From: guest (leon)
, 106 months, post #61 |
Also, new chapter of Mayonaka no X Giten is out. (Mangafox, Batoto,
Click to show spoiler
Puncgre 20 frrzf gb pbasvez gung K cbffrffrf zhygvcyr obqvrf.
From: guest
, 106 months, post #62 |
Thanks again Leon for the updates!
From: barackobrahma
, 106 months, post #63 |
Ochiru Tenshi by Distance seems to fit our criteria, since the
protagonist possessed the girls body, while keeping his own on
Up to Volume 2, it can be easily found in English or other
languages, but Vol3 is just in japanese, and still incomplete ,
since few years ago. Does anyone know if there is a missed update?
From: guest (leon)
, 106 months, post #64 |
@guest #62
You're welcome!
I'll also try to update this thread as new chapters of that manga
come out, but farhads forum will probably be more reliable about
I'll have to check that out, thanks! You think there are any other
older works we might be missing?
And I was thinking about why this trope doesn't have it's own tag
in some sites, since there are actual work produced involving it in
one way or another. I guess the tvtropes tagging is the largest
it'll ever get but other than that, it probably goes to show that
people just don't have much interest.
Meanwhile, I'll just try to be on the lookout for those who do:
New M2F storyline (albeit brief) by Spindizzy in the Role ReWriter
Not sure if the author is planning to add more.
Cap series by Gensabi (M2F):
(Sidenote: Clone tag in that caption site seems to include
transforming into a physical clone of someone else, along with
possessing multiple bodies.)
I mentioned the title in my original post, but I thought a couple
of storylines from the interactive "A few heads are better than
one" by JohnG could get a little more attention here:
(F2F, F2M)
Storyline by Hingle McCringleberry. OCs sister gets "a raygun which
gave whoever wielded it the power to copy their own head onto
anyone else's body!"
Storyline by beshter and veteran21. This chapter introduces a new
ability for the cloned bodies to keep their original heads,
effectively achieving this trope:
Check out the other chapters for more mental clones and the like.
And lastly, for those who watch the show Game of Thrones, you
probably know about wargs who have the ability to enter the minds
of animals (think Bran). Well, in the books (A Song of Ice and
Click to show spoiler
gurl ner pnyyrq fxvapunatref, naq n punenpgre pnyyrq Inenzle
Fvkfxvaf (lrf gur pyhr vf va gur anzr) pna pbageby guerr jbyirf, n
fabj orne, n funqbjpng, naq na rntyr.
Wasn't sure about including it, but meh.
From: guest (leon)
, 105 months, post #65 |
Some stories I found from fm:
(F2F, F2M) Sports by Wolverine
"A young woman is possessed and unleashes a terror upon her high
There might be sequels, haven't checked.
(M2F) Bottle Blonde by Sara James
"A jealous college student makes a hasty wish while at a beach
party. Soon, he is beside himself with distress at the result."
(M2F) Halloween Haze by Bill Hart
"It should just have been a simple task to join the fraternity."
And Mayonaka no X Giten chapter 21 seems to be out. (No
translations yet.)
From: barackobrahma
, 105 months, post #66 |
Hmmmm... maybe I know, but I can trust myself. Nothing came to my
mind yet except that YBMB released another multibody caption these
Anyway, thanks for the update! Mayonaka no X Giten is one of the
best bodyswap-multibody I've seem lately.
From: barackobrahma
, 105 months, post #67 |
Can someone teach me japanese? I cant wait to see it translated...
From: guest (leon)
, 105 months, post #68 |
I agree. I think it does a great job of building up a mystery
around the concept of swapping bodies, I hope it delivers in the
You might have some luck with text translations if you can't wait
for a scan.
IIRC this guy translated the last chapter before any scans came
And many thanks to YBMB for this:
"We have reversal rings, the Medallion of Zulu, and so on, but what
if we have an infinity gauntlet of souls? This is a continuation of
the Nexus Stone series about the stones that allow one person to
inhabit multiple bodies at once, because consciousness is nothing
more than a continuum right?"
Hope it catches on (in some form or another.)
Link (NSFW):
The possession-based RPGMaker game in development by Reshiramblack
(now MegaloRun) has it's title: Gift of the Harlequin: The Heart
New topic with faq and a couple of preview videos here:
New chapters in the Acquiring Powers 5 interactive, featuring
multiple possessions:
From: guest (Silhouette)
, 105 months, post #69 |
I'm a fan of this sort of thing, and my newest cap is largely along
these lines:
Let me know what you think!
From: barackobrahma
, 105 months, post #70 |
Good Cap, Silhouette!
I wish you could deepen the story in a series... how Jaimes' halfs
deals with everyday life?
Are they still working on the same stuff? How other people reacted
to that? Does it changed reality? The good half can become a little
nasty/dirty/provocative too (since now it/her 'has room' for it,
not sharing a body with the other half anymore)... by impersonating
the other half and having her date or so.
From: guest (Silhouette)
, 105 months, post #71 |
Thanks! And I hadn't thought about doing it, but I do like the
idea, barackobrahma! If I can find more pictures of the models or
some that look very similar I just might try doing that. I think
you presented some fun situations to explore. ;D
From: guest (leon)
, 105 months, post #72 |
From: guest (barackobrahma)
, 105 months, post #73 |
Well, that I think I can help you with... google for "laura and
rachel brooker".
I dont wanna sound douche and brag about it... I know that I have
good ideas, I just can't put them into practice. I'm not just lazy,
I have a chronically case of procrastination and low self esteem,
which result at no work at all... the few things that I can
actually finish (unfortunately, none related to TG stuff), are
greatly appreciated by others (however, I still can find a lot of
mistakes and dark spots, thanks to my low self esteem).
