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TG Storytime VS FictionMania
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From: guest (L) , 54 months, post #41
Check Fictionmania: Chapter 48 of a shitty story I don't care about. Check the next day: Chapter 49 of this shitty story I don't care about. Maybe once every other month something appears that appeals to me. I mostly re-read old stories.

Check TG Storytime: a third of a decently written story that is then never finished. The readership stats can, and have been, easily manipulated. Also, it has been down intermittently ever since that weird Chinese guy spammed it last month and caused a user meltdown. I wonder if it's getting attacked.

Both sites suck now. DeviantArt had some occasional gems, but that site has become completely unusable after their reboot. Stuff is mostly still there, but good luck finding it. Amazon is flooded with what looks like cut and paste garbage, so if there is anything good, it's impossible to find, and who wants to take the financial risk to find the gems? I wander into Storysite every so often and the quickly leave again because it gives me a major headache. Age Regression Archive is completely broken and stuck in a ditch going on several years, but was already long overrun by the diaper pee and poop fetish people so didn't have much to offer anymore. Most of the photo captions are weaksauce if you can even read the early 1990's level outlined fonts used.

That was a long rant. I just honestly want a good site with new, fun, creative, and interesting transformation fiction of various types in the sci-fi or magic genre with a decent interface and without a lot of drama or cliques.

From: guest , 54 months, post #42
cyoc is trash

From: guest (yup) , 54 months, post #43
my 2 cents- FM used to be king until writers pulled out for amazon ( which also blows) and its been limping to death since. i used to waste days reading a+ authors but i seriously havent found a decent new story there in at least two years. i think shes dead outside of a library of classics

tgs- i like the potential, the search is def better but the development of talent is slow. one gripe is that you still cant search by views or ratings to cull the chaff. overall i kinda feel the whole fetish is in a lull and too dispersed for how small the interest is

From: guest , 54 months, post #44
i do not see fictionmania
i am not seeing fictionmania

From: guest , 54 months, post #45
liu is that you again. stop bumping this thread.

From: guest (Principal Stanley) , 42 months, post #46
Both are subpar to be sure...

From: guest (Aim cannonballs here) , 42 months, post #47
I'll probably be keel-hauled for necroposting and an unpopular opinion, but I have to say this, and I can't at FM.

I'm interested in all kinds of transformation, including gender. However, crossdressing feels like acting to me. It's a guy acting like a girl or a girl acting like a guy. When I read TG fiction, I want to read stories where the characters are physically transformed and everything going along with it, good and bad. Too many CD stories are "dude puts on a dress, gets humiliated and finds out it's the best thing ever."

One good thing is when I see the words "crossdressing" or "sissy" in a story's descriptions or keywords, I can skip it and move on to something else. It saves so much time.

From: guest , 42 months, post #48
> When I read TG fiction, I want to read stories where the characters are physically transformed

Sums it up for me. Basically eliminates most content on FM for the last several years.

From: guest (Hong Chen) , 8 days, post #49
Both suck to be honest. Wish I have the means to start my own website for transformation stories only (STRICTLY NO CROSSDRESSING),

From: guest (KJ) , 8 days, post #50
I don't know about all sites, and though I love Fictionmania. The amount of crappy AI stories is becoming unbearable

From: Mr. Ram , 8 days, post #51
Don't read the AI stories. I don't.

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