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From: guest , 134 months, post #121
Not every woman would be that understanding. I mean just think about it. Do you really think every woman would be okay with a man that is occupying their female body to have sex with another man? They would probably think it's an invasion of privacy and possible rape. And what about STDs, AIDS, and pregnancy? Let's not forget about possible pics of the woman's body being put on the internet too by the man you sleep with while you are in her body. I'm not sure I would sleep with a man. I guess if her female body made me attractive to men and like them then maybe.

From: cj , 134 months, post #122
"And why so? "

For the same reason that most people wouldn't want someone else performing unwanted sexual acts with unknown (and more importantly, unapproved) persons.

As guest above states, most (men & women) would consider it a violation of their body (rape).

From: Forestier , 134 months, post #123
We'd need a contract stating that sex is permitted.

From: observer , 134 months, post #124
Just to make things interesting - what if the person that you swapped with was married? Would it be wrong to engage in the type of activity that married people engage in? That goes along with the impersonation line of thinking but is a valid question.

From: guest , 134 months, post #125
The marriage thing would be tricky. If you are a man and your swap with a woman that has a husband, wouldn't you be obligated to let her husband have his way with you since you'd have his wife's vagina? Would the woman really mind that you were being pleasured in her body by her husband? If it was another man, then yeah I could see how that would be wrong and inappropriate but maybe having sex with the husband might not be that wrong to do. For me, it would all depend on how I would feel sexually in a female body. If a female body made want men and sex with men, then I'd probably have sex with the woman's husband. I'd definitely wear a teddy or corset with matching panties, thigh highs, stockings, and heels if I was going to engage in sex as a woman with the woman's husband.

From: cj , 134 months, post #126
Yes, but... I'd feel so much more sure of myself (less guilty about... everything) if I had her approval to impersonate her / take her place. Perhaps she would feel outraged or cheated.. or that her husband had cheated (or was aloof) - if you, in her body, engaged in coitus with her husband.

And yes, I would feel obligated to let the husband have his way with me, since he thinks that I'm his wife... maybe (a bit to quite a bit) less if he knew I was not his wife - but (especially after prolonged separation/swap) he felt he needed or was entitled to sex with his wife's body.

From: guest , 134 months, post #127
Would it really be cheating on her husband since he would only really be screwing his wife's body? There would just be a different driver in the body. And what would she do to you? Sue you? She would be put in a looney bin if she claimed that she had swapped bodies with a man and said that a man had sex with her husband while in her body. I can understand if you got her body pregnant or gave her AIDS or stds but just sleeping with the husband? Not that bad.

From: cj , 134 months, post #128
I'm just stating that she might FEEL that way. As would I, forgoing any prior agreement(s).

From: guest , 134 months, post #129
True, true. I guess you wouldn't really what you would do until you were in that situation. We have no idea how a man would act in a woman's body because we've never experienced it first hand. He could either adapt and fully become a woman and like men and sleep with them or fight the change and still like men or maybe not completely become a woman but be bisexual or bicurious.

From: observer , 134 months, post #130
@CJ - that brings up another thought. Yes, you may have an agreement however you would be in the body of their spouse. You would have their scent, wearing their clothes, using their personal care products, etc.. It might be hard for them and you to say no. Especially if you were to go to an event for them - dinner or wedding for example. You could only use 'I have a headache' or 'I have my period' for so long.

From: guest , 134 months, post #131
Why wouldn't you want to go to dinner or a wedding? You'd be able to get all dolled up and show off your new female body and have people notice you especially if you were in a sexy dress that shows off your female figure. I think the main worry about the sex is pregnancy. If you got the woman pregnant while in her body, she may tell you to go fudge yourself and keep your male body.

From: observer , 134 months, post #132
@#131 - I would love to go to dinner or a wedding, and that really is my point. Who knows what happens afterwards?

From: cj , 134 months, post #133
Observer, I concur. Hopefully I'd be able to hold-out long enough to revise the agreement... or, if I really have to, swap back.

From: guest , 134 months, post #134
How would you react if you went to a wedding in her body but she showed up to the same wedding in your male body? Talk about awkward. And I know this has been mentioned before but would you still claim ownership to your former male body while you were occupying a female body? And would you claim ownership to that female body?

From: observer , 134 months, post #135
I don't think it would be awkward at all in fact quite the opposite. I'd love to show her what I could do with her body - especially if I had some time to exercise and lose some weight. I'm not sure about ownership, I guess it would depend on how we were both enjoying the situation.

From: cj , 134 months, post #136
"How would you react if you went to a wedding in her body but she showed up to the same wedding in your male body?"

Surprised... perhaps relieved... maybe sad. Depending on how we ended up swapped, and if (and when) we swap back... and if she/I was the bride, bridesmaid, or just a guest - and what my male role (would have been) was.

"would you still claim ownership to your former male body while you were occupying a female body? And would you claim ownership to that female body?"

If the swap was recent... yes to the first and only partially to the second. The "better" her body/life was than mine, the greater my "claim" to the second. If I was suddenly the bride and didn't really know (or like) the groom, probably less claim to the second.

If the swap was weeks or months old... then perhaps not so much to the first, and pretty much to the second - especially if we seem to be "happy" with things as our new selves.

From: guest , 134 months, post #137
So her vagina and breasts would be yours? Would that mean your penis would be hers then? This stuff is so complicated. So many different aspects and details to think about. I wonder if the woman that I would swap with would get mad if by some chance I either cosplayed as Zatanna, Ms. Marvel, or wore the leotard thing that Beyonce wore in the single ladies video? I know it's been asked before but I would be showing off her thighs, cleavage, and butt cheeks in those costumes. Seeing that reaction would be interesting and possibly funny.

From: guest , 134 months, post #138
I wonder how women would feel about this. If they met the man that was in their former female body, how would they react to it?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 134 months, post #139
If there was one female celebrity that I could choose to swap bodies with, it'd be Jessica Biel. She is nearly perfect, and I'm sure her life would be pretty awesome to live. I'd trade up in a heartbeat.
Once inside her body, I'd drink some potion or do something or whatever to make sure that we couldn't be switched back

From: guest , 134 months, post #140
Isn't that a little harsh? Why not just transfer some money from her account to yours and then swap back? If I could pick a celebrity, I guess it would be a fictional character and not a celebrity. I'd go with the Belgium Lalola or Louislouise.

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