From: Generic guest name
, 10 months, post #2221 |
Try reverse image searching
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2222 |
Monster High - The Haunted Sand Castle Caper
MTF shapeshift at the end
From: guest (Boccher)
, 10 months, post #2223 |
Post #2220 I believe the manga is called MOZ 召喚王レクスII (Summon King
Rex 2). In this specific image I believe the girl named Lulu
Campbell transformed into her enemy Flora. Its hard to find this
manga online and is perhaps only available in print.
From: guest (tgfave)
, 10 months, post #2224 |
Spiderwick Chronicles 2024 is officially out now on Roku. I can
already confirm that there's a MTM shapeshift based on the reviews
that I've read. Hopefully, there's some MTF shapeshifting.
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2225 |
I think any MTF shapeshifting in the Spiderwick Chronicles is
unlikely. But who knows. Not read anything to make me think
From: guest (tgfave)
, 10 months, post #2226 |
Spiderwick Chronicles 2024: There's a scene where Mulgarath cycles
through forms to reveal to Jared that he's a shapeshifter. He
shapeshifted into his Mom(Helen), sister (Mallory), and his friend
(Emiko). Happens towards the end of episode 7.
From: Generic guest name
, 10 months, post #2227 |
Scene is at 33:21
From: guest (Guest)
, 10 months, post #2228 |
Lexy from Chucky is in it and yet the shapeshifter havent transform
into her.
From: guest (Guest guest)
, 10 months, post #2229 |
Is it on Netflix
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2230 |
all 3 of the girls were attractive in the shapeshift nice. why you
all so obsessed with Lexy
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2231 |
From: guest (micool)
, 10 months, post #2232 |
where l can see post #2222
From: DaveS
, 10 months, post #2233 |
Spiderwick Chronicles 2024 is available for free to watch with ads
on The Roku Channel (US/Canada only) therokuchannel.roku.com
I did watch the Episode 7 and there is a bit more context to add:Click to show spoiler
Gur erirny ng gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr fubjf gung Zhytnengu
genafsbezrq (va na rneyvre fprar) vagb Wnerq'f zbgure, fvfgre,
sngure naq sevraq gb ernq yrggref gur erny crbcyr unq jevggra gb
Wnerq gb rkcerff gurve gehr srryvatf gb uvz. Gur erirny nyfb fubjf
gung gur bter unq qvfthvfrq uvzfrys nf Rzvxb va gjb bgure fprarf gb
gnyx jvgu Wnerq guebhtu n tengr/nve qhpg orgjrra gurve ebbzf ng gur
zragny ubfcvgny va gur fubj. Vagrerfgvatyl vg vf gur snxr "Rzvxb"
jub tnir Wnerq gur vqrn gung Zhytnengu jnf qvfthvfvat uvzfrys nf
uvf ybirq barf jub ernq gurve yrggref va gur bssvpr bs Qe. Oenhre,
gur uhzna vqragvgl Zhytnengu fgbyr.
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2234 |
x men the end 2 issue 1
MTF shapeshift
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2235 |
@DaveS What are the timestamps of the other impersonations? Thank
From: DaveS
, 10 months, post #2236 |
post #2235
Click to show spoiler
Zhytnengu vzcrefbangrf Rzvxb va fprarf ng 14:50 naq 21:50. Ng 16:43
vf gur fprar jurer Wnerq'f "ybirq barf" - nyy Zhytnengu va qvfthvfr
- ernq gurve yrggref gb Wnerq va Oenhre'f bssvpr. Ntnva ab GSf va
gur fprarf, gurfr ner whfg genafsbezngvbaf erirnyrq va gur fprar
arne gur raq.
From: Generic guest name
, 10 months, post #2237 |
Mtf, the artists have more of this style of tf
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2238 |
RTA Sousha wa Game Sekai kara Kaerarenai chapter 11
FTF shapeshift
Slime girl took the form of a group of adventurers
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2239 |
From: guest
, 10 months, post #2240 |
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