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From grundverkehrt
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From: guest (AdrenalineRush1996) , 90 months, post #321
Why do you disable comments on your YouTube videos and also, can you name the film in which this clip came from?

From: boundy22 , 90 months, post #322
Thanks for your reply and IDing the scene :)

I have a little Off-Topic question if you don't mind , For Indian scenes , Are you from India or you use a VPN to access them ? I tried several premium VPN Programs but none of them worked on Indian region locked websites so I hope that you tell me how you are accessing them


From: guest (vup) , 90 months, post #323
Putting the names or the clips anywhere on the page (comments, tags, description) runs the risk of google's algorithms flagging the clip and the account for copyright infringement. Even though it's technically fair use, it's a pain to have to deal with so, grundverkehrt answers questions here.

From: guest (AdrenalineRush1996) , 90 months, post #324
@vup, so it would render this thread meaningless?

From: guest (AdrenalineRush1996) , 90 months, post #325
I've finally checked where the clip came from. It came from the 1980 Soviet-Japanese animated film Twelve Months, which is based on the Russian children's story of the same name.

From: guest (vup) , 90 months, post #326
(I meant 'names of clips' on youtube and 'youtube's algorithms)

Yeah, earlier in this loooooong thread grundverkehrt mentioned that this thread was so we could discuss the content of his channel in ways we can't on yt.

It would be convenient to have that on yt, but then his channel would eventually go poof .

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 90 months, post #327
We live in times, where Hollywood hires people to take down movie clips and associated channels, and they do this without any thinking. They don't care, if a clip falls under Fair Use; they had even took down official movie trailers in the past. And of course they use search engines, so preventing any name of a movie or tv series to appear on the channel (clip name, in the comments...) makes the channel safer.
And btw once or twice each month one of my clips is suddenly blocked worldwide, because the rights holder has changed its policies. So the automatic youtube copyright algorithm keeps me already busy enough...

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 90 months, post #328
No, I'm not from India. And I don't have access to these premium sites either. If I search a certain video, I use google to find open sources. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

From: guest (vup) , 90 months, post #329
Technically, Hollywood doesn't have people trawling yt, rather they submit copies of their works, trailers, etc., which yt uses so their algorithms can find similar images and sounds. The algorithms are aggressive and intentionally err on the side of flagging legitimate uses.

It's the RIAA and MPAA's lawyers that make sure Google knows to use over-ambitious means so that Google doesn't get sued. Google (like this website) has to show due diligence when it receives a cease-and-desist notification. That means they have to take it down quickly and if the lawyers have to send these notifications too often, they get can anyway. Google's playing CYA.

I've seen a lot of yt channels complain about what a hassle it is to deal with this and how they can lose money if flagged as well as risk losing their channel.

There's a free and open source software organization called Blender that is used for (among other things) 3D CGI. They have made their own open source movies where they let anyone use any images or assets from the movies for free. They once had one of their own movies get flagged for copyright violation (they owned the copyright) b/c Pixar or somebody had a trailer or whatever with a poster and a half a second clip from the movie made by the Blender Institute.

So, yeah, it's pretty bad. Robots. :-/

From: guest (vup) , 90 months, post #330
2nd paragraph crx:

*...the lawyers can sue anyway.


From: guest (Henry) , 90 months, post #331
Grenzgaegner, I don't know if you read my comment but do you know what the witches are saying in the Ihlas das Bruxas clip you uploaded.

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 90 months, post #332
Sorry, but I don't speak Portugese.

From: guest (2826) , 90 months, post #333
Hi grenzgaenger when will you upload new clips``

From: guest , 90 months, post #334
Yeah..Wr're also waiting for new videos..
do you have some male Ar contents?? Please upload @grenzgaenger....

From: azerty47 , 90 months, post #335
I don't mean to sound rude, but please be patient, guys; one can't simply conjure up new clips to upload any time they want. If grenzgaenger hasn't uploaded anything new, that's simply because he doesn't have anything to upload at the time.

From: m2mpossession22 , 90 months, post #336
What's this from?
TF Man Into Mushroom 02

From: guest (metro4160) , 90 months, post #337
OH wow the TG scene was very disappointing and short thats a shame another let down on a side not anyone know where I can find the mTG swap movie "Woke up like this" ?

From: guest (grenzgaenger) , 90 months, post #338
TF Man into Mushroom 02
- Tajemství lesní země (2006)

From: guest (guest) , 89 months, post #339
Please where is this from: TF Woman into Bird (Chicken) 82 reversed

From: guest (guest) , 89 months, post #340
where is this from ?

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