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Good TG novels
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From: guest , 84 months, post #21
I will fear no evil - Robert Heinlein

From: guest (Lorinell) , 84 months, post #22
Brother Bewitched - new, and brilliant book. Fantasy, with magic, princes and princesses. And of course with prince turned princess. One of best book this genre on Amazon.
Best thing is, that this book has actual story and is not erotic (there are sex scenes, but lightly treated).

From: Holly Dunn , 83 months, post #23
Oh I just ran across this novel today, that Lorinell mentioned above. It was well worth the price, and is a very good read. Looking forward to the rest of the trilogy.

Brother Bewitched by Taylor Galen Kadee

From: guest (Lorinell) , 83 months, post #24
Another interesting book: The Wellspring (part 1 of trilogy).
Adult male died, and is awaken in fantasy world as teenage girl.
Good writing, interesting story, no strange fetishes or porn.

From: Random , 83 months, post #25
I'll have to look into the two above, although I am a little reluctant to start a trilogy without knowing that the author will be continuing it, as I have gotten a few books from Amazon that have claimed to be parts of series and are still the single book released.

A Feather Of Gwitharen: A Knight's Adventure (Circlets Of StoneTrilogy Book 1)
Transgressions (The Engelian Transformations Book 1)
A Glass Half-Full (Guardians of the Light Book 1)

All of the above I found enjoyable, but as I said nothing else of the series they started have appeared.

From: guest (Saint) , 83 months, post #26
I'm really not a fan of TG historical or fantasy but I was hoping to find something new so I gave BROTHER BEWITCHED a try. I'm really enjoying it. It's worth 5 bucks.

From: Air Gear , 83 months, post #27
Not exactly a book but it might be one day, I'd like to toss in this webcomic I've mentioned before especially since a number of novels mentioned here are in the same fantasy ballpark.

Some sort of fault has been reported with the archive and pages being displayed out of order in places (or skipped over) so apparently using the Comic Rocket arrows at the top of the page instead of the comic's own arrows lower down supposedly works properly.

From: Air Gear , 83 months, post #28
There's also currently an ad on the webcomic page for a short story for Kindle called "Suit Yourself" which is right in the realm of what this thread is talking about.

"Gordon's purchase of a lost suitcase would change his life in unexpected ways. Actually an artifact from a different universe and time, the SuitCase tempted Gordon with the possibility of living a life completely different than his own...."

From: Air Gear , 83 months, post #29
OK, that should be Suit Your Self.

From: Holly Dunn , 83 months, post #30
Without sounding too much like our long lost beloved brother CJ, I am really hoping this thread can stay on topic to actual novels (definitions of novel length vary, but I think 150-300 page minimum) would be great for future searches. Maybe graphic novels and 50 page stories, could get a new thread. The Scott Marcy novels posted earlier in this thread and available for "free" for those with a Kindle Unlimited subscription are what I love to see in this thread. These are novels with stories, and a major TG transformation theme. I had never heard of Scott Marcy before, so this was a great find for me.

Anyway, I bought Brother Bewitched 2 days ago, and I can't put it down, I am reading and re-reading it over and over. I am not a fan of medieval fantasy settings usually, but the gender aspects on both sides are brilliantly portrayed.

Air Gear, you always have wonderful contributions to this site, so I am not criticizing you personally for your suggestions of similar fantasy works of slightly different medium.

But this is a true novel, and is exceptionally well written:

Brother Bewitched by Taylor Galen Kadee

It is a 500-page novel with a brilliant world, a great central question about gender identity, transformations, amazing depth with side characters who all play a role in the story.

I really like this thread as a searchable page to find outstanding TG Novels.

From: Air Gear , 83 months, post #31
I'll cap this unintended digression with a link to Suit Your Self as the ad appears and disappears. I now note it's only 64 pages.

