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Super X Mexican TV series
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From: guest (tim) , 88 months, post #41
I hope some can upload the episode, can't wait to see this show!

From: guest (Guest2) , 88 months, post #42
I smell a spam posts here

From: guest (Zeron) , 88 months, post #43
Which episode is it in, I can't seem to find it?

From: guest (metro) , 88 months, post #44
someone be a kind soul and upload the video or even some screen shots of the TG transformation would be excellent please oh please!

From: guest (Alf) , 88 months, post #45
Has anyone found anything yet, as in uploading the episode?

From: guest (Mr X) , 88 months, post #46
Hey, so I just checked out the the episode in question. It's the 8th episode, called "No Tengo Chichis Si Tengo Chichis". Unfortunately, I don't know how to get footage of the episode, but at least I can tell you what happens in the episode as best I can (since I don't know Spanish and thus, can't understand the dialogue).

Click to show spoiler
Gur punatr fgnegf nobhg 8 zvahgrf va. Gur thl, anzrq Nyrk, vf ng n one jvgu 2 jbzra (V'z thrffvat sevraqf bs uvf). Nf ur vf gnyxvat jvgu gurz, ur tebjf oernfgf. Ur chyyf uvf wnpxrg pybfrq naq ehaf bss gb gur onguebbz. Juvyr purpxvat uvzfrys va gur zveebe naq cnavpxvat va gur onguebbz, ur trgf n ivqrb pnyy sebz bar bs sevraqf. Nsgre gnyxvat gb uvf sevraq, ur fgnegf cnavpxvat ntnva naq juvyr ybbxvat va gur zveebe, ur fgnegf funxvat uvf urnq snfg yrsg naq evtug naq pbzcyrgryl punatrf vagb n jbzna (juvpu vf n cerggl tbbq rssrpg bs uvf tebjvat naq snpr fuvsgvat vagb n jbzna'f snpr). Ur fgbcf funxvat uvf urnq, frrf gung ur vf abj n jbzna naq fpernzf, juvpu yrnqf vagb gur bcravat perqvgf. Nsgre gur perqvgf, gur sevraq Nyrk jnf gnyxvat gb ba ivqrb pnyy orsber fubjf hc va gur onguebbz naq fgnegf uvggvat ba gur abj srznyr Nyrk. Ur gura pbaivaprf uvf sevraq gung vg'f ernyyl uvz (guvf sevraq frrzf gb xabj nobhg uvz univat cbjref). Nyrk frrzf gb jnag uvf sevraq gb farnx uvz bhg bs gur one. Orsber gurl yrnir gur onguebbz, Nyrk yrgf uvf sevraq tebcr uvf arj oernfgf, ohg ner pnhtug ol gur wnavgbe naq gurl dhvpxyl yrnir gur onguebbz. Nf Nyrk vf gelvat gb yrnir, sbe fbzr ernfba, uvf sevraq qentf uvz bire gb jurer Nyrk'f 2 jbzra sevraqf ner naq fgnegf punggvat naq unatvat bhg gurz (gur sevraq xabjf gur 2 jbzra gbb). Nyrk unf gb cergraq ur'f uvf bja pbhfva (V guvax) anzrq "Nyrkn". V'z thrffvat Nyrkn raqf hc trggvat vaivgrq gb na nyy tveyf cnegl ol gur 2 jbzra. Riraghnyyl, Nyrkn naq gur sevraq pbzr onpx gb gurve ncnegzrag naq zrrg hc jvgu gurve bgure sevraq (jub nyfb xabjf nobhg Nyrk'f cbjref), jub'f fhecevfrq gb Nyrk nf n tvey (abg fher vs gurfr 3 thlf yvir gbtrgure). Gur 2 sevraqf trg n ohapu bs tveyf pybgurf naq znxr hc naq yrnir Nyrkn gb trg ernql sbe gur cnegl. Phr gur zbagntr bs thl va jbzna'f obql fgehttyvat gb chg ba jbzra'f pybgurf naq znxr hc. Gur bhgsvg ur cvpxf bhg vf n erq cnagf qerff (cnagf qerff? Vg ybbxf yvxr n qerff, ohg gur obggbz unf 2 yrtf vafgrnq bs n fxveg) jvgu n oryg (Lrf, gur arpxyvar bs gur qerff fubjf n yvggyr pyrnintr sebz fbzr natyrf) naq bcra gbr uvtu urry fnaqnyf. Nyrkn'f sevraqf pbzr va naq frr gung Nyrkn qvq n cbbe wbo jvgu gur znxr hc (yvc tybff naq anvy cbyvfu) naq uryc Nyrkn erqb gur znxr hc. Nsgre gurl svavfu, gurl urnq bire gb gur cnegl, juvpu vf ng gur ncnegzrag gung gur 2 jbzra yvir naq vf va gur fnzr ohvyqvat nf gur thlf ncnegzrag. Gur 2 sevraqf gel gb pbzr va gb gur cnegl, ohg ner xvpxrq bhg ol bar bs gur 2 jbzra sebz rneyvre (fvapr vg frrzf gb or na nyy tveyf cnegl). Naljnl, guvf cnegl pbafvfgf bs Nyrkn naq n ohapu bs tveyf fvggvat nebhaq, punggvat, rngvat phcpnxrf, naq qevaxvat orre. Nyrkn frrzf gb hcfrg bs gur 2 tveyf sebz rneyvre (V guvax) naq urnqf bss gb gur xvgpura. Gurer, Nyrkn frrzf gb unir na rawblnoyr pbairefngvba jvgu gur bgure bs gur 2 tveyf sebz rneyvre naq gurl fgneg qevax sebz n obggyr bs ibqxn. Fbba gur cnegl trgf n yvggyr penml, jvgu ybgf bs ibqxn qevaxvat naq phcpnxr svtugf (yvxr n sbbq svtug, ohg jvgu phcpnxrf). Nf gurl'er cneglvat, Nyrkn abgvprf fbzrguvat nobhg uvf/urefrys be fbzrguvat (Bar bs gur tveyf sebz rneyvre fnlf fbzrguvat gb Nyrkn naq Nyrkn trgf n pbashfrq ybbx ba uvf/ure snpr; ernyyl jvfu V pbhyq haqrefgnaq Fcnavfu gb haqrefgnaq gur qvnybthr). Nyrkn ehaf bss gb gur onguebbz, ybbxf vagb n zveebe naq fgnegf funxvat uvf/ure urnq ntnva naq genafsbezf onpx vagb Nyrk (guvf jnf gur fprar gung jnf va gur genvyre). Nyrk gura pnyyf hc uvf sevraqf gb (V thrff) fubj hc gb gur cnegl naq qvfgenpg gur tveyf juvyr ur farnxf bhg bs gur cnegl. Nyrk trgf onpx gb uvf ncnegzrag, fgvyy jrnevat gur tveyf pybgurf ur jber gb gur cnegl naq vf pnhtug ol uvf Zbz (V guvax gung'f uvf Zbz; nyfb, V thrff fur yvirf jvgu Nyrk naq uvf sevraqf be whfg Nyrk). Nyrk'f "Zbz" fnlf fghss gb Nyrk (ntnva, qba'g haqrefgnaq Fcnavfu, fbeel) naq gura gur "Zbz" yrnirf. V guvax gung'f jurer gur rcvfbqr raqf. Univat n uneq gvzr erzrzorevat vs nalguvat ryfr unccraf va gur rcvfbqr nsgre gung. Gur yrnfg V pna fnl vf gung'f vg sbe gur traqre genafsbezngvba cneg bs gur rcvfbqr.

