From: guest (leon)
, 101 months, post #81 |
So I contacted the one and only Chilla over at farhads forum, and
got some help. Now I can't post links to these works directly as I
believe it'd be against the rules, but I'll do with posting the
titles. To mods, if that's also not allowed, please feel free to
delete this post and I'll make changes accordingly (and no cats pls)
• (DATE) Hanshin (Comic Unreal 2013-10) (English) (Facedesk)
• (DATE) Hanshin ~Mou Hitotsu no Tamashii~ (Residence ~Igan da
Onegai de Shojo ni Kawaru~ Toranoana Tokuten Kakioroshi 4P Leaflet)
(English) (Facedesk)
• (Senpenbankashiki (DATE)) Kyou kara Shimamura-san (THE IDOLM@STER
CINDERELLA GIRLS) (English) (Digital)
And one more from Tira's blog (This one's ok to link I believe,
it's authors own page):
Again, much appreciated Chilla!
And here's a couple more courtesy of akaimikazuki:
• (DATE) Deep Stalker Hirogaru Shinshoku (Deep Stalker -Sono Kawa
de Bishoujo ni Naru-) (English) {Chilla}
"The entire classroom is controlled by the demon
• (DATE) Brainphilia (COMIC Unreal 2013-12) (English) (CGRascal)
"The double mind control is only shown at last page
Bonus: New short storyline from the ol' fictionbranches by
From: cj
, 101 months, post #82 |
leon, post 81 looks fine. Thank you. :-)
From: guest (leon)
, 101 months, post #83 |
I thought I said no cats
, pleas
So why are you here cj?
From: cj
, 101 months, post #84 |
I read that. And as I know of no possessions or mind controls
involving cats AND other bodies / persons, I didn't post anything
about cats.
"So why are you here cj?"
That is something I've been trying to answer for decades. But if
you're referring to post 82... then the answer, is simply, to
address your concern to the moderators ("To mods, if that's also not allowed, please feel free to delete
this post and I'll make changes accordingly"
From: guest (leon)
, 101 months, post #85 |
I-I was implying that...you
are the cat
You know, from that other thread...about cats that went...a little
out of control?

From: cj
, 101 months, post #86 |
LOL - What can I say, I'm old and slow at times.
I did consider that... The Cat Post
, but, nah that couldn't be... ~shrug~... oh well, back to the
topic. :-)
From: guest (leon)
, 101 months, post #87 |
That's okay. I guess I should've been more clear that I was just kitten
From: guest
, 101 months, post #88 |
Mayonaka no X Giten 23 is now translated to English.
From: guest
, 101 months, post #89 |
Didn't liked the last chapter... seems that now X (which gives name
to the whole thing) is now gone. =(
From: guest (The Insomniac)
, 101 months, post #90 |
In the Ender's game series of books, you get something sort of
along this line beginning at the end of Speaker for the Dead (Book
2 in the series) that is eventually resolved in Children of the
Mind (Book 4).
Click to show spoiler
Gur znva punenpgre, Raqre, raqf hc univat jung vf shapgvbanyyl vf
fbhy pbageby guerr qvssrerag obqvrf: uvf bevtvany sbez (na byqre
zna) nf jryy nf zhpu lbhatre irefvbaf bs uvf oebgure, Crgre, naq
fvfgre, Inyragvar. Gurl qb abg funer gubhtugf be nalguvat yvxr
gung, ohg ba fbzr shaqnzragny yriry ner gur fnzr crefba.
There's also a hive-mind alien race known as buggers who are, well,
a hive mind (which sort of counts).
From: guest (leon)
, 100 months, post #91 |
@guest (barackobrahma is that you?)
Thanks for the update! Yeah, that turned dark again. I guess it's
safe to assume the multibody plotline is done.
@The Insomniac
Thanks for that addition! I haven't read the books, but I guess it
might be worth checking out. And the hive-mind concept is welcome,
I've actually posted about that some time ago (the tvtropes page on
hive-mind includes a lot of works.)
Just some info this time, a couple of mentions aside.
Storyline (more like a single chapter actually, no kidding) by K/S
in The Guillotine interactive
(NSFW/hentai, You know where)
[MC Hanbaiten Guno Grave "Secchakuzai -Kisei Shinshoku I-"
And Chilla informed me of a pixiv author with the name "true
" who has written works tagged with multiple possession (this one's
specifically for those who can read moonrunes, sorry folks):
So yeah, that's also another pixiv tag to look out for if you're
I've also got some news from MegaloRun (Creator of Gift of the
Harlequin: The Heart Rod) He's working on finishing the first
chapter of his game and while it currently has
a dual possession event, it possibly won't include any more at
this stage, but we can hope for more in the upcoming chapters.
From: barackobrahma
, 100 months, post #92 |
Yep! BO'B is me! =]
From: guest
, 100 months, post #93 |
Mayonaka 24 is out in English.
From: barackobrahma
, 100 months, post #94 |
New update on Student Bodies
From: JetAbyss
, 100 months, post #95 |
Hope Caleb joins in. ;P It'll be a lot of fun. (Referring to
Student Bodies)
From: guest (leon)
, 99 months, post #96 |
Thanks for linking that! I was thinking of including that with more
chapters, but it seems it's done for now (Chapters written by "That
One Guy") There are other relatively recent additions to Student
Bodies by him(?) Look up his other chapters on the author page
Yeah! It seems to be done for now though =( Here's hoping for more
New stuff:
Darkzone by Telomere (thanks to That One Guy)
Acrobatic Duality by Tamara Vardomskaya (again, thanks to That One
More F2F by Hingle McCringleberry
I've had this link saved as a bookmark, but I can't seem to access
it (Item Not Found.) Is this interactive gone for good?
More M2F by Empyre
And a cap by DocVS
From: guest
, 99 months, post #97 |
@leon it has something to do with frosty117's account on
From: guest (veteran21)
, 99 months, post #98 |
Sad to see A Few Heads has disappeared! Thinking about restarting
with a similar story, but will need some time to figure out how to
start it up.
From: guest
, 99 months, post #99 |
Mayonaka 25 is also out. Though I do not see any TG yet. Perhaps
From: guest (veteran21)
, 99 months, post #100 |
Ahh turns out you need a basic membership on writing.com to make a
new Interactive Story...unfortunately lacking one at the moment. Do
hope someone comes up with a new one similar to A Few Heads! Would
love to try and get another story going.
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