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Stewardess-transgender: from the flight attendant Bernhard to the flight attenda
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From: guest (Siren Tales Productions fun) , 87 months, post #1
Meet Johanna Hackl, ex Bernhard, 34.
Flight attendant, working in Austrian Airlines .
And worked there since she was a male, Bernhard.

From: guest (Yuck) , 87 months, post #2

From: guest , 87 months, post #3
Yuck? I think she's fairly cute.

From: guest (Yuck) , 87 months, post #4
So he was born a male correct? Has it been scientifically proven that his male DNA is now female DNA? Once that happens then he can be a she. Until that happens, he's a he.

I thought liberals "believed in" science.

From: guest (Kara) , 87 months, post #5
Slink back to your damp cave, troll.
Clearly, you prefer to remain in the dark away from the world of men.

From: guest , 87 months, post #6
South Park already went over this. Transgender are not biologically the gender they want to be but feature phyiscal characteristics that one would have.
Kyle was not Black

From: guest , 87 months, post #7
We gonna get into the whole "what makes a man a man and a woman a woman" argument on here AGAIN?

Get over it, people... It's a debate over terminology! And, no matter what criteria you use, there will always be exceptions including genetics: people with AIS would be judged to be women by almost ANYONE'S definition, yet they are born with XY chromosomes.

And, again, no matter how "good" you think you are, I know people who would "fool" you. WHAT purpose does rehashing this EVER serve????

From: guest (Yuck) , 87 months, post #8
So you liberals "don't believe in science"?

If this human wants to be a woman so much, why not go all the way and have the penis removed?

Did you just say "world of men"? Are you implying that the word "men" includes both men and women? Check your privilege.

From: guest , 87 months, post #9
Ah, so, if this person DID have a penis removed, they would THEN be a woman to you?

From: MissMako , 87 months, post #10
Actually YUCK - you are scientifically and medically incorrect. Ignorance breeds HATE. Here's some homework for you?

The Neuroscience Of The Transgender Brain

The Biology Basis For Transgender People

From: guest (ROBOT HUNTER) , 87 months, post #11
I think Yuck is that decepticon i embarrassed a few weeks ago. How's it been? You here to pull the same ol' shit again? Why are you like this? Why is it that when trans people are mentioned, you have to come in and just shit on the conversation with your half-baked arguments and stirrings of neurons barely cohesive enough to call thoughts? You could just not. It's not that hard. It would probably be good for you, honestly.

From: guest (Yuck) , 87 months, post #12
You hate the fact that I don't bow down to your PC bullshit. A man is a always a man. A woman is always a woman. You can't fight fate, facts, and science.

A man can say he is a woman until he is blue in the face but I'm not going to call him a woman because he's not a woman.

From: guest , 87 months, post #13
And, as has been aptly demonstrated, an ass is always an ass.

From: guest (Eric) , 87 months, post #14
Yuck, what does a person so tolerant and comprehensive as you.. is doing on a site like this in the first place, just by curiosity?

I mean, it's unusual a person with your views regarding transgender people ever finding up this site to start with. This site, which's basically devoted to stories and content involving transformation (especially male to female transformation).

Unless, of course, that person fantasize himself being transformed into a woman and this's something that they would like happen with them, if they could. Like, they wish they were a woman.

I was just curious to know if this is your situation.

'Cause the whole thing to me, your comments, it seems that... I don't know, it seems envy on your part. Like, you wish you had the courage to a be woman, as this person had. But you don't.

So you are like "Oh, he's still a freaking man, even if he acts, looks, and lives as a woman. Cause that's how we know if a person is a woman or a man, we get a drop of their blood and we do a blood test to know if they are XX or XY. That's how I know that everyone that I ever meet in my life is a man or a woman. Not because they way they look, act, dress and behave, but because of their blood. I mean, you can tell if someone is a man or a woman just by staring at a little bottle of their blood with your bare eyes".


From: guest (CABELAS ROBOHUNT) , 87 months, post #15
Yup, I think Eric is onto something there. And speaking of chromosomes, I kinda wanna learn to karyotype so I can be the official gender police, the silent defender of bathrooms. They'll never realize I've been trains the entire time. Choo choo.

Also, my favorite part of these chats has been having science explained to me. Like, really. I love when think they've won when they quote high school biology at me. I never use this bc this is the internet and there is no way to prove anything, but I'm going to grad school for neurobiology right now. Like, does studying what I study make me an instant expert in sexual differentiation? No. Still, we covered all the pathways in physiology, and it is relevant to my work which focuses on the perinatal period just a bit after sexual differentiation of the brain is initiated. Once someone tells me that I am denying science, I just have to laugh it off. Dropping credentials is rude and unverifiable, and lecturing them on the science is a waste of my time. They aren't gonna agree no matter what. It's why I'm not gonna debate a creationist (no offense to any here, love y'all anyways); there's no point.

When it comes to the more annoying of the transphobes, I'm content with ignoring their points and fixating on making them look silly, which is normally pretty easy.

From: guest , 87 months, post #16
The above is exactly why I ask people "So, to you, what makes someone a man or a woman?" and then start asking them about the exceptions (i.e. perfectly "standard" appearing females who are XY) and it's funny how quickly they start calling me names. No matter what your definition is, there are exceptions -- it's just a matter of how many and which ones.

From: guest (ROBOHUNTER ULTIMATE) , 87 months, post #17
Good point and strategy. much socratic. Upside to your method is that if they somehow are reachable, this will make them come to the conclusion on their own. My method is just for kicks, really XD

From: treecatt , 87 months, post #18
And what about people who are XXYY, XXXY, etc? Man? Woman? As much as some people would like to believe the human condition is not binary.

From: guest (guessed) , 87 months, post #19
@MissMako #10 Actually YUCK - you are scientifically and medically incorrect...

There is little to be gained by citing citations, and here are the citations to explain why

It is possible to win the argument, but scoring the conversion from reactionary to progressive is just about as likely as effecting a conversion from gay to straight.

The anxiety that drives Yuck to the "simple answer to a complex question" worldview -- despite the consistent failure of this model to predict or explain anything -- is likely attributable to his neuroanatomy.

That is not to say that he cannot change -- the brain is a plastic organ. It is just very unlikely that he will be persuaded by reasoned argument.

Similar to the "I was liberal until I was mugged" story; what might turn him around (what might turn any of us around) is a dilemma which forces him to choose between a largely philosophical proposition (in this case, the essentialist and binary model for gender) and something of greater value to him. A dear friend, a beloved relative, a childhood hero, his idea of himself as moral or good ... if holding on to this version of reality costs him something like that, he may be able to get past it.

Posts on a discussion forum probably won't do it.

From: guest (Yuck) , 87 months, post #20
I never said a man can't "say" he is a woman or a woman can't "say" she is a man.

I simply said they aren't going to change my mind. They have the right to their opinion and can express it but that doesn't mean I'm going to bow down and support it.

I have my opinion and you have yours. You don't like my opinion so you're losing your shit over it and I think it's hilarious.

Why do you even want me to agree with you in the first place?

In reality, I don't really care about it. I am just stating my opinion which you obviously don't like. When it comes to politics, I am mostly apathetic. I don't care one way or another. Do whatever you want as long as you don't bug, annoy, or otherwise interfere with my daily life and routines.

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