From: guest (guessed)
, 101 months, post #61 |
Click to show spoiler
gur urebvar bs gur svefg vffhr, Punyvpr, vf n lbhat genafjbzna whfg
fgnegvat ure genafvgvba. Fur cnffrf synjyrffyl naq vf nggenpgvir
jura fur qerffrf nf n jbzna. Jura fur qerffrf nf n lbhat zna, ure
nccrnenapr vf -- nccneragyl -- haerznexnoyr (va nf zhpu nf ab bar
va-fgbel unf fb sne pnyyrq ure bhg sbe nal traqre vanccebcevngr
znexref). Fur qbrf abg genafsbez, ohg fur vf qrcvpgrq qerffrq va
obgu obl-zbqr naq tvey-zbqr
Wacky Raceland
Click to show spoiler
Fnetrag Oynfg vf n cerfhzrq cbfg-bc genafjbzna. Fur unf znqr
pbzzragf gung rvgure fgngr be fhttrfg gung fur unf unq fhetrel;
oernfg vzcynagf naq traqre ernffvtazrag. Fur unf abg, nf bs vffhr
2, orra qrcvpgrq cer-genafvgvba. Vffhr 3 vf bhg guvf jrrx.
From: guest (guessed)
, 101 months, post #62 |
Wacky Raceland -- not so spoilery, but a little ranty,
Click to show spoiler
V unq Jnpxl Evprynaq gnxra bss zl chyy yvfg nsgre Vffhr 2. Vgf irel
irel onq, Gur genaf punenpgre vf vafregrq whfg orpnhfr gur jevgre
guvaxf vgf "rqtl" gb traqre-syvc Fnetr. Gur punenpgre vf
"vagebqhprq" ol ure fghcvq onagrevat jvgu gur Erq Oneba jub --
orpnhfr gur jevgre guvaxf JJV ena evtug vagb JJVV -- vf n Anmv. Gur
cebonoyr cebgntbavfg, Crarybcr Cvgfgbc, vf ubj n qhzo-nff
zvfbtlavfg grrantr obl jbhyq "svk" Vzcrengbe Shevbfn vf uvf irefvba
bs Znq Znk: Shel Ebnq. Nyy pheirf naq gvtug cvax yrngure, jvgu fbzr
xvaq bs fghcvq oernfg senzr oen ba gur bhgfvqr bs ure png-fhvg
orpnhfr, lbh xabj, obbof arrq gb or bhgyvarq va n pbagenfgvat
pbybe...Vgf whfg njshy. Nyfb, gur negjbex vf zhqql, gbb qnexyl
vaxrq, naq pbashfvat.
From: Random
, 101 months, post #63 |
In the upcoming December release of Psyche #5 from Heroic
Publishing, there will be TG, and FTF.
Preview pages of Psyche #5
The FTF switch occurs in the second story(a reprint of the Brother
Basilisk story where Rose and Flare had to switch bodies). In it,
they didn't swap back for some time. The first story takes place
during that period, and is a whole new one.
Titled "Do You Like Bubzalot?", the TG occurs within the first
couple of pages of the preview.
From: guest
, 101 months, post #64 |
In a communication I had with the publisher, there will be a
further development in the tale of little Jimmy Jensen who
unexpectedly turned into a copy of Sparkplug in her Olga guise.
Somehow this is tied to Philip, Flare and Olga's shape shifting
brother, and it's suggested this isn't the last shape change we'll
see Jimmy undergo. (I asked if Jimmy would also get the powers of
whoever he shifted into and didn't get an answer). We'll just have
to wait I guess.
From: Random
, 101 months, post #65 |
That's good news. Most of the stuff on their main preview page is
all reprinting their older stuff(with some new bits here and
there). But it is good that is being followed up on. Something to
look forward to.
From: treecatt
, 101 months, post #66 |
Unfortunately they have never held to their schedule for publishing
new material.
From: guest
, 99 months, post #67 |
Heroic Comics continuing tale about Jimmy Jensen and why he changed
into a duplicate of Olga previously will be further explored in
Sparkplugs own comic in May. Maybe just discussed, maybe something
more, we'll just have to wait and see.
From: Alias
, 99 months, post #68 |
Just a suggestion, but creating an account at Heroic Publishing
gives you 1000 credits, which can be used to buy pdf copies of
their books, most are around 100-200 credits, so that's like 5-10
free comics.
From: guest
, 99 months, post #69 |
Mosaic(2016), by Marvel, issue #3 coming out next week has female
possession and the hero may potentially have a TG moment. Here is
the preview, courtesy of a post from Farhad's TG forum.
Here is the post all about Mosaic.
From: guest
, 99 months, post #70 |
Sorry, first link doesn't work. Here is the working one.
From: guest (raaj)
, 98 months, post #71 |
also out this week the 2nd issue of the new Deadman miniseries
From: guest
, 98 months, post #72 |
Pretty sure the 2nd issue of the Deadman miniseries has no
possessions (somehow)
From: Random
, 98 months, post #73 |
True. In the first issue of the Deadman mini, when Boston possessed
the girl in the story, she was able to force him out, and since
she's able to see and hear him she made him promise not to possess
her ever again.
From: guest (troll)
, 98 months, post #74 |
Captain america - Sam wilson 16
This issue is about heroine LMD(Clone robot) hooker.
Not impressive
From: guest (dfd)
, 98 months, post #75 |
it seems psyche #5 is out! But I'm not too sure can anyone confirm?
From: guest (treecatt)
, 98 months, post #76 |
Psyche #5 is out. I received my copy a few days ago.
From: Random
, 98 months, post #77 |
Apparently everyone missed it, but it seems that there is an
English version of the comic book that the writer of the Michelle
Rodriquez film wrote and released in France while waiting to make
the film is coming out this Wednesday.
Preview of ReAssignment #1 at CBR
From: Random
, 97 months, post #78 |
A couple of possibles this week. The first is in Mighty Captain
Marvel #1, where Carol is dealing with a shape-shifting alien
bounty hunter. I say possible because we never see the bounty
hunter's true form.
The other possibility is in Black Widow #10.
Click to show spoiler
Ng gur raq bs gur vffhr gur qnhtugre bs gur sbezre urnq bs gur Erq
Ebbz vf fubja jvgu tybjvat rlrf, vaqvpngvat gung fur'f orvat
cbffrffrq ol Gur Yvba.
Not totally sure about this one, as it's just one panel at the very
From: guest (Morphan)
, 96 months, post #79 |
Champions #65 by Heroic Comics has a ten page Sparkplug story
co-starring Jimmy Jensen called "Opera Night". I may be reaching,
but it's probably not a coincidence that the opera in question is
Wagner's "The Ring". It really should be in the database as it
features a powerful magical object called the Tarnhelm, which
besides allowing its wearer to teleport himself and renders him
invisible when desired, can also transform him into animals
(including dragons) and other people. Remember, it was a magical
object that allowed Jimmy to originally change into Olga, I'm
betting the helmet isn't just a prop in this story. Due out in
From: guest (Troll)
, 92 months, post #80 |
Champions #7
Robot Viv took form of blonde woman briefly.
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