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Archiving interactive stories
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From: guest (Meatball) , 89 months, post #41
Oh dang! Armchair lawyered gets outmaneuverd!

From: guest (Steamrolled Fan) , 87 months, post #42
Thanks so much for this. I was so heartbroken when Steamrolled deleted her entire Writing account. I've been looking everywhere for a copy of Roommate Trait Swapping, I'm so happy that somebody saved it.

From: guest (doomed) , 87 months, post #43
grr this thread reminded me how much I miss the interactive story House of Doom. It was so good and Ive looked everywhere for archives.

From: guest (mumbalo) , 87 months, post #44
yes, i remeber that story!
i really loved the part where the teenager and the woman get swapped from the waist down and everyone first thinks they stumble because of the narcotics, but then realize it's because of their unfamiliar lower bodies. i also immensely enjoyed the boys curiosity with his new body parts.

it's way too hard to find material like that nowadays

From: guest (Dogmann) , 86 months, post #45
Hello everyone! I appreciate that thanks. Makes it worth it though I am sure due to the nature of the content, there are a lot more lurkers who are also appreciative.

It looks like Stonefort28's stories get deleted which is a shame as Life Changed Forever is one of my favorites. I will be working on getting those uploaded over the next month.

From: hskfmn , 86 months, post #46
Bumping to try and get MSG Board back on track after spamming.

From: guest (Dogmann) , 86 months, post #47
Here are all the stories I will be archiving in no particular order.


If you want a story archived in case it gets removed, please let me know and I will add it to my list.

From: guest (Brayn) , 86 months, post #48
Damn, Life changed forever was deleted?

Dogmann, did you grab an archive of it before it went?

From: guest (Dogmann) , 86 months, post #49
Yup. I think I got everything up until March which is most. I think I may try to combine both 1 & 2 since 2 covers multiple characters and 1 just covers one and it'll be easy to do.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting these to get deleted, though I thought the same for sandyseeker as well.

From: guest (Brayn) , 86 months, post #50
You know, if enough people got together, I'd be happy to help build a new interactive-type website. I can code PHP and SQL pretty easily, I just can't afford to pay for a webhost.

From: guest (Dogmann) , 86 months, post #51

I think the issue with creating content is finding a stable host. There are a bunch of sites to host content, but very few stand the test of time. I would take a stable host than a website with better features.

Luckily, beaddventure has been around for a long time so I trust the stories are safe there and the admins are hopefully nice enough to save the database in case it goes down. Still, I would not discourage you if you wanted to do it and could give you what I have in terms of archives (Excel file with index, .txt files for each chapter, images that could still be found).

From: guest (Brayn) , 86 months, post #52
But that's always going to be the problem. Fiction branches went through 5 hosts in 2 years becasuse of hosting issues. for some unfathomable reason people actually pay for. CYOC is funded by... I dunno, donations?

Bearchive is funded by paid content, the adventure is just lucky that it hasn't been knocked off ages ago.

Paying for a host is the problem, it doesn't have to be stable as you can always move the back end. But no one wants to contribute money to it, that's the kicker.

From: Weirdoid , 86 months, post #53
Dogmann: I miss Sandyseeker's work too, especially her role swap story. I tried making my own roleswap thread on CYOC inspired her story, but no one (not even me, sadly) added to it.

In case you are curious, it is here, but it is just the intro.

From: guest (DatWeirdOne) , 86 months, post #54
Hello friends. For personal reasons, I will be leaving my account. I was hoping I could leave my stories in the hands of someone who will take care of them.

From: guest (Dogmann) , 86 months, post #55
I would take it but that would require subscribing right?

From: guest (Karas) , 86 months, post #56
By any chance were you, or anyone at that, able to save the old interactive The Remote of Change? I know there was a couple with that name but I'm looking for the one where the inventor father sends his Hispanic daughter in college in Europe a reality changing device and a set of wristbands that let the wearers be aware of the changes. There was one thread line where she swapped lives and bodies with her roommate-turned-boyfriend's mother to make their new sex life even more wild.

From: guest (Brayn) , 86 months, post #57

One alternative if you can't hand it off to someone who has a slot and/or money, go and change the password and email on your account, change it's name and give the account to someone else who can keep an eye on it.

I also know dayaman regularly takes over storie from other users and he's quite prolific in several of your stories, you could approach him to take them over too.

From: guest (lwb) , 86 months, post #58
Does anyone remember one story, where this family breaks down in front of a haunted house? I remember one of the choices being a mad scientist who swaps their bodies and then they meet a bunch of other bodyswapped victims and they get their revenge by swapping him with a mouse or something.

Also, has anyone saved "Thirteen Curses"?

From: guest , 86 months, post #59
lwb- I think your looking for the same one I am called House of doom. sadly i dont think anyone has it saved anywhere

From: guest (Dogmann) , 86 months, post #60
Nope sadly, "Thirteen curses" and "House of Doom" didn't get archived in time. That Remote of Change sounds really interesting. I have a feeling it also bit the dust.

Anyways, if you have a request let me know. Still slinging away at Life Changed Forever. Pardon for any copy/paste mistakes and consolidation that happens.

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