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Transforming into Justin Bieber's shoes, socks, or his very feet
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From: guest (Justin Bieber Fanatic) , 105 months, post #1
Anybody up in here know of stories about a male fan who literally transforms or possesses Justin Bieber's toes or foot and has to experience life as his foot? Or does anyone know where a male fan transforms into a pair of his socks or shoes and have to be wrapped around his stinky sweaty feet all day long, supporting his weight, and maneuvering on stage to help him dance, and soak in his sweat?

From: guest (Wut) , 105 months, post #2
Dude, that's pretty messed up

From: guest , 105 months, post #3
My own feet aren't stinky or particularly sweaty. I wouldn't assume that Bieber's are.

Sentient socks or such. No accounting for tastes, I guess.

From: guest (aras) , 105 months, post #4
I would think the experience and perceptions of being a toe or a foot would be unbelievably dull relative to being human. Far worse than trying to watch an HD movie on a tiny black and white screen with mono sound. Depressing but you would not even be able to 'feel' depressed.

From: guest (Jason) , 105 months, post #5
As a guy with a foot fetish I actually would love to temporarily have my mind,soul etc put into the foot or shoe of a beautiful woman with sexy feet. But Justin beiber? That's just gross bro

From: guest , 105 months, post #6
To Jason

Right back at ya ;) I have a foot fetish but for male feet. I find the female foot to be utterly repulsive, so I feel the way about women's feet the same way you feel about Bieber's feet. That's just gross ;)

From: cj , 105 months, post #7
Out there somewhere... there's someone who desires to be a foot up someone else's arse. Two fetishes for the price of one.
~shakes head~
Humans. :-)

From: guest , 105 months, post #8
CJ, if you were gay, I would ask you to marry me, I love your wit and sense of humor, it's very endearing.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 105 months, post #9
IMO these are troll posts. There have been a few completely absurd threads like this over the last few months, all by "guests" and it would not surprise me in the slightest to find they were all from a single individual. I'm well aware that there are many obscure fetishes out there but stuff like this just too far out.

From: guest , 105 months, post #10
"As a guy with a foot fetish I actually would love to temporarily have my mind,soul etc put into the foot or shoe of a beautiful woman with sexy feet. But Justin beiber? That's just gross bro"

"From: guest , 1 hour, post #6
To Jason

Right back at ya ;) I have a foot fetish but for male feet. I find the female foot to be utterly repulsive, so I feel the way about women's feet the same way you feel about Bieber's feet. That's just gross ;)"

HEY this gives me an idea for a fictional story! What if two guy friends, one gay, one straight, both share in common a foot fetish, and one day they stumble across an old spell book that contains in it a spell to temporarily possess a body part of someone else. Then they each pick a celebrity, say for example the gay guy picks Justin Bieber's foot and the straight guy chooses Jessica Alba's foot to possess. They recite the spell, but they recite it wrong causing the straight guy to possess Justin Bieber's foot and the gay guys Jessica Alba's foot. They both to their horror realize they temporarily have to live as the wrong celebrity's foot, and the story goes on to detail their disgust, before returning back to their former selves.

From: guest , 105 months, post #11
Lady Sekhmet, that sounds a bit too judgmental as well as subjective to me. For all you know I may find your fetishes obscure, disgusting, or bizarre. I don't think it is your place to judge other people's fetishes. To people outside of this board we're probably all weird, so you're kind of being the teapot here, calling the kettle black.

From: guest , 105 months, post #12
Sehkmet, you do realize a foot fetish is one of the most, if not the most common fetish out there? I would argue that tg fiction is more out there than some dude fantasizing about being a foot. Just because it doesn't fit to your liking doesn't mean it's not authentic.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 105 months, post #13
This has nothing to do with a foot fetish which certainly is a very common thing. This was much more specific, over the top I would say. *shrug* It's a public forum, you certainly won't see me censoring such posts.

From: guest , 105 months, post #14
My policy Mr. Sekky is if you don't like or are not interested in a thread then don't click on it. It is highly unnecessary to comment on a thread you are not interested in in a negative manner and put people down. I'll make sure the next time you make a thread to come in and say your interest is "too out there", just to be an ass, like you're being.

From: guest , 105 months, post #15
"This has nothing to do with a foot fetish" And how does this have nothing to do with a foot fetish? This is the epitome of a foot fetish, you're just being ridiculous and insufferable. How about when a thread doesn't interest you, don't click on it, herp.

From: cj , 105 months, post #16
Foot Fetish = Abnormal or heightened interest in feet or footwear. That is, the foot, as an OBJECT being of great (or even sexual) interest.

What the OP was describing was not a "foot fetishism", but instead a desire to BECOME the object of a foot fetishist.

It would be somewhat akin to others mislabeling those who want to be transformed/transferred into a robot/android body as a Roboticist. Perhaps there are some who build robots that would love to become one... but not all those who build want to become a robot, and not all those who want to become one are in any way related to the build, design, or programming of them.

Now to address the other issue. Lady Sekhmet has stated her OPINION - discuss it POLITELY and with CIVILITY, if you feel you must. Personal attacks are NOT allowed, and will be removed. Please re-read the POSTING GUIDELINES below if you have any questions.

If this thread continues to be problem, it will be locked!

From: cj , 105 months, post #17
"... I love your wit and sense of humor, it's very endearing."

Thank you kindly for the compliments. :-)

From: guest , 105 months, post #18
"What the OP was describing was not a "foot fetishism", but instead a desire to BECOME the object of a foot fetishist."

I have to somewhat disagree with this, as the root of the sexual interest is very much rooted in a foot fetish. Sort of like an interest in shoes or socks are linked to the foot. It's all linked to the sexualization of the foot.

From: cj , 105 months, post #19
I don't disagree that they are RELATED... just that they are NOT the SAME thing.

But then, that is my opinion . I just don't see wanting to BE a foot as the same thing as becoming aroused by the sight of or touching them.

I might get excited over seeing or handling a sexy pair of panties... but I sure wouldn't want to be one. I mean there is some difference there.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 105 months, post #20
I'd want to be a pair of sexy panties, but that's a story for another time.

On topic I see what Lady Sekhmet is talking about. Not being rude or anything, but if one didn't know better they might believe that a single account is making threads for shock value.

"Would any guys let me be your dick?" comes to mind... and if I'm not mistaking there was a thread about becoming a "toilet slave" or something?
None of it bothers me, though.

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