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Female Bodyswap/Possession/Transformation with Sex Scenes
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From: guest , 141 months, post #61
Some More movies; Vortex, Belphegor, Phantom of the LOVRE 2001, Mary Carey Possessed, Black Bible

Does any1 have any others?

From: guest (Guest F2F) , 141 months, post #62
Miguel Sleeps with Kay . From the Passions soap show & be seen on youtube.

Buried Secrets. Mary is a ghost and takes over the body of Tiffani-Amber Thiessen. She has romp with Johnny, Mary’s old boy friend. Johnny at first is confused because only Mary would know the things she knows.

Sea Of Souls Seeing Double. Twin sisters. One sister’s husband dies. She goes to live with her sister and brother-in-law. One scene where she gets out of the shower and has aggressive sex with brother-in-law. Spoiler. She kills her sister but the “new” husband thinks the sister is his wife.

SORCERERSS with Linda Blair