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Lots of recent comics have potential TG.
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From: guest (gunit) , 35 months, post #241
Marvel Adventures - Spider-man (2010) Issue #21
Click to show spoiler
Punzryrba gnxrf gur sbez bs n srznyr cbc fgne gb fjvaqyr bss 2 zvyyvba qbyynef

From: guest (troll) , 35 months, post #242
No, the pop star is male.

From: guest , 35 months, post #243
It's going to be a while later, but the solicitations say "Wonder Woman Black & Gold #6" is going to have a body swap with one of her villains. Either FTF or MTF

From: guest (Brian G) , 35 months, post #244

From: bla , 35 months, post #245
Just search for the string given by guest and add swap in google, you end up with many results... for example this one here:

From: Random , 35 months, post #246
Very brief one in Spider-Man: Sinister War #3.

Click to show spoiler
Zlfgrevb hfrf uvf vyyhfvba cbjref gb qvfthvfr uvzfrys nf Oynpx Png gb trg pybfr gb Fcvqre-Zna. Bayl n pbhcyr bs cntrf.

From: guest (unit) , 35 months, post #247
has chameleon ever taken form of silver sable in comics? I believe he has already taken forms of Storm, Mary Jane, Black Cat ( Felicia Hardy), Tigra etc.

From: guest (troll) , 35 months, post #248
No, he hasn't done it.

From: guest (Kara) , 35 months, post #249
And with black Cat and MJ, it has only been a single panel each.

From: Random , 35 months, post #250
Upcoming Amazing Spider-Man #73:

At the end of #72 Kindred was removing his mask to a shocked Mary-Jane. In the preview of #73(coming out this up coming Wednesday) it shows who Kindred, who has been previously established as Harry Osborn, is revealed to be Gwen Stacy(it should be noted at the end of The Chameleon Conspiracy, Kindred was shown getting some serum from Chameleon, which was established in Superior Foes of Spider-Man as being able to be used by anyone to gain shapeshifting powers).

We won't find out if it's Harry shapeshifted to Gwen or what until the issue comes out.

From: guest (Brian G) , 35 months, post #251
Why? Why post at this early?!

Though I still believe that Kindred is an amalgamated demon of regretful souls.

From: Moose , 35 months, post #252
Honestly spoiler tags would have been nice for that one since the kindered storyline has been going on for a minute but oh well i guess

From: guest , 35 months, post #253
They’re wrong on every aspect of what happened in it anyway so it’s barely a spoiler.

From: Random , 35 months, post #254
Since it's part of a preview it's not really a spoiler, and it's probably a fake out of some kind, since previews are usually of the early pages of the issues.

Amazing Spider-Man #73 Preview

From: guest , 35 months, post #255
It’s not TG or a fakeout.

Click to show spoiler
Jr nyernql xabj gurer ner gjb xvaqerqf sebz ynfg vffhr, gurer’f bar jvgu Crgre naq bar jvgu ZW. Gur bar jvgu ZW vfa’g Uneel, vg’f Fnenu Fgnpl, Tjra’f qnhtugre.

From: guest (Brian G) , 35 months, post #256
  • barf *, the arc is gross even though it is implied.

Good thing I forgot if she's willing or not

From: rugal , 35 months, post #257
So some more stuff got leaked on certain other boards regarding Amazing Spider-Man #73 and though the full context of the issue is missing it looks like...

Click to show spoiler
Xvaqerq zvtug or Uneel'f fcvevg cbffrffvat Fnenu Fgnpl'f obql. Fnenu fgngrf gung "Fnenu" vf tbar, gung fur jnf nyjnlf whfg "n irffry" naq gura punatrf vagb Uneel gunaxf gb gur frehz Xvaqerq tbg sebz gur Punzryrba.

I guess we'll know the full story come tomorrow though.

From: guest (Spyeye) , 35 months, post #258

From: guest (tgmania60) , 35 months, post #259
Amazing Spider-Man #73

is out..

anyone can help explain?

I'm confuse since I had never follow this storyline..

From: rugal , 35 months, post #260
Post 259:

Click to show spoiler
Gur fubeg irefvba vf gung Xvaqerq vf Uneel Bfobea hfvat gur obql bs Fnenu Fgnpl, bar bs gur gjvaf sebz gur vasnzbhf Fvaf Cnfg fgbelyvar, nf n irffry naq hfvat gur funcrfuvsgvat frehz bognvarq sebz gur Punzryrba gb nygre uvf nccrnenapr, hfhnyyl gb ybbx yvxr uvzfrys. Ohg ur'f Uneel Bfobea va Fnenu Fgnpl'f obql.Gur ybat irefvba vf jnl gbb ybat gb erpbhag ohg erdhverf n cerggl qrrc xabjyrqtr bs gur uvfgbel bs gur punenpgref vaibyirq, vapyhqvat fbzr cerggl bofpher fgbevrf, gb ernyy znxr nal frafr bs. Gur NV, sbe rknzcyr, vf sebz na bofpher 25-lrne-byq bar fubg pnyyrq Yrtnpl bs Rivy fb hayrff lbh'ir ernq vg be xabj n fhzznel bs gur riragf gung unccra gura boivbhfyl gung jba'g znxr nal frafr.

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