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I don't think I would wear pants (that often) as a woman
From: guest (Bud) , 90 months, post #1
I know I have been posting a lot in here lately and I don't mean to be annoying or anything bad. I'm curious about discussions about this stuff.

So back to not wearing pants as a woman. I am willing to admit that I have a leg/foot/boot/heel/hosiery fetish. I think that has a lot to do with me not wanting to wear pants if I was a woman whether it was a swap or transformation. I mean swapping with the opposite sex would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I just think if I was placed in the body of a gorgeous woman, I would want to show off the beauty of that gorgeous woman.
I wouldn't necessarily cancel out wearing pants as a woman. I'm just saying I would stick to shorts, skirts, and dresses mostly. Got to show the legs off and who doesn't like a cool breeze up their butt. Another thing about wanting to try shorts, skirts, and dresses is that if I'm in a body where it's the norm to wear them then why not? Why just restrict yourself to pants?

Is attire that important in your fantasy about body swapping or no? I know some people probably don't care what they're wearing if they were turned into the opposite sex. Would you want to wear pants more or would you be willing to be daring and show off your legs?

From: guest , 90 months, post #2
I would probably do both. I personally have a liking to thigh high and above boots, so if the outfit looks good with either pants or something that shows off the legs, I'm fine with either.

From: cj , 90 months, post #3
"Is attire that important in your fantasy about body swapping or no?"

It is to me. I yearn to have the appropriate body with which to experience several different clothing options that are inaccessible, inappropriate, ill-fitting, or socially unacceptable in my current form. I'd mainly like to experience the feel and fit and texture, etc.

I think some of the clothing choices would have me feeling uncomfortably naked or "on-display", but I wonder if I would become accustomed to it or not. Other choices seem like they'd be more of a chore to deal with than I would like. But I don't think that these things would deter me from wanting to give them a try.

I also want to note that many of us want to be a "gorgeous woman"... now me, I'd be okay with moderately attractive, yet I'd still prefer to be attractive throughout my adult life. But then, what happens if your chance to swap with a woman is with a healthy, but not so attractive, or even a slightly unhealthy and not so attractive woman?

No matter what appearance your new female form has, you're going to have to know enough about it to figure out whether you need extra seat or hip room, or perhaps you'll have to accentuate or hide certain features. Maybe there will be a specific brand that fits your body better than the others. And what about how your body changes through the month and over the years, and perhaps just with the seasons... and speaking of seasons, don't forget that some of us live in places where there are four, very different seasons every year. It might take a while to find the right style for your body... and it may not be what you're thinking that it be... eh, I guess I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here. But yeah, we may not get the exact perfection that we're dreaming of (actually, and strangely enough, the imperfection is actually part of most of my dreams).

"Would you want to wear pants more or would you be willing to be daring and show off your legs?"

I'm actually more partial to dresses and skirts... probably because A. I don't have that option currently, and B. I've never had to deal with any downside of them. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes pants are just more practical to deal with, so they would still be an option, and depending on the life I was dealt, they may see more use than a dress or skirt.

As for showing off my legs... even with a great set of gams, I'm still a bit conservative -- only a lucky few will get to admire more than just a little length of them.

"who doesn't like a cool breeze up their butt."

Me. While it would be something different to experience, I'm sure the novelty would quickly turn into an annoyance, especially in the winter. The hot & humid summers may be a different matter altogether.

From: guest (Bud) , 90 months, post #4
I think one possible upside with attire is more choices. I mean let's say you wear a skirt or dress outfit in a female body. You're gonna have to wear a bra, panties, possibly fishnets or hose, a skirt, a dress, a slip if you're old school, a jacket or sweater and heels or boots. Lots of stuff to put on. I forgot about body suits. Another thing about attire I would want to try if I was in a woman's body would be cosplaying. I mean why not? I would be curious if the woman in my body would be okay with me cosplaying in her body.

From: Forestier , 90 months, post #5
I'd wear evertyhing: skirts, pants, leggings.

From: Mr. Ram , 90 months, post #6
My wife almost always wears slacks or jeans.

From: MissMako , 90 months, post #7
I rarely wear pants as a woman.

- Miss Mako -

From: guest (Mr Ed) , 89 months, post #8
This thread takes on a slightly different tone reading it from a UK perspective, where pants = male underwear :-P

From: guest (Mr Ed) , 89 months, post #9
Apologies, back on topic - I'm a cross-dresser and while it's a nice experience wearing women's clothing, I'm sure it would be even better if I had the curves and correct body proportions to fill them properly.

I think I'd be more inclined to go for dresses if I was somehow transformed into a woman, as I've bought some lovely dresses for myself in the past, but my body doesn't really do them justice :)

From: guest (ploy) , 89 months, post #10
Mr Ed, how do you buy those dresses without people knowing? i thought the only way was to possess some woman to do it:)

From: guest (jill) , 89 months, post #11
ebay or online

From: guest (Mr Ed) , 89 months, post #12
@ploy - Yep, as jill said - ebay or online. That way you can send any clothes that don't fit, back for free. Or if you're unsure of your size, you can order in a few sizes, and send the ones that don't fit back for free. You can even use a made up name to order online, or your own - it's up to you :)

From: guest (Kathie) , 89 months, post #13
I wore almost no pants for about the first 3 - 4 years after transitioning. Now I almost always wear pants (or short pants in the summertime). Though dresses or skirts are still fun about once every week or two -- or when I go out.

The novelty wears off after it becomes a "typical attire" for you. For those who DON'T transition, I am sure the novelty will never wear off. :-)

From: guest (EmmaFrost) , 89 months, post #14
One of the advantages of having a woman's body is the range of fashion choices you can make. That's for sure. I feel the same as you do about wearing dresses and skirts mostly if I have a female body. After all, they complement all your curves and they look perfect on your body.

With that said, I wouldn't mind wearing pants occasionally if you consider leggings as pants. They're so versatile. I always loved it when girls wear leggings underneath their skirts.It shows off their slender legs and I think it's so feminine. I'd be very self conscious to wear it without anything covering it though. It must have something to do with being male for my entire life and still think that I have a bulge between my legs even though I might not be showing anymore. lol

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