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Meeting the person that you swapped bodies with
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From: guest (Tyler Durden) , 138 months, post #1
How would you react if by some force or device, you swapped with someone preferably from the opposite sex and eventually met them? Would it be like Lalola? Would you want your original body back? Would you be okay with the fact that someone has be using your penis or vagina as their own? Do you think they would be okay with that about you? Would you feel attracted to that person even though they occupied your original body? If having sex was the only way to return to your original bodies, would you do it?

So many questions with so many possibilities.

From: guest (Marsian) , 138 months, post #2
I would never want to be a member of the opposite sex. I've only ever fantasized about switching bodies with other men. However I never would want to permanently swap bodies with another dude, I like being myself. Although, I guess if I swapped bodies with another dude I would want to swap bodies with another gay guy, I don't want my penis being used on a woman... I don't want my penis in a vagina for one, plus I don't want to father any children with a female. I guess I would only switch with a straight dude if I knew he wasn't going to have sex with a woman, selfish I know.

I suppose a straight man wouldn't want to swap bodies with me either because I doubt he would want his body used for seducing men, and having his penis used on another man, much like I don't want my body used for seducing women or my penis used on a woman, haha.

I sincerely doubt I would be attracted to myself while in the body of another man, that would seem awfully narcissistic, but then again I wouldn't be myself, so... who knows... And if having sex was the only way to return to our original bodies, I would absolutely do it!

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #3
It depends. First of all, you have to state that they weren't together when they swapped. If I was to swap with a unknown female, I would want to meet her->him, first to know if everything is okay with her->him. If the swap couldn't be undone, I'd try to exchange whatever information is needed. If it can be undone, I'd try to make her->him wait a little...

Of course, if I couldn't meet with her->him, I'd try to make a living of my own, and that would include sex.

It would be weird to have sex of my former body, but it could be written into a good way to discover this part of the other sex's life.

From: guest (Tyler Durden) , 138 months, post #4
Would you let the person that is now occupying your original body see you naked in their original body? Would you think of that person's original body as your body while you were in it? For example, if you were placed into a woman's body, would you cross your legs or keep your legs closed when sitting if you were wearing a short skirt or dress? Would you cover the breasts of the body that you were occupying if your top fell off or something or not care since the body isn't really your body?

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #5
To guest (Tyler Durden):

I think I'd try to behave. I wouldn't undress even before the original owner, except to ask a question about a body part, or if we decided to become intimate...

But I am not even sure I'd wear a mini skirt.

From: DivineBandit , 138 months, post #6
This is the exact reason I'd never actually want to switch bodies with anyone, even though I fantasize about it constantly. I'd get pretty irritated seeing someone else in my body, assuming my identity. I could never trust them, and I probably would do something stupid.

From: guest (Darkfox) , 138 months, post #7
I'm not sure about any of this. It all depends on the body and personality of the person I'm swapping with. If she's an absolute 9 or 10/10, I doubt I'd want to swap back, and if she had a fun adventurous personality, I think we would have some fun with it. We'd definitely have sex with other people, but if having sex with her/him would swap us back, then I doubt we'd do it. I might decline that offer, at least for a long time. We might even check to see if we could swap back after that too.

If she ruined my identity, I'd not only be very mad, I'd refuse to ever swap back.

From: guest (Tyler Durden) , 138 months, post #8
What about your attire? And what about nudity? You would have to deal with another human being able to see your body naked any time they wanted and you would get to see someone else's body naked any time you wanted. And would you think of your borrowed body as your body?

From: guest (G7) , 138 months, post #9
I would LOVE to meet the person I swapped with and help her "BE" me. She could help me "BE" her. Teach me how she dresses , wears her hair and make up. Of course I'd have to develop my own style after awhile!

From: guest , 138 months, post #10
Would you be mad if she slapped you on the butt?

From: dis_guise , 138 months, post #11
I'm not that big on body swaps, but I like the idea of artificially grown new bodies that people (particularly women) would have their selves transplanted into, leaving their old bodies empty, ready to be sold to people who wanted their own selves put inside. Some of my stories on FictionMania (author name Blot) go into that sort of thing (I'm Vickie, She Was On Sale). I don't think that I'd want anyone else stuck with the body I have now, were swaps possible.

I especially like the thought of buying and being put into the shed, ordinarily-attractive body of a woman who went for an upgrade -- and some time later meeting the original wearer of my new-to-me girl body. I'd especially like it if she had buyer's remorse and wanted her old body back -- say if I'd improved the body since it became mine (lost weight, perhaps, or dressed it better than she had, or wore it with enough style and panache that she envied me).

The original wearer of my secondhand female body teaching me to impersonate her old self could be a turn-on, too (the possibility is brought up in I'm Vickie).

