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From: guest (mX9) , 95 months, post #1
Where is this from and what is happening?

From: alucard3006 , 95 months, post #2

i strongly think the name its next to the "(2016)" as for whats happening, you need to search the entire movie to know i think

From: guest (Valkan) , 95 months, post #3
Google says it is called Remove Soul Club.

I was skeptical of the clip until it got to the end. Apparently three migrant workers have their bodies transformed into a gangster, wealthy old man, and a woman. So that seems promising.

Now I wanna see it. It came out Jan of this year.

From: guest (Valkan) , 95 months, post #4
Another translation is calling it Soul Swap Club.
But it is a moot point anyway, since you can't find either with the English title. Need to stick to the original language.

From: guest (OMON) , 95 months, post #5
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From: Bodyswap1 , 95 months, post #6
What time does it happen at the end?

From: guest (Bud) , 92 months, post #7
I'm not saying it's on youtube.

This is what it looks like in Chinese characters 移魂俱乐部 的剧照

The swapped woman in the movie is smoking hot.

From: Tuggy24g , 92 months, post #8
If you do a search with info above into YouTube. Your find the whole movie

From: guest (saint) , 92 months, post #9
Whoa. That was actually one of the more interesting TG bodyswaps I've seen in a long time. The MtF segments were very short and the story was really really ambiguous but I Iiked what I saw.

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 92 months, post #10
Looks interesting. Would love to find subtitles to follow whats going on more closely.
I wonder if there are more chinese films in this vein that are out there.

From: guest (Bud) , 92 months, post #11
Did anyone understand how the swaps worked? And did the man in the woman's body have sex with a man when she was wearing that white dress? And also what about when the man in the woman's body was wearing the green dress and her and the gangster went to a "love hotel"? Did they screw too? I loved how the guy in the woman's body walked around in panties.

From: guest , 87 months, post #12
I transcribed the hardcoded chinese subtitles and ran them through google translate.!RR8CzYJZ!n5PgHH9yqi3xu6smsaHYUA

From: guest , 87 months, post #13
guest #12 how do you do to transcribe hardcoded chinese subtitles?

From: guest , 87 months, post #14
@13 I download the video (sorry CJ), run it through SubRip, and use Capture2Text to OCR the text. Then I use Subtitle Edit to edit, and which also has a function to google translate the entire subtitle file. Takes a few days of work to do a single movie.

From: guest (Chinese mhunter) , 60 months, post #15
@ guest Bud,
From what I gather after watching it
It is legend of the crow spirit
He sets up a club to let people try others who have agreed to lend out their bodies

Crow, or we may call him Jokerus for convenience, uses magic or reasoning to convince the old tycoon, nightclub girl, and gangster in debt that they could be free in some way

A group of 3 migrant workers also attend the club via invite from the 'girlfriend' app?
After the soul transfer ritual night, they wake up and find that they went home in the woman, gangster and rich mans body (they do not know it is rich man until later)
I'll call the tall one Don, the shrewd guy on the right (Lao Bai) as Brian and the short haired dude that pigs out in the party as Jack.
The old man let's call by Deto, gangster Jared and the girl Bianca

So Jack tries to pass off as Jared, and behave as the mobs say to him but later still gets caught by the loaners
Don finds his old body and the actual old man is too fond of the body to give it back to him, Don talks with Jokerus to see if they can reverse it, Joker sounds like he says it would be too hard against laws of nature after swaps goes one way, but Don may try to ppr0ve his resolve by doing some things or thereabouts, Joker is not worried about money

And Brian finds out that Bianca's life has incurred financial hardship or something to need over million $ to pay somethings, so that he, now she, must go along with the nightlife jobs of entertaining men
This brings to your question:
He does not do it with a guy when he wore white dress, he just let the customer molest and drink alot of alcohol with her for money.
I'm not sure what happened when they went to the motel, but it looked like it was set up to meet a loan usher or just to trap for the motel lady making it look like they are doing prostitution
Don realizes eventually his body can hold name to a fortune and ends up helping Jack
When they catch Deto and Jared back to the club I think Don does end up back in his own body or of Jacks

Not sure if the goon hugging him then is really jack or just Jared pretending to be
But I believe Jack and Brian kept their bodies as per expressions seem loke they like it more

Not sure where Brians body went though hope it's not dead, as I came here too late to check the transpation that guest up here did.

From: guest (Chinese mhunter) , 60 months, post #16
Oh and it's hinted in expressions that Jokerus original body was already swapped and he was actually using the body of his servant or double. He is actually Mr. White (shirt guy) who frequents the bar

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