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Altered Carbon - Netflix series
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From: Tal , 75 months, post #21
I've very quickly skimmed through it too.

Click to show spoiler
Rcvfbqr 1, jvgu 17:30 zvaf yrsg, srngherf jung V vzntvar ner gur flagurgvp obqvrf 'thrfg1' ersref gb. Gurer vf n fgevccre sgs funcrfuvsg sebz jung V guvax vf n juvgr unverq oynpx ynql, gb oynpx unverq Nfvna jbzra. V pbhyqa'g svaq nal bgure vafgnaprf bs gurfr - nalbar zvaq funevat vs gurer ner zber genafsbezngvbaf? Gunaxf!

From: guest (Jes) , 75 months, post #22
I've watched the hole episode, it is the only transformation. There are plenty of moments where they refer to a human soul in a new sleeve (body). I'm kinda interested if the main charachter will switch to another sleeve, to go undercover or so

From: Holly Dunn , 75 months, post #23
Why did they bring back a prisoner from 250 years ago? I get they will pardon him if he finds the murderer, but why bring this guy back? I started watching, but I missed that part.

From: Greg , 75 months, post #24
From what I understood it'd seem he was some sort of a cross between John Spartan and Simon Phoenix. A hyper competent terrorist.

From: Greg , 75 months, post #25
Why you would choose someone like that to lead an investigation into a murder I have absolutely no idea.

From: guest (Transformers) , 75 months, post #26
Anyone know the minute mark for the ep 9 possession

From: guest , 75 months, post #27
guest (Transformers): It's in the like first 10 min. I would just watch the whole first 10 minutes that have the Hispanic woman (Ortega) in it. You should see her getting out of the bath and that will be the moment it's really acknowledged. Before that she just says something like: "It took you long enough to find out." with a smirk.

I'd peruse to your heart's content for what gets you excited about this whole thing.

From: guest (That Guy) , 75 months, post #28
"Why did they bring back a prisoner from 250 years ago? I get they will pardon him if he finds the murderer, but why bring this guy back? I started watching, but I missed that part."

Big spoiler:Click to show spoiler
Uvf fvfgre jnf oruvaq vg nyy naq unq unq orra ybbxvat sbe uvz sbe 250 lrnef gb trg uvz gb pbzr onpx gb ure. Jura fur sbhaq uvz fur znavchyngrq Onapebsg vagb er-fyrrivat uvz.

From: guest (Transformers) , 75 months, post #29
Found it, but that's a possessed clone isn't it. Not the real Ortega

From: guest (Guest) , 75 months, post #30
Anyone see other Shapeshift/possessions?

From: Tal , 75 months, post #31
Can't check right now for times, but

Click to show spoiler
Nabgure SGS funcrfuvsg nobhg n dhnegre guebhtu rcvfbqr 10. Punenpgre gnxrf pbageby bs bar bs gur flagurgvp obqvrf gung pna genafsbez. (Juvgr erq urnq gb ure qrsnhyg oynpx nccrnenapr)Nyfb V guvax va rcvfbqr 4 (znlor?), vg vf erirnyrq bar bs gur evpu thlf qnhtugref hfrf bar bs ure zbguref pybar obqvrf sbe vagrepbhefr.V'yy trg pbasvezrq gvzrf yngre vs crbcyr pna'g svaq gurz. Unira'g npghnyyl jngpurq vg guebhtu fb V'z abg fher vs V'z cebivqvat pbeerpg pbagrkg rvgure.

From: guest (Tom) , 75 months, post #32
Any TG?

From: Bodyswap1 , 75 months, post #33
I’m on episode two of this exciting series. Hope they make a second season.

From: guest (That Guy) , 75 months, post #34
Some TG, all FtM. Dead grandmother put into big male biker type for a day was pretty funny. "Look, I'm peeing standing up".

From: guest (Mike) , 75 months, post #35
Where is the TG??

From: guest (Ksbeo) , 75 months, post #36
Anything else?? This series is Good!

From: guest (Guest2) , 75 months, post #37
No more TG. Sorry guys

From: Bodyswap1 , 75 months, post #38
Hope it gets pickup for a second season.

From: guest (ortega) , 75 months, post #39
if you can choose any female sleeves, what would be your preferences? For me 165-175cm height long legs, about 33in+ breast and 34 hip with 25 waist, blonde hair, green eyes. white, asian or latin

From: guest (johnny boi) , 75 months, post #40
hey #31, can you provide the time? i can't fimd it at all

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