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finally! an update to the story Body Switched!
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From: guest , 105 months, post #81
Haha, that would be awesome to see Caleb. What about J&J's father, Miss Suzuki, Tommy Allison, and Richie? Any ideas for them? :)

From: guest (caleb Jones) , 105 months, post #82
As the father never had a name, he also does not have a face. he is always shot from behind or above, or he is working on an experiment with his face looking away. So any actor will do. which is good for that budget. maybe we can get those actors after all ;) Disney or Nick actors for the other boys. Maybe a popular Disney actress for Allison, and tho she is not asian, Debby Ryan would be great for Miss Suzuki...

From: guest , 105 months, post #83
How about Ross Lynch for the part of Tommy? ;)

From: guest , 105 months, post #84
Asian-American actresses are grossly underused so getting a competent one would likely be easy.

From: guest (caleb Jones) , 105 months, post #85
I think Miss Ryan would be a very good actress to play a bodyswapped male. But i can't settle on an asian actress so I will leave that to the casting department ;)

I'll save Miss Ryan for the movie remake of Turnabout by thorne smith or maybe a remake of Goodbye Charlie (Marilyn Monroe was to star in that before her death FYI).

From: guest , 103 months, post #86
Did the old Jason and do the new Jason enjoy playing video games?

From: guest , 103 months, post #87
Oh and does the new Jennifer enjoy video games?

From: guest (caleb Jones) , 103 months, post #88
since both genders seem to enjoy video games, I see no reason why a different body would change their likes or dislikes in them. Their coordination and responses would be more likely to change than preferences.

From: guest , 103 months, post #89
But didn't the new Jennifer used to love football when she was Jason, but after she became Jennifer she no longer appreciated it? I was wondering if the same applied to video games.

From: guest (caleb Jones) , 103 months, post #90
they are 2 very different games. One is outdoors and active and the other is usually indoors and less active. So still no reason to change. But it is possible. Maybe the new Jennifer's coordination and responses makes her better at the games so she might get into it more.

From: guest , 103 months, post #91
Oh boy! I'm glad I saw this here thread. I've always wanted to know something from you guys who wrote this story. Ya know how when Jason first landed in his sister Jennifer's body and when Tommy first landed in Allison's body they both had sexual attractions to girls, as Tommy once put it he felt like kissing Jason in Jennifer's body but couldn't bring himself to it because he kept thinking of Jason's mind being in Jennifer's brain? When Jennifer landed in Jason's body and when Allison landed in Tommy's body did they at first still have attraction to other guys before the new Jason and the new Jennifer conformed to their new body's sexuality and the old Jason started liking boys in his sister's body and Jennifer in his body started liking girls? And did the new Jason try anything with other guys before he started liking chicks?

From: guest (caleb Jones) , 103 months, post #92
My magic 8 ball says "all is possible" and I agree. I could see something like that happening.

From: Eric , 103 months, post #93
No, that would have been too weird for them & also, Jason & jennifer no matter the way they talked about disliking each other, were very careful with each others reputations.

From: guest , 103 months, post #94
Caleb seems to think it's quite possible, also the old Jennifer didn't seem to mind the idea of trying to kiss a girl when she got back in her original body, which never happened of course, as they decided the swap was permanent.

Here's the part I'm talking about

"She even went on a date to the movies last night, and spent a long stretch of the movie kissing her girlfriend which had surprised her. She hadn't been at all certain she would like kissing another girl but she did. She liked it a lot! Of course, she wasn't another girl for now. She was the girlfriend of the male body she now possessed. Maybe the male parts of her brother's body made her like it. She would have to remember to kiss a girl when she got her own female body back to see if she still liked it when she had the same body parts as the person she was kissing. She had even gotten to first base with her new girlfriend in the darkened movie theater."

  • She would have to remember to kiss a girl when she got her own female body back to see if she still liked it when she had the same body parts as the person she was kissing.******

That implies that the new Jason had no qualms with homosexual behavior, nor really is homosexuality considered a blemish on anyone's reputation anymore except for old conservative foggies gumming down apple sauce in the retirement home, haha, oh and Rick Santorum, but who cares what he thinks, we all know what Santorum is... google it if you don't get the joke. :P

So I think it would actually make sense in according to how they both behaved after the initial swap as well as statements made by them both. The only thing that could possibly be construed as anti-gay was when Jennifer asked Jason in her body if he was a "pansy", but the fact that she has a desire to kiss someone of the same sex when she got her old body back reveals she doesn't really consider it concern for her previous reputation. She seemed much more worried about the new Jennifer losing her virginity than she did the idea of her kissing another girl haha. But I'm just going by what was said and done.

From: guest (DazedNConfuzed) , 103 months, post #95
ah this old tale, it blows that this story ended. its always sad to see stories that deserve sequels not get them and stories that don't get them do, reminiscent of Austin Powers.

From: cj , 103 months, post #96
A dream realized is very often less satisfying than the dream imagined. :-)

From: guest , 103 months, post #97
Is there any prayer or possibility that either Caleb Jay or Eric might reconsider taking this story up once again, if not now, a couple of years from now? A decade?

From: guest (Jerry) , 103 months, post #98
Ya know it's a damn crying shame that this story isn't going to be continued. All other body swap stories are crap compared to this. A damn shame.

From: cj , 103 months, post #99
But it's a very fine line, and way too easy to cross, between continuing a story and ruining the whole thing, or choosing to stop writing when the story is in excellent form and the audience wanting more.

As much as I'd love to see the story continued, I'm content to leave it alone where it stands. I can use my own imagination to think of a multitude of continuances.

This thread, and others like it, with their questions and suggestions lead me to believe that whatever direction Caleb and Eric would choose, would titillate some and alienate others... I'm not sure that any direction would be safe from ruining the story for other readers.

Sometimes the best choice of which direction to go is simply to stay put.

But then, that's just my opinion.

From: guest , 103 months, post #100
Oh stop discouraging them CJ, 99% of respondents that I have seen want this to be continued, and quite frankly even if the story took a direction I didn't like I would just be grateful to read more about the characters.

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