A point to ponder, do people here find that purely text stories work or more often than not, don't in the context of transformative fiction? I remember Face/Off the movie working gloriously as Nic Cage took Travolta's role and vice-versa while the novelization that I had flick through not so much as each character obviously carried the same name in describing the trajectory of the characters all the way through. The change wasn't so obvious.

I guess that was a roundabout way of saying, does it help to see something eg: film, TV, even webcomic as opposed to just text for this sort of thing?

From: Holly Dunn , 83 months, post #32
Hey Air Gear, to answer your question if I understand what you are asking,

I actually think written text stories are my favorite form of transformative media. Of course, I love good visual stuff, too, but if I try to categorize my favorite stuff of all time, I go back to stories. It may be the Point of View of the story, and maybe text fiction does it for me. I have found the text fiction lets me live in their world better than other media. For instance, once the foreign language Lalolas appear to have accepted their fate and just function as normal women, the series loses interest for me. In the Filopino Lalola that was episode 10. Even in movies like "Sam" I just don't feel like I am experiencing what the character does.

It sees like the visual stuff ultimately always disappoints me for the purpose I engage the story for.

It's been a while, for instance, that anything has made me as excited as the "Brother Bewitched" story we referenced above in this thread. That particular story really strikes me "where I am at" with my own feelings and spurs my imagination to the point I can't stop thinking about it.

There hasn't been any visual media that has stood the test of time with me compared to my favorite stories. "The Gypsy Stone" story at Fictionmania is by far my all time favorite transformative work, and even with all of the movies and comics that have come out through the years, I still think about that one the most.

From: guest (kj) , 83 months, post #33
"Other Shoes" by Carmenica Diaz

Great novel length read

From: Air Gear , 83 months, post #34
I know this page I link to below is saying something slightly different about something different but I think a bit of a problem with the MtoF fantasy fiction genre in any form (TV, film, etc) is that there's times when it's made out that the transformation turns out to be like the most amazing (good) thing to ever happen to the character (I thought the answer to the question "What's it like?" in Sam as a particularly egregious example) when it's probably more along these lines:

I'm guessing for men and women, each has its upsides and downsides.

I'll be honest, I can think of any written fiction specifically guilty of this but I'm sure it's happened somewhere.

From: guest , 83 months, post #35
@Air Gear #34

I don't see how the situation in that link related to the TG stories where the character are mostly involuntarily transformed. The link is about a man finally gets his lifelong wish to be transformed into a woman.

I think only a few people have, for the lack of better terms, "hardcore man soul" or "hardcore woman soul". If these people happened to be born as the gender other than what the "soul" (for the lack of better word) can accept, than the person would have gender dysphoria.

However, I believe most people don't have the "hardcore" soul & will accept whatever gender they being born into. In the unlikely event of magical transformation, the only thing that prevent them from accepting their new gender is the fact that they have been raised as another gender. Given time that barrier would eventually falls down & they will accept their new self.

From: Random , 83 months, post #36
Another one that I enjoyed

Jewel of the Gods

From: Air Gear , 83 months, post #37
Aha, they've changed the Tower/Skyscraper Ad on the webcomic I linked to with this:

Now, this one's 404 pages. I have no idea if it's any good or not but if you scroll down, there's even more novels linked to. No idea if they're any good either but I'm sensing a common theme running through all this.

From: guest (KJ) , 83 months, post #38
Amazon is full of crap TG/TV stories of all lengths. I think you should read it before recommending it.

It is a male to female surgery story...Well not even surgery or hormones. It is a TV story.

From: guest (KJ) , 83 months, post #39
"Other Shoes" by Carmenica Diaz......Forgot to add, it is a male and female co-worker who swap bodies.

From: Air Gear , 83 months, post #40
I figured people would use their judgment before picking any of those. I suspect most of them are probably terrible but maybe if the initial premise sounds OK, might be worth a shot. User comments and the like *might* be helpful, at least in weeding out the uniformly bad ones.

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