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Femininity In Women Is On The Decline
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From: f2flover , 102 months, post #21
Message deleted by cj. Off-topic - While I understand your frustration, the post or two (out of 20) to which you refer were on-topic... albeit, I can certainly see your perspective on those posts now that you've mentioned it. Still, they appear to be more a reflection of the posters' views than either ignorant or hateful. Please feel free to post again WITH REGARD TO THE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION.
From: guest , 102 months, post #22
Well I think I like women to dress girly because I have a leg and feet fetish. It's more about that than gender roles and all the other PC bullshite. I like legs and feet so of course I'm going to like it when women show them off. They can't really show them off in pants and leggings(leggings are pants).

From: guest (Jayzie) , 102 months, post #23
I doubt it. It's just that the political scene is becoming "rich" with all kinds of new ideas and craziness that they want to try to be "edgy and different."
I swear, they'll spin circles around anything to make it seem like something else. Then there's also the insane third (or is it fourth?) wave feminism which I will not even get into here.

The feminine women still exist and always will. Many women feel the need to look beautiful and appeal to men or show off in front of other women.
The ones that don't just don't, and that's cool too. Nothing is really changing, they just want to make it seem that way to give the illusion that there's this magical force of political power that's been repressing women and now they can be who they've always been.
(Which I guess is sorta true in some ways but not as exaggerated as some would have you think).

From: guest , 102 months, post #24
It's not about repressing women, it's about repressing the individual. It isn't that feminism and masculinity are on the decline, it's that bullying is no longer tolerated as it used to be.

50 years ago a woman HAD to be married with kids by the age of 20 or she was passed it, heck in the worst cases she was locked up in a workhouse, convent or worse and told she was sick, crazy or evil.

But that's an extreme, the truth is that things are still far from perfect. Schools still tell girls they can't be scientists or engineers, boys are still told they can't wear skirts to class or makeup. We still have people's desires squashed and put down.

Sure some guys are "masculine" and some some women "feminine" but it's not even close to the numbers that history suggests. I'd argue that "masculine" men are in the "minority" today just as "feminine" women "are", that is to say that religion is thankfully on the decline in the west as are republicans and conservative values. No longer are men expect to work hard and support a family, no longer are women expect to look good, get married and pop out children on demand. It's a good thing.

The trouble is that when people see the "decline" of "femininity" as a bad thing it makes me groan. I spend my days telling parents and teacher off for telling their kids what to be and discouraging them from following their desires. If a young woman wants to dress in scruffy jeans and a jumper and build robots and do math, then thank god for change, because she may well go on to change the world. That is if society doesn't get her to swap her textbooks for makeup and her career for a husband.

Anyway I'll end it there, I didn't realise I'd upset people, I just wanted to vent my views after a long day trying to change the world.

From: guest (Watcher) , 102 months, post #25
Hope you feel better, but none of that has anything to do with femininity.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 102 months, post #26
I think in order to believe that you have to be from one of those states or cities where the government was actually ran by radical Christians, somewhere in the bible belt.

Generally it's not like that and for the most part no school is actually telling a girl that she can't be an engineer or a boy that he can't wear makeup. That would be absurd and a violation of people's rights.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but you're making it sound like it's the standard for school systems and it's not.

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #27
It comes back to the initial question: what is feminity?

From: guest (Nintendo_Ninja) , 102 months, post #28
It goes both ways: my sister wants nothing more then to be a house wife, keeping the house clean, taking care of the kid, that sort of stuff while her husband brings home the paycheck. But she's always harassed by her "friends" and people on the internet, with them saying things like "you needs to get a job" and it's wrong to have a man support her.

It all comes down to respect. As long as a person isn't a danger to others, let them live their lives as they wish to.

From: cj , 102 months, post #29
Well non-harm, and an informed decision. If they are aware of alternative options, and the pro's and con's of their choice (well, as best they can be described)... then yes, let them be.

From: guest , 87 months, post #30
People like OP always make me laugh.

Why want to complain about the decline of femininity in women?

Maybe guys can step up and take the role to be more feminine...

From: guest (jill) , 87 months, post #31
what about in style of clothes and such? In general in the US our society is a lot lazier then it use to be. So throwing something quick and easy on rather then taking the time to dress up as they always did back in the day is something of the norm now even for guys. Then the clothing itself being styled in a way that doesn't suit the stereotypical female clothes, like flannel shirts made for women.

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 87 months, post #32
Unfortunately femininity in females is on the decline
in our society. My daughter is in high school and we
some of her female classmates physically fight with
each other more than the boys do. Also, I've never
seen girls curse so much. When I was in school,
a girl would never talk using words like that.

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 87 months, post #33
Sorry for the type o "We"

From: guest (Kara) , 87 months, post #34
It's not so much on the decline as its parameters are shifting. What it means to be "feminine" tends to be defined by the majority of society. However, more women are rejecting that definition and stressing individual expression over conformity which moves the trend in another direction.

There are still many women who like to look and act feminine as men define it though.

From: guest , 87 months, post #35
What's quite funny is how often I am getting dressed or something and my daughter, in a "eeeeww" tone of voice, says, "Geez, mom... you're so girly!" We've discussed it and, while she knows there are lots of girly-girls at her school, she is not one of them, and doesn't understand them at all.

From: guest (Pat) , 87 months, post #36
I find it discomforting to see a bunch of guys discuss what defines a woman and how women should act.

From: guest (guest) , 87 months, post #37
I find it discomforting that your a faggott.

From: guest (Bud) , 87 months, post #38
Oh no, better check your privilege. If you're a guy and giving your opinion on this matter, your opinion is less than the opinion of a woman.

I don't care if people love or hate this opinion but it's just my opinion. Personally, I like women to be feminine because that's what makes men and women are different. Men are masculine and women are feminine. I like women that wear makeup but not tons of it and like to dress girly and nice. And yes, I like it when women wear skirts and dresses and pantyhose and heels and "girly" things. I like legs and feet so of course I'm gonna like it when women wear show off their legs.

Am I demanding or forcing that any or every woman dress up girly and wear skirts and dresses and makeup? No. I simply saying that's what I like. Everyone has a preference.

From: guest , 87 months, post #39
Pat... sorry that you find it discomforting. Best stop reading then. Wouldn't want you to be traumatized.

From: guest (feminist) , 87 months, post #40
typical male chauvinist pig...

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