Anyway, I hope my recap of the episode will give you enough of an idea of what happened in the episode and will help you figure out if the episode is worth checking out and also help tide you over until you can find footage of the episode without having to deal with region issues. I can tell you, that was a pain in the ass to try to get around. But, at least to me anyway, this episode was kind of worth it. If only I knew what they were saying though. :)

From: guest (tim) , 88 months, post #47
Thanks @Mr X, can you use a chrome extension that can download the episode?

From: guest (Mr X) , 88 months, post #48
You're welcome, @tim.

I tried using firefox extensions (since the browser I mainly use is firefox) to download the episode, but I couldn't get it to work. Not sure if it's the extensions that don't work or if it's just me and I don't know what I'm doing.

From: guest (tim) , 88 months, post #49
@Mr X If you have chrome it's much easier to do so, you go to settings, then extension

From: guest (Mr X) , 88 months, post #50
What chrome extension do you suggest using?

From: Heri , 88 months, post #51
I tried using chrome extension but it does not work.
Also Mr X description is quite accurate.

From: guest (Mr X) , 88 months, post #52
Thanks Heri. At least I know it's not me and the problem is actually with the extensions.

From: guest (rush) , 88 months, post #53
I'm too laaaaaaazy. Some1 please download it and post it. Pretty please. :)

From: guest (Mr X) , 88 months, post #54
Sorry @rush. If I knew how to download it, I would. Believe me, I've tried.

From: Athurnm , 88 months, post #55
there is a way to retrieve the video using camc***der but it's probably inflicted with copyright infringement law of this forum

From: guest (rush) , 88 months, post #56
@Mr X, tell me if it's worth jumping through all of those hoops to go see it. Thanks!

From: guest (tim) , 88 months, post #57
That's a great idea @Athurnm, can you some who has access to the episode try this idea?

From: smrwilly , 88 months, post #58
The second episode is on Youtube (write "Super X" "capitulo 2"). You have just to wait some days for the 8th episode.

From: guest (tim) , 88 months, post #59
@smrwilly How do we know if the 8th episode is going to be uploaded?

From: guest (Tglover) , 88 months, post #60
Try to download free Icecream Screen Recorder ... and then take screen shoot or a part of the video of transformation ;)
and then tell to all the link ^_^ ! only the transformations

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