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Just Genital Transformations
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From: guest (Lou Bealy) , 36 months, post #601
Hey everyone. I thought you would be interested that one of my stories just hit my blog and Smashwords . It's a genital swap story called Reclaiming the Territory.

"Megalia the forest nymph awakens in a modern hotel-casino and immediately begins the work of reasserting nature's dominance of the area. In order to awaken her dormant powers, she starts with the easiest exercise of mystic power: the granting of mortal's wishes. "

This is a platinum benefit story for a subscriber on Subscribestar. It was available for free 30 days ago there. If you want to read my stories when they are first completed, as well as exclusive content, consider joining my Subscribestar

From: guest (ThatOneGuy) , 35 months, post #602
This is in Japanese, but it’s good.

If you search on Pixiv using the tags 性器逆転 or seikigyakutenn, you’ll come up with similar stuff. It translates to “genital reversal”.

I use Chrome when searching, because it can auto-translate pages.

From: guest (Generic guest name) , 35 months, post #603
What is your opinion on this guys?

From: guest (Ace) , 35 months, post #604
To reply to post #603, That clip is one of the reasons why I don’t watch family guy any more. It’s incredibly transphobic and as someone who has had bottom surgery, incredibly offensive. It’s also just stupid because I have guys left and right who wanna see my vagina and they do not describe it on a train wreck downstairs. My payouts on my Just For Fans says otherwise 🤣
PS my JFF link is
I’m a non-binary “guy” who had bottom surgery back in June to get a vagina. So it kind of fits the transformation theme of this thread.

From: guest (Daisy) , 35 months, post #605
^^^ That sounded too one-sided... Its not just about looking to a sculpted front, but also penetrating it as well.

A one-sided joy as well with TGed women with a curiosity of getting laid to his (now her) empty-cup vagina since all the parts and nerves that were related to a dick are now gone.

From: guest , 35 months, post #606
>It’s incredibly transphobic and as someone who has had bottom surgery, incredibly offensive.

Individual people can be incredibly transphobic so it makes sense to me that individual characters can too. Sure it's two guys sitting around discussing their uninformed opinion, but also look at what's happening in the scene. Brian literally had sex with her and had no idea she was trans. She completely passed and if nobody had outed her he'd have never guessed. His and Stewie's idea of what a trans person would look like was shown to be ignorant bullshit.

From: guest (Dirk) , 35 months, post #607
Man, this thread has gone on for 8 years and 31 pages without being derailed like this so let's hope that it stops now. Not that the idea of bottom surgery is completely outside this thread but it's quickly devolved into something else.

Here, I'll post something relevant to the thread to get us back on track.

From: guest (Dirk) , 35 months, post #608
I don't think this one has been posted yet either.

From: guest , 35 months, post #609
A Life Changed Forever - by Mumbalo:

From: guest (Ed) , 35 months, post #610
Found this person's Deviant page has some good stuff and in her favorites there are more links to different stuff that applies here.

From: guest (Ed) , 35 months, post #611
here is a story from deviant Art

From: guest (NotJustMe) , 35 months, post #612
One of my fav illustrations I've found recently. It's a few years old, so it may have been posted before.

From: guest (Reality) , 34 months, post #613
that fantasy is fantastic and amazing: somehow - magically, usually- the penis become a vagina or the vagina become a penis. But this is so: we will wake up in a reality that the genital of all people will be transformed in the genital of opposite gender

From: guest , 34 months, post #614
On the same subject of this thread

From: guest (bd806) , 34 months, post #615

Tons of different swap caption/short stories

From: speedychopslover , 34 months, post #616
I can't believe I only just found this thread. So much stuff on here for me to read that I didn't know about.
I have a story which deals with genital transformation on gay spirals
And it is also on my blog. Part 3 is slow transition / transformation.

From: guest (Thatoneguy) , 34 months, post #617
That’s cute.

Anyways there’s a new subreddit called GenitalSwap. Easy to find.

From: guest (Ed) , 34 months, post #618
New one
Can someone help me, my beloved member suddenly disappeared!

From: guest (Ed) , 34 months, post #619
Another one by one of our heroes
The Device - First Dates by Razmagurk

From: guest (Ed) , 32 months, post #620
Newish one at e-Hentai
Growing up Together

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