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From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 93 months, post #161
TF Woman into Flower 05 - Bambuluá, 48
Tiny Dancing Woman 47 - Bambuluá, 07,09,93

From: guest , 93 months, post #162
What show is "MISC TF Woman gets long nose 06" from? Looks Brazilian. Do you know of any other nose growth vids besides the ones you've posted here or on the fairy tales thread? Thanks.

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 93 months, post #163
MISC TF Woman gets long nose 06
- Caça Talentos, Capítulo 036

Nose grow vids ? Check out "O velkém nosu", "Český Honza", "Tři veteráni" and "Zázračný nos 2016".

From: guest (O) , 93 months, post #164

Could tell me where these from plz?

From: guest , 93 months, post #165
Where is this from?

- Size Tiny Woman - handheld 01
- Size Tiny Woman & Man, Giantess, Fairy, handheld


From: Bodyswap1 , 93 months, post #166
Anybody know what show the new female AR AP is from? It was posted today.

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 93 months, post #167
TF Woman into Bird (Chicken), Girl into Rabbit 65
- Jasupion 13 (Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion)
TF Woman into Bird Reptile Anthro 22
- Doctor Who "Vengeance on Varos"
TF woman man into birds, fox
- Der Zauberwald
TF Woman into Rat 23
- RumplCimprCampr

SIZE Tiny Woman - handheld 01
- Sugo, Episode 121
SIZE Tiny Woman & Man, Fairy, handheld
- Sugo, Episode 126

New AR AP Material:
AR AP Man and Woman into Children 34 + 35
- Caça Talentos, Capítulo 076 - 077 Maravilha Verde

AR AP Woman into Girl 36 - 38
- Caça Talentos, Capitulo 210 - 216,
Episode name: Eu, Bebel, 10 anos, Explorada e Mal tratada

or different counting: Capítulo 185 - 194

From: guest (Guest) , 93 months, post #168

What's this from? Looks pretty high quality, reminds me of Witches

From: guest (kltpzyxm) , 93 months, post #169
TF Man and Woman into Rat 33, reversed

From: guest (mad charles) , 93 months, post #170
Having a little hard time finding Valentins. Is it a movie? A series?

Not trying to ask for a link, just a little info to help search.

From: guest (Lee) , 93 months, post #171

Here is a website for the show Valentins. It has 7 episodes up.

From: guest (Lee) , 93 months, post #172

Here is the first full episode of Valentins that has the rat tf

From: guest (Guest) , 93 months, post #173
Seems the rest of the episodes are locked. Does anyone know if there are more TF's (animal ones) in the series?

Also, you probably get asked this a lot grenzgaenger, but how are you so efficient at finding TF's across obscure media? I'm really glad that you're posting these finds online for everyone else to see :)

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 93 months, post #174
My secret is: I have too much time. And I know how to use google and wikipedia. But mainly it's too much time.

So far there weren't any more TFs in Valetins. And it doesn't look good that there will be any other than maybe the villain being turned into a rat too at the end. But let's wait and (hopefully) see.

From: guest , 93 months, post #175
were is this from ? TF Boy into Dog 42 TF Girl into Cat 31

From: guest (guest) , 93 months, post #176
Where is this from? - TF Woman into Comic Character 01


From: guest (Ovid) , 93 months, post #177
TF Boy into Mouse 29
- Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum (1999)

What episode number does the mouse tfs occur in? Do they show the revert tfs and if so is it the same episode or a different one ( which one? )?

From: guest (mad charles) , 93 months, post #178
That one is actually from the movie of the same name, not an episode. I watched the bit from the tf to credits and did not see any revert tf. They kind of just go back to them with the one kid putting his hat back on after they beat the big bad.

The movie can be found on youtube, just search "castelo ra tim bum completo"

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 93 months, post #179
Exactly. Thx.

TF Boy into Dog 42
- A Minha Sogra é uma Bruxa, Episódio 24
TF Girl into Cat 31
- Jinny Oh Jinny - Season 1 Episode 104

TF Woman into Comic Character 01
- Caça Talentos, Capítulo 139 Segura Peão

From: guest , 93 months, post #180
thanks you for before

can't find were to watch

Jinny Oh Jinny

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