From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #1 |
Hi guys, just wondering if you know any tail growths (off-screen or
on) from any movies, tv shows or cartoons? They're the best part of
animal tf's in my opinion. Or any tv ads/commercials that have
people with tails? I know O2 did the wag your tail ad and that was
great, things like that like.
Some I already know of:
Pretty much every adaption of Pinocchio
Billy & Mandy Werewolf TF
Harry Potter
Twitches Too
Johnny Test - Mary grows a lion tail (off-screen)
Totally Spies cat tf
From: guest (otherguest)
, 95 months, post #2 |
Hello! I feel the pain, trying to find any form of tail TF (male or
female) is exceptionally rare. I do wish there were a few more good
A while back a stumbled onto this website devoted to weird ads. It
so happens to have a tags list including tails. Sadly, this website
does not get updates very often. Hopefully you will like some of he
examples. I should warn you, most of them are not tail TF's, but
merely people with tails.)
I have one more site, this is devoted to Male Tail Growth. It has a
few gifs but the site never saw more than a handful of updates
since it was created.
I hope this helps you!
From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #3 |
Thanks :D
I've actually discovered wildtvad's tumblr blog just the other
week. Great content. Thanks for the other link tho. It sucks how
rare tail growths are
From: guest (otherguest)
, 95 months, post #4 |
Happy to help!
I was trying to find a thread on the process forums from a few
months ago regarding Tail Growth, but I have not had any luck
finding it. They find mostly Female TF over their but I recall a
fellow Tail TF fan who was happy to share what they had.
If I can come up with any more sources I will try to post it here.
On that note:
Show: The Librarians
Season: 3
Episode: 9
One of the Librarians is sparring with The Monkey King, who briefly
grows a tail during a flip. Super brief, but relevant.
Happy hunting!
From: guest (guest)
, 95 months, post #5 |
The horror movie BITE has one
From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #6 |
In BITE what kind of tail does she grow? Couldn't spot it in the
I found this Starbucks ad, guy has a beaver tail and buck teeth.
Pretty decent effects but wish it were a female.
From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #7 |
Ohh, found a decent one. Though it's off screen.
In Lost Girl S2E5 this hot girl slowly starts turning into a cat.
The transformations begins around the 25:00 mark, and around 35:00
and 37:00 you see her with a black cat tail swinging above her ass.
There's a close up shot of the tail at 37:20.
From: guest
, 95 months, post #8 |
there is a female charatcer in the anime "slayers try" who is
actually a dragon. She occasionally sprouts a tail in human form.
There is a good scene near the end of episode 2 or 3
From: guest (grenzgaenger)
, 95 months, post #9 |
Pinky Boy:
Agadam Bagdam Tigdam, episode 5
Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger, episode 10
Pardon My Genie, Episode 1
Nila/Nita Dan pohon kejujuran (44:00)
Baal Veer, episode 487, near end
Baal Veer, episode 814
From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #10 |
this ad on YouTube
Couple clips of girls wagging dog tails, mostly guys in it
From: guest
, 95 months, post #11 |
No mention of Jumanji?
From: guest (guest)
, 95 months, post #12 |
This girl sprouts a monkey looking tail under her skirt
From: guest (blabla260)
, 95 months, post #13 |
A regular Russian TG episode. After turning back to themselves they
briefly grow tails. Turns out the writer dictated the scene while
falling asleep.
From: guest (guest)
, 95 months, post #14 |
Oh man, great find! ^
You guys have a list of all the tail growths (off screen/on) you
know from the top of your head
From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #15 |
Found this the other week...
In this French McDonald's commercial, a woman enjoys a chicken
burger and sprouts fox ears and a fox tail as she bites down.
There's also a male version of the commercial.
From: guest (otherguest)
, 95 months, post #16 |
I just thought of a couple more:
Movie: A Troll in Central Park.
At one point a boy is turned into a troll, which includes a tail.
Show: Xiaolin Showdown
Season: 1
Episode: 3 (Tangled Web)
Series Antagonist Jack Spicer obtains the Monkey Staff, which turns
the user more monkey-like the longer they hold it. He gains a tail
at the beginning of the episode.
The monkey staff if used several times through out the series.
From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #17 |
In the show My Babysitter's a Vampire episode "Village of the
Darned" two girls accidentally gain mouse-like tails through a
spell. The transformation is off screen though.
From: guest (Guest)
, 95 months, post #18 |
In this Subway commercial a family of four enjoy their meals with
their cat tails wiggling behind them. Pretty random, the CGI is a
bit poor.
From: guest (vup)
, 95 months, post #19 |
That's so Raven - They turn into cows. Tails come in at some point.
From: guest (otherguest)
, 95 months, post #20 |
Show: Round the Twist
Episode: Dog By Night
Series Protagonist is partially turned into a dog by a vampire
flea. Tail growth is short but has a reaction.
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