going on? Is it JUST hosting issues or is the site being DDOSed? Or is the code strugging under the load of the user base/expanding list of caps and images? Some of those things the user base could help with.

And if it's just hosting, can she not get a refund? This has to be violation of terms of service, and she could move to a better host? If money is an issue, adding ads to the site seems pretty easy to justify. I know I'd be more than willing to click-through some banner ads each time I visit to support the site.

From: guest (Gadzooks) , 80 months, post #18
Right? It's gotten to be one of my favorite caption sites... when it works. I would gladly put up with some ads or make a donation or something if it meant more reliability. I realize hosting that quantity of images and profiles can't be cheap or easy to maintain.

From: guest (para) , 80 months, post #19
Images aren't hosted, only hyperlinked. That's why a lot of the older caps no longer have images, they were just deleted or moved by the actual hosts.

From: guest (guest112233) , 80 months, post #20
"Images aren't hosted, only hyperlinked" - which is why I personally don't think it's right to ask users to contribute money or have to put up with ads. The site is hotlinking images hosted on other sites, costing the other sites revenue and stealing from their network capacity.

"Is it JUST hosting issues or is the site being DDOSed" - I doubt a site as esoteric as OTGC has provoked the ire of anyone in control of a botnet, but likely the site is unable to withstand the sheer number of users that try to access the site.

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