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when the cat is away... [cj gone for next few days - AKA: "The Cat Thread"]
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From: cj , 98 months, post #1
Once again...

Normally, I'd just go missing for a couple/few days without posting a note -- I'm not that important, nor arrogant enough to think that you'd all care to know... but I think most of you get used to seeing me around. So, not out of self-importance, but out of respect for all of you (who need help or get concerned)... and especially the Trusted Users, who have to pick up any slack left in my absence.

I'm going to be gone for the weekend (and probably most of Friday, and part of Monday too). I'm sure you'll all survive without me.

Why? Participation in a fun activity that will take me offline for the weekend, and the preparations (and recovery) from said event.

If we're all lucky, lightning will strike while I'm afield, and I'll be transferred to another dimension or at least a different (hopefully upgraded) body... or imbued with the power to shape-shift right down to the genetic level. :-)

Have a great weekend everyone!... and please be nice to the Trusted Users. :-)

From: guest , 98 months, post #2
Quick, everybody post links to copyrighted content while asking to identify videos that have already been asked ten times before and could easily be found by using the search bar!

Just kidding, have a safe trip cj :)

From: cj , 98 months, post #3

Thanks guest!

From: cj , 98 months, post #4
Okay, now I'm outta here. Good weekend all!

From: barackobrahma , 98 months, post #5
I wont post a COPYRIGHTED LINK again for sure. That's too mean.

From: guest (c jones) , 98 months, post #6
judging by the title line to this thread, CJ actually has become a werecat and will be chasing mice for three days until he changes back to human again!

Good hunting CJ!

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #7
Quick! Rap Battles while we still can!

(Translated into English dub)

From: guest , 98 months, post #8

Didn't you do that last time cj flew the coop? That's just copyWrong!!!

Aren't you gonna give it up? You so let me down. Not that I didn't expect it. What's the emoticon for flying the bird?

(never trust a Kenyan Hindo god) >:-(

From: guest (leon) , 98 months, post #9

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #10

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #11
... and now a surprise brief word from CJ ...

From: JayGee , 98 months, post #12
And speaking of cats:

Link. (not transformation related.

From: guest , 98 months, post #13
The cat's just away, hopefully not getting hurt!

Stop that!

From: Air Gear , 98 months, post #14
The cat needs confusing!

From: cj , 98 months, post #15
Home again and mostly recovered from a fun weekend. I was going to jump right back into things, but apparently, work will be keeping me mostly away most of the rest of this week.

Just wanted to pop in and let you know I might be a few more days... but needed to thank you all for the fun diversions. Now I know that my absence didn't lead to a total CATastrophe. :-P

From: guest , 98 months, post #16
Hopefully, you CATch up on your work and are back soon.

From: barackobrahma , 98 months, post #17
Didn't you do that last time cj flew the coop? That's just copyWrong!!!
Nop. Wasn't me. It was the other guy.

This thread may turn into a CATalog of words that starts with CAT. Im just seeing it happening...

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #18
Did someone order a CAT Scan? ...

OK, I know they don't call them that anymore but please work with me here ...

From: cj , 98 months, post #19
Putting me in one of those was like trying to give a cat a bath... I freaked out a bit. Actually did break the thing too. But that's a story for another time.

From: Air Gear , 98 months, post #20
  • Checks watch*

Sees that it is in fact another time.

Was it one of these or was it an MRI scanner? Those are the ones which actually enclose you and you have to lie still for an hour or more to the sound of *very* *loud* *banging* in the interim (those things are *not* quiet).

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This thread has been locked.
Reason:Ah, memories... but no longer timely. Hate for someone to get confused, if new posts posted.