From: rugal
, 5 months, post #301 |
The solicit for Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #4 coming out in August
says that she's going to be fighting a classic 616 villain. The
cover seems to imply that it's going to be the Chameleon so
hopefully there's some nice TG material for once.
From: guest (Well)
, 5 months, post #302 |
Wus hoping its Doc Ock and bringing back the body-switching bug arc
From: guest (Guest)
, 5 months, post #303 |
The synopsis for the issue #3 indicates that someone is pretending
as her to make everyone see her as a villain. It could definitely
be the Chameleon impersonating her.
From: guest (troll)
, 5 months, post #304 |
That makes sense.
Kraven movie is going to release in August.
The movie include chameleon as main villain.
From: Generic guest name
, 5 months, post #305 |
I have a feeling that for the movie they'll either not show the
transformation, they show it but it's a simple one, or the best
case scenario it's a similar style to the Skrull transformations in
the Captain Marvel movie
From: guest (Guest)
, 5 months, post #306 |
The 616 chameleon was using either a holographic or a practical
disguise. The cover for issue #4 implies he will be using some kind
of latex mask for spider-gwen impersonation. I hope it will be the
same case for the movie.
From: guest (guest)
, 5 months, post #307 |
The movie release is delayed again to december 2024. Im not looking
forward to it though as I expect there wont be any transformation
from Chameleon for some concerns.
From: guest (Blob)
, 5 months, post #308 |
Im looking forward to this. I hope the cover for issue 4 lives up.
I wanna see Chameleon how he will impersonate Gwen Stacy.
From: guest (troll)
, 5 months, post #309 |
What if venom issue 4 loki
Loki takes a form of female stripper briefly.
From: DaveS
, 5 months, post #310 |
X-Men the Wedding Special #1 (2024)
You'd think Mystique would transform at least once in a special
issue about her renewal of wedding vows to Destiny... NOPE! But
there is another shapeshifter who makes an appearance...Click to show spoiler
Vg gheaf bhg gung gur "Rzzn Sebfg" jub tvirf Zlfgvdhr naq Qrfgval n
cer-prerzbal gryrcnguvp "pbhafryvat frffvba" va bar frpgvba bs gur
pbzvp vf ernyyl Ybxv va qvfthvfr. Gur erny Rzzn pnyyf Ybxv bhg
nsgre Zlfgvdhr naq Qrfgval yrnir.
From: DaveS
, 4 months, post #311 |
Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #2 begins the Chameleon's appearance
in the book, though technically he was in the book in issue #1.
Click to show spoiler
Gur "Xenira gur Uhagre" jub fgnoorq Tjra va gur svefg vffhr jnf
ernyyl gur Punzryrba nf erirnyrq va guvf vffhr, jura "Xenira"
genafsbezf vagb Fcvqre-Zna. Nf Fcvqrl, Punzryrba gevrf gb yher Tjra
vagb n genc. Tjra vfa'g sbbyrq sbe ybat naq svtugf gur snxr
Fcvqre-Zna Va gur objryf bs n fuvc. Ng gur raq bs gur pbzvp,
Punzryrba uvgf Tjra jvgu fbzr jroovat. Gur ynfg cnary fubjf uvz va
gur cebprff bs genafsbezvat vagb Fcvqre-Tjra'f qbhoyr juvyr gur
bevtvany vf qvfgenpgrq.
From: guest (Troll)
, 4 months, post #312 |
This time, chameleon uses holographic? nano? whatever transform
Sadly, it seems like he can't copy real face of Spider gwen because
he doesn't know how she looks like inside.
From: guest (Needle)
, 4 months, post #313 |
It'll be rad if the Chameleon had to go with the OG Gwen Stacy's
face... I mean the identity of Spider-man's closest friends like MJ
and Gwen are known by his baddies right?
From: guest (Guest)
, 4 months, post #314 |
The technology he used seems like nanotechnology, better than
hologram IMO. I wonder if the nanotech altered his body shape to
mimic Gwen's proportion. But I still prefer the practical disguises
he used in previous Amazing Spiderman comic.
From: guest (Viking)
, 4 months, post #315 |
@Troll you sure he does not know how her face look like? After all
the dagger fake Kraven used to stab her was mailed to her
hideout... who else could sent it but Chammy?
From: guest (troll)
, 3 months, post #316 |
Issue 3
No special TF except chameleon copied masked spider gwen.
It seems like chameleon watched her face in mask since gwen's mask
is torn.
But I don't expect anything, chameleon get super power copy
ability, so disguise is far from main plot.
From: guest (troll)
, 1 months, post #317 |
X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #16
Brief ?TF shapeshift scene. Very brief.
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