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Archiving interactive stories
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From: guest (lwb) , 87 months, post #61
If I may request, could you save this story?

I'll be sending more good stuff that I come across.

From: guest (Dogmann) , 86 months, post #62

Done! I have it saved now.

A quick update I have finished "Life Changed Forever" and will be starting the second story. It shouldn't take ad long but 10 episodes/chapter day limit means it will take some time. Once i get close, i will list the deleted stories i have saved and see if anyone wants me to prioritize a story.

On another note, there are some chapter that only list a couple of choices and no content. I chose not to copy over those since bearchive can give you up to six options and i don't want to clutter the system. I also have been trying to maintain the images, but some (due to the way i wrote my spaghetti code) I can't find. I will modify my code to save the original link on future chapters.

From: guest (Dogmann) , 85 months, post #63

I am almost through with a Life Changed Forever series, These stories are next on my list in no particular order, so if you want a story to be done first, let me know.

The Sex Game - A group of teens unwittingly stumble upon a magical board game at a party one night. This particular game forces various transformations on the group as the game progresses.

The swap for life - Christopher Dunn, an average teenager in high school will soon get a single permanent physical swap from someone and he will have to live with said swap for the rest of his lifeā€¦.How he will get the swap and what said swap will be is up to you to decide!

Psycho Witch Girlfriend - You're a 20 year old college student living on campus. In school you weren't that popular and have never had a girlfriend that is until you meet Samantha Black. The only problem is she's an extremely jealous and extremely powerful witch.

The Device of Transformation - Kevin finds a device that allows for various transformations

Doctor Mulligans experiment - Doctor Mulligan is taking people from his renowned bed and breakfast to conduct experiments on them.

The Cursed Object - One day, a character of your choosing finds or purchases an item that will change their lives.

Photomerge - You download a strange vision of photoshop and now you are able to merge people to create all kinds of hybrids.

From: guest , 85 months, post #64
IIRC the sex game got a bit raunchy/extreme for my tastes, so I'd prefer to see the others first.

From: guest (J) , 85 months, post #65
I'd like to see a swap for life

From: guest (Dogmann) , 85 months, post #66
Alright J, starting with A Swap for Life now. Had a few more drop off the sight. So there is like a 1000 episode backlog now. Should stay busy!

From: Nptox18 , 85 months, post #67
photomerge is awesome...

From: guest , 85 months, post #68
Wondering if Do You Mind and Role Rewriter have been archived

From: guest (Dogmann) , 85 months, post #69
Role Rewriter (the second one) was. I have to see if Do You Mind was as well.

From: guest , 85 months, post #70
thank you for checking and archiving

From: guest (Dogmann) , 85 months, post #71
It looks like I don't have Do you Mind archived. I did confirm Role Rewriter was on there. I will archive it after Swap for Life and photomerge.

From: guest (Dogmann) , 84 months, post #72
So if you have been following, I have taken a break from posting new episodes as I have received some feedback about some of the episodes I have been posting. There has been some criticism of the content (some episodes are not written as well as others). Other issues were the giant list episodes with tons of choices, or the short chapters. While I have attempted to combine lists into larger lists or super short chapters, I have tried to keep everything as close as possible to the original text.

I think it isn't an isolated person making this. I will respect the community I am posting am and think I will be more aggressive in combining chapters or eliminating large choice lists except for choices that are developed. I don't think for the purposes of archiving content, there will be much loss.

However, I wonder if I should even bother with some content that isn't the best quality. This could be poor story content or poor grammar. Is this something I should consider? Should I not bother at culling content or keep it as close as possible to the original in some other form (dumping the text files, another site).

Feedback is appreciated.

From: Nptox18 , 84 months, post #73
Hi dogmann...

Keep up the nice work...

Mind asking (because i seem to be missing that from the posts...) how can i read the interactives you've been archiving???


From: guest (Jjk) , 84 months, post #74

Any chance anyone has an archieve of this story?

From: guest (Tuckipop) , 84 months, post #75
dogmann, I just wanted to say thank you for your efforts. It is very cool to meet some individuals who share the same passion.

I too miss many of the now non-existent interactive stories on

If I may make a suggestion, on G7's "Addicted! 1" series has always been the greatest piece of tg writing I have found on the internet, although it is not a interactive. I would encourage all to check it out.

Thanks again dogmann

From: Tuggy24g , 81 months, post #76

From: hskfmn , 81 months, post #77

From: guest (Brayn) , 80 months, post #78
Two questions...

1. Does anyone remember which interactive was the one where you had two particular plot points. Firstly, there was one chain where it was a bunch of teens in some sort of haunted house where they got possessed, TGed and taken over by demons. The 2nd story point was a mad scientist doing all sorts of body part switching and whatnot, at one stage turning one of the teens into a clone of himself. I thought it may have been Moriarty Arms, but it's not. It was definitely a hotel style interactive and seems to be gone now.

2nd. finally has a "force archiving of this page" feature on their home page. It's called savenow. Apparently you can put in links and force to take a snapshot of it. Not sure how deep it goes or anything, but that may be the best way to start archiving content now instead of using the BE Addventure.

From: guest (Brayn) , 80 months, post #79
Dogmann, actually, one more question for you. How do you have the w.c interactives archived? Did you use HTTTrack or something to snatch them down or have you done it all manually?

Additionally, have oyu considered putting up the documents on a dropbox somewhere so others can help you transcribe?

Final question. Have you reached out to the fictionbranches guys who are developing FB3. They may have room for the archive stories on that site once the upgrades are finished.

From: guest (Brayn) , 79 months, post #80
Dogmann, go join the fictionbranches discord. I've discussed the idea of you using them to host the w.c acrhives you have of dead stories only. They're potentially able to use an automated scraper on your copies to automatically upload to FictionBranches.

Only for dead stories though, live stories are somewhat more legally hard to discriminate again.

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