So, I'm not saying it to promote myself... I'm saying that I'm open
to help anyone, since I can't help myself. No need for credits and
From: cj
, 105 months, post #74 |
"I have a chronically case of procrastination and low self
You too? I'd commiserate with you but I doubt you'd want to hear
about my sad story... maybe tomorrow...
No, I'm not poking fun at you. Well okay, maybe just a little, but
more at the affliction than you.
And, I am serious, when I indicate that you are not alone.
From: guest (Silhouette)
, 105 months, post #75 |
Well dang, you gave me just what I needed, barackobrahma! And it
turns out I've used them before without realizing it. Guess I have
a thing for them!
And cj is right, you're definitely not alone. I really appreciate
your help too! I have a ton of material to work with thanks to you!
You rock!
From: guest (barackobrahma)
, 105 months, post #76 |
Yeah... I think all suffer it, in a milder or more aggressive way,
but we all do.
But that doesn't make things easier... =/
I'm glad I can help. Call me if you need anything! =]
Duuuuuuuuuude, mayonaka's chap 21 is translated on mangafox! Run,
run, run!
From: guest (leon)
, 103 months, post #77 |
Sorry for the hiatus. Here's some content to make up for it:
(M2F, M2M) The author of the RPGMaker possession game Gift of the
Harlequin has begun to implement "dual-body possessions." You can
download the current version at farhad's forum:
Expect to see more as updates come.
(M2M) Don't read below of you're planning on seeing the POV action
movie Hardcore Henry, it's supposed to be a twist. It has
Click to show spoiler
fbzr oevyyvnag npgvat ol Funeygb Pbcyrl (Qvfgevpg 9, Punccvr) nf ur
unf sha qrzbafgengvat uvf grpuabybtl bs fjvgpuvat pbageby orgjrra
zhygvcyr obqvrf (qvssrevat pybarf bs uvzfrys, n enatr bs uvf
punenpgref). Fubhyq nqq gung ab fvzhygnarbhf pbageby vf fubja.
(Any) As barackobrahma excitedly pointed out (and subsequently
crashed mangafox lol jk... sorry.) Mayonaka no X Giten Ch.21 has
been out for a while.
Raws of Ch.22 have been uploaded, but no news of any translation
yet (no not even text)
(M2F) New and ongoing manga (manhua?) I Am My Wife seems to have
Click to show spoiler
Gur BP nggraqf jrqqvat bs uvf pehfu, fhqqrayl trgf guhaqrefgehpx
vagb n evpu lbhat tvey naq raqf hc va uvf byq fpubby (va n
qvssrerag gvzryvar?) gung ur naq uvf pehfu nggraqrq, fvggvat arkg
gb uvf byq frys va pynff.
Read it here: http://moonbunnycafe.com/I-Am-My-Wife/
A couple caps:
(M2F) (NSFW) by YBMB: http://ashifterscaptions.blogspot.com/2016/07/savor-this.html
And by DocVS: http://twistedtg.blogspot.com/2016/06/legacy.html
It would be great if we could get some other captioners in on this,
particularly those who frequently do possessions, swaps and the
like. It might be right up their alley.
(Any) A shtton of new chapters, new storylines in the Acquiring
Powers 5 interactive include this trope on way or another:
(AI? and F2F, M2F, dunno) Virtual Take over / Female Possession
Don't think this one was mentioned. It features AI taking over
people, with some people taking over people.
Couple of cyoc.net storylines:
( ) http://www.cyoc.net/interactives/chapter_85498.html
(M2F, has mermaids I think) http://www.cyoc.net/interactives/chapter_90665.html
(M2F) Four Rings by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr
"A strange tail about 4 magical rings and an evil doctor who
creates them."
(yes it's tail)
Apparently this one was mentioned before:
One last thing, but I need some help. Tira's pixiv account has
quite a lot of content that feature possessions, skinsuits, body
swaps and the like, but I can't seem to figure out which ones
include this trope as I can't read moon-I mean Japanese, but I'm
pretty sure there are at least a couple. Can anyone help point them
Link to Tira's pixiv acc:
We need people with experience here.
From: guest (leon)
, 103 months, post #78 |
More stuff (almost all M2F this time, sorry)
Mayonaka No X Giten Ch.22 translated, read at Ravens Scans
New chapters of I Am My Wife released, Moon Bunny Cafe has 'em.
Some new caps by FOOKN' LEGENDS!
Cap series by SwitchHitter (The Swapping Grounds)
Last, new ongoing storyline by the Wasselmeister in the excellent
The Transplant interactive:
From: guest (Brad)
, 103 months, post #79 |
Thanks for the shoutout, leon. This thread is what inspired me to
write those caps. Im in the process of writing another one that
involves one mind in an entire family :)
From: guest (leon)
, 101 months, post #80 |
(Story) Clayface by Valentine (thanks to JetAbyss for pointing it
Gift of the Harlequin by MegaloRun seems to be a bit in a hiatus at
the moment, but it's been updated quite regularly:
Mayonaka no X Giten Ch.23 raws and text translations circulating,
no edits yet.
If you're impatient: http://mangahelpers.com/t/dowolf/releases/42760
More caps (NSFW):
Some works from pixiv:
From Tira:
From Kuraki:
Pixiv search tag (thanks to Chilla!):
You might find more links in "Multiple Body Possession/Mind
Control" topic by OhMyTheSlimes over at:
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