From: guest (Switchchick)
, 85 months, post #81 |
Anyone know if a story was saved from writing.com that I had wrote
and a girl named Lauren and brittany slowly switching places with
each other
From: guest
, 85 months, post #82 |
Why does writing have such terrible servers? It's not like anybody
visits that site.
From: guest
, 85 months, post #83 |
I'm pretty sure they're faking it to get more subscribers. It's
just too uniformly randomized...
From: achilescomics
, 85 months, post #84 |
You know I was always looking for a story called 13 curses? does
anyone remember that one?
From: guest (penguin)
, 85 months, post #85 |
Achiles I think it was done by Morpheus.
From: guest (Audrey)
, 85 months, post #86 |
13 Curses was by Sandy Seeker.
From: guest (Dante)
, 78 months, post #87 |
Do we have any updates on this?
From: guest (CuriouslyCurious)
, 78 months, post #88 |
Runs in the Family was a favorite of mine that I added a lot to.
From: guest (Switchchick)
, 78 months, post #89 |
Now that writing.com is unusable I have started writing at
Would love any FtF writing added to anything I’ve written
From: guest (Dogmann)
, 78 months, post #90 |
Hey everyone. Sorry I have been dead to the world. I stopped for a
bit because writing.com was getting painful to use. Plus, I wanted
to change how I archived stories that were more friendly to upload
to fiction branches. The chapters in text files worked ok but it is
a pain to extract pieces from easily. I also wanted to be able to
easily move around the list chapters so it doesn't clutter fiction
branches. All that combined with work caused some delays. However,
I plan on making some good progress this weekend. Hopefully, I'll
have it ready so existing stories are archived more effectively
then convert the old ones I have that no longer exist.
From: guest (leon)
, 78 months, post #91 |
Hey, I think it's great you took this upon yourself, and it's
entirely understandable how much of a pain in the a** writing.com
has become to navigate. No rush, seriously, you've already done a
wonderful job!
You know what would be amazing? Just archiving the entirety of the
site and hosting it somewhere new without the shitty solution they
seemed to have come up with in keeping the site alive and running.
I have no expectations, just daydreaming right now =)
From: guest (Dogmann)
, 78 months, post #92 |
Thanks for the encouragement. The good news is that I did cave and
get an account so avoid the busy messages. Makes archiving easier.
Although, the coding of the site is not consistent and I am having
to reinvent a few things in my code. I have gotten it to work for
the most part except for a few story options having weird text
artifacts which can be manually fixed. I even managed to fix an
annoying bug that prevented me from saving the really deep
interactives. The only broken thing are pictures in the story which
is debatable how important that is since I am not prepared to host
those files.
The next step will be to rearchive everything in this new format
and try to convert the older stories into that format.
From: guest (IwishIwasALittleGirl)
, 78 months, post #93 |
Does anyone know why the stories were/are deleted? Did their
creators delete or was it the site by itself?
[sorry, english is not my first language
From: guest (IwishIwasALittleGirl)
, 78 months, post #94 |
>I'm pretty sure they're faking it to get more subscribers. It's
just too uniformly randomized.
Oh, absolutely!
From: guest (IwishIwasALittleGirl)
, 78 months, post #95 |
Speaking of archiving, for those interested, there's a terrific
story on writing.com about a little girl who makes a bunch of crazy
reality changes (including transform her parents in two little
girls dressed as middle aged men), I archived and I deeply
recommend it.
From: guest (IwishIwasALittleGirl)
, 78 months, post #96 |
Speaking of archiving, for those interested, there's a terrific
story on writing.com about a little girl who makes a bunch of crazy
reality changes (including transform her parents in two little
girls dressed as middle aged men), I archived and I deeply
recommend it.
From: guest (1RTH)
, 78 months, post #97 |
Dude if you can get this to work you are awesome. writing.com's
whole pay for viewing convenience just seems kinda scummy. Looking
around a bit on the site I found that they have 2,541 Authors (Has
at least one item in their portfolio) with paid membership, and
even if all of these authors only have the basic membership. (which
is $0.05 USD a day.) That means they get about $127.5 USD a day at
the least. And I don't think this even includes the people who "pay
for viewing convenience." All in all just kinda annoyed with these
"selfless" people, and if you can get this going, I would support
you just so everyone can have a nice viewing experience with no
"Resource Limitations."
From: guest (1RTH)
, 78 months, post #98 |
Authors have to pay to have their stories up on writing.com, so if
they delete their account or downgrade to a free membership all of
their stories are deleted. The only thing they can do is save the
stories on their computer or give them to another paid member who
has enough room to support the story.
From: guest (Tuckipop)
, 78 months, post #99 |
It's great to see all of the recent activity on this forum.
It truly is unfortunate how bad the writing.com situation has
gotten. So many deleted stories, and the site is nearly impossible
to navigate anymore. However, it's nice seeing this community meet
here on this forum in 2018.
From: guest (FreakyDuchess)
, 78 months, post #100 |
Just letting everyone know that I am also creating a mirror of my
writing .com story Freaky Duchess Body swap Enterprises onto
Fiction Branches, in hopes that more people will contribute to the
story more on the free site.
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