From: guest , 136 months, post #12
Would your swapped body be yours? Like if you are a man and are swapped with a female, would you say "my breasts" and "my vagina"? I mean yes you would currently have access to them but would they really be yours?

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #13
To guest #12
If you hit with a hammer the fingers of the body you inhabit, I'm sure you'll know the pain and the fingers are yours. Why not the breasts and the vagina?

From: guest , 135 months, post #14
Guest (post #12) obviously understands the physical implications of having a different body. What s/he is asking pertains more to the psychological and philosophical aspects. If you retain your memories of your previous body and life, which would you consider to be *truly yours*? The arms attached to your current body or the ones you were born with?

If, for instance, you're a male and swapped bodies with your sister, could you forbid her from touching her new penis because it's *yours*? In the same way, could she order you around to maintain her obligations because it's *her* body you're in?

One way to look at it is to employ the idea of a soul (like that quotation falsely attributed to C.S. Lewis: "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." ). Thinking about it that way, I would be inclined to say that whatever body your soul is currently in control of is *your* body.

I think another important consideration is the way in which you obtained the new body. If you somehow stole it by swapping bodies with someone else without their knowledge or against their will, then you don't *own* the body; you *have* it (yes, it may just be semantics, but I think there is an important distinction to be found somewhere in there). This is problematic because it directly contradicts what I previously said about the soul. Anyone care to add or help clear this up? My thoughts got increasingly muddled the more I wrote.

This is all just an extension of the ethical concept of ownership, and I don't think there's an absolute right answer, or ever will be.

From: guest (SwitchErOOO) , 135 months, post #15
My point of view is that it would depend on two things. The first is how easy it would be to swap back. The second is the intention or ability to swap back.

1) If it is easy to swap and there is a clear intention to swap back, then whether something is "yours" or not depends on what parameters you set up ahead of time. After all, if you intend to swap back, and it is easy to, then if you don't like the rules, you just swap back.

2) If it is hard to swap and there is no intention to swap back, then the answer is also clear. You own what you have. Whether it was intentional or forced, you can't assume you'll ever get back your original equipment. Better to just make do. May let off a little at the beginning in case you do switch back miraculously.

3) If it is hard to swap but the intention is to swap back, then it becomes a little more tricky. It is a blend of 1 and 2. Initially, it would be best to agree to parameters with each other. But as it gets more clear that it will last a long time and maybe foreever, then you just have to assume you own what you have. Plus, initially, you'll just have to assume that any private moment you or the other person have, will lead to curiosity. Even non-private moments - as the guy in the girl's body can get materially aroused with less chance anyone will notice. The Farscape episode is a great example of this. They could have easily remained stuck forever, and it was only extreme skill and luck that got them past not one, but two more swaps.

Imagine somehow switching back a month later, if a hetero guy turned girl pissed off the girl by wildly masturbating, having lesbian sex, etc, then the girl was so mad she had lots of guy sex in the original guy's body, and had the resulting consequences come forth. Now everyone thinks differently of them when they swap back.

4) It is the last situations where it gets really tricky. Easy swapping, but no intention to swap back. Presumably, this is either a totally agreed upon situation, or a total hostile swap. In the former, you are stuck with what you agreed to ahead of time. In the latter, you are presumably blackmailed or forced in some way. In the former, it is like buying a used car - maybe you didn't get what you wanted, and you want to return. If you play like you totally own, you may never get back. In the latter, it is a tricky game of chess if you ever want back. Maybe this is why many stories end up here.

From: guest , 135 months, post #16
I only asked because I see TG media in which a man is in a woman's body yet he freaks out over his breasts being shown or when he has an upskirt moment. If the body he is in is not really his body or his original body, why would he care if someone can see his panties or breasts? It would be interesting to see if a woman or man would be mad if they knew that a woman or man had sex while in their body.

From: observer , 135 months, post #17
Very interesting question. For me the person that I'd want to swap with is related and is married. We would end up meeting which I'm sure would result in some challenging conversations.

From: cj , 135 months, post #18
In my ideal swaps, it would be a consensual swap. And it'd either be with a family member... or if not familial, I'd hope to become my own/her/his wife.

From: guest , 135 months, post #19
Would you be mad if the woman in your former male body grabbed her former breasts and butt that you now possess? Would you feel like a piece of meat? How would you deal with guys checking out your booty? You may think that transforming into a woman is paradise or awesome but you would have to deal with this and an increased chance of being raped or taking advantage of. Kind of scary when you think about it.

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #20
To guest 19:
Nobody said that being a woman doesn't carry its share of unpleasantness. I even think this very question has already been addressed a couple of months ago.

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