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Question: Lizzie McGuire, "Those Freaky McGuires"
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Lizzie McGuire episode Those Freaky McGuires
Lizzie and younger brother Matt swap bodies in this live action Disney show! NOTE This episode may be shown on friday in the final week of June or a bit later (July???) as Disney has scheduled a contest for voting online between this and another episode to be shown first.
From: anonymous* , 253 months, post #1
When will this episode be on TV??

From: swiftner* , 242 months, post #2
Tuesday, 8 7:30 PM Lizzie McGuire: Those Freaky McGuires 29 DISNEY from

From: comment* , 242 months, post #3
good ep. better if they were stuck as each other

From: Catoose* , 242 months, post #4
One . . . more . . . time: it was all a dream that Lizzie had. At the end, it's clear that Matt has no idea at all what she is talking about. Sorry, them's the conditions that prevail. Catoose.

From: on the other hand...* , 242 months, post #5
If you watch more than one episode, Matt often will pull pranks or otherwise try to make his sister mad at him, as younger siblings sometimes do.

So when Lizzie asks matt if it all was real, and he says something like "was what real?" it could very easily have been Matt simply trying to irritate his sister by making her think the whole experience was a dream.

Or maybe it was something that they quickly forgot as reality reoriented itself back to "normal". Or maybe Matt's male mind had to block out his memories of being a girl.

The facts, however, are that they both woke up at the exact same time after falling out of bed.

They both run out to meet the other sibling, and are both happy to see each other to the amazement of the parents.

The kids don't get along, yet here, in the middle of the night, they do.

Sure it might have been a shared dream, but the only way we would know for sure is to see what happens the next day. If the changes they made in each other's lives stuck, we would know for sure.

And since the episode ended, we don't get to see it.

It's actually very clever on the part of the writers letting them leave it all up in the air as to whether it really happened.

But since they both woke up at the same time and ran into the hall to meet the other sibling, it clearly appears to have happened, despite Matt's response. And also note he never says it DIDN"T happen.

He just pretends not to know, or doesn't remember what his sister is talking about, and lets her know in a slightly taunting manner.

So whether a shared dream, or a real experience, yes it happened to them!
Antagonistic siblings don't wake up and hug in the middle of the night for no reason!

Does it really matter though?
It was wonderfully acted and imaginative for a tween oriented series episode!

Why not just enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: anonymous* , 242 months, post #6

there is a site devoted to this single episode.

not much on it yet though. it does have about 30 members so far

From: None of it happend* , 242 months, post #7
It's a TV show.

Dream or not, It's still fake, so what difference does it make?

From: Totally Freaked* , 241 months, post #8
It's a lame episode,dawgs.Not worth watching.The tg process is nothing out of the ordinary.This ain't serious shit,dudes.

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #9
consider the medium.
Its a Disney Channel sitcom designed for teen and preteen children.
Given that, it was imaginative and funny.

A male character ENJOYING his stay in a female body is VERY extraordinary in the world of movies and TV! Especially when the character is a young boy!

At TV tome, there are reviews by (non transform oriented) fans of the show that both proclaim the high quality of the actress portraying a boy in her body and the particular episode in question. At the same time other reviews point out the concept of transgender swaps as being odd and risque.

Calling it lame doesn't seem to fit the episode in question.
Were you expecting the Disney folks to allow a 15 yr old girl to whip off her clothes? They didn't even do that in the major motion picture Switch with the adult Ellen Barkin. Compare that film to this little episode and the Disney episode stands out as a far better entertainment value.

I for one appreciate the effort they made.

You and the other naysayers have a right to your opinion, but so do those of us who appreciate the skills and effort put into making this episode better than it could have been.

BY just saying it's "not worth watching", you disrespect anyone who thinks that it is. Present your evidence like a real reviewer if you really think so. Just because you say it's lame doesn't make it so.
Tell us why you think it is, or don't bother us with an opinion that has nothing to back it up.

Labeling something lame without backing it up is rather lame itself!

Catoose, above us both, at least put in something from the show to back up his statements.

From: Eric* , 241 months, post #10
Lightened up & enjoy the show for what it was a very light hearted body swap, maybe it wa a dream, it doesn't matter that part of the show was tacked on to make it accetable to uptight adults. Its a funny show ith Matt enjoyign hiding behind Lizzies's sweet personal & getting away with pranks & being taaken as a big kid by especially older boys instead of being looked down as a young unk. I think Matt eventually enjoys being lizzy & playing pranks & fooling everyone & being bigger. I don't think he wants to stay that way but he's enjoying the day. Lizzy as Matt doesn't like it as much but does get pleasure in tracking down the one who really did the prank & also she cn understand her brother better. I think they both like each other bette fter the day. AND I think they owuld have done alright if they would have been switched. not great but all right. In some ways they were starting to be each other - like Lizzie, understanding Matt's non verbal friend. Seize the day!

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #11
Lizzie McGuire , "Those Freaky McGuires" they are showin Lizzie McGuire in the uk now on bbc 1 but when will this episode be on??????????????

From: TotallyFreaked* , 241 months, post #12
Yo,dawg.Chill.Here's the skinny.Given the fact that its a Disney sitcom,the episode potrays a number of lame senarios regarding the siblings screaming at each other after the swap.A total clique I might add.You can see this same reaction over and over again in movies like freaky friday and other shows.For kids,uninteresting puns are not appealing.Besides,its totally freaky seeing Lizzie acting like a lunatic.Uneducational to the kids man.As if the viewers would enjoy a moments peace of the so-called moral of being in others shoes.I think not.Too clique my brother.Besides,you're a believer that's cool.I say it's lame cause to me it's lame and cause i'm straight to the point.To explain even further may be a dent in one's pschy.Remeber dawg,this is a word life.Peace.

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #13
no must seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it boooooo hoooo!

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #14
A cliche is just something that has become commonplace. often that is because it feels right. Waking up in someone else's body would likely make anyone emit a scream of shock, and also of dismay if you had a really good body you liked and no longer had it! Freaky friday was originally a book and a movie 30 years ago and after 2 remakes and a male to male sequel, the scream of surprise may well be a cliche but what other response would you prefer? Laughter?

The episode goes beyond simply making some gags and jokes about the swap.

Like the brother liking being his sister, a girl.
Like both protecting their sibling against bullies.
LIke her older friends not able to see that "Lizzie" is not just acting a little more strange than usual that day.

Like Lizzie telling her brother's younger friends about the swap and them instantly realizing that explains the abnormal, unMatt-like behavior that day and believing her/him.

Even the ending, which leaves the viewer wondering if it happend to the characters or if it was a dream, is way beyond the norm. Any ending which can be interpreted so diversly by so many as this one is a superb example of high quality writing!

Where you see cliches, we see inventive ways of dealing with them!

Maybe you need to watch it again without getting focused on cliches. Focus on the good scripting and acting instead!

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #15
and by the way this cliche ridden book has just been published as a novel for the tween market!

I doubt they chose the episosde because many people feel as you do about the episode. It was voted as one of the best episodes by fans of the show a year or so ago for good solid reasons!

But I guess there are people who will want to tear down something just because someone says they enjoyed it.

Just look at all the cliches in Everyone loves Raymond. Yet is is a superb comedy BECAUSE of the cliches and how they deal with them.

Not that this series is on that level, of course.
BUt for the level that it is at, a young teen disney sitcom, it is a show with a lot of quality and heart!

From: TotallyFreaked* , 241 months, post #16
Dude,I think uare taking this way overboard man.However,respect i give to u dawg for a strangely familiar summer assignment paper type comment.Way wicked.U prove your point so keep it real,dawg.peace out.

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #17
wot does dwag mean???????

From: anonymous 1* , 241 months, post #18
4 the record, that last response wasn't from me.
and peace back at ya, TF!

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #19
i wanna see it ive been crying for ten days now

From: anonymous* , 241 months, post #20
i wanna see it ive been crying for ten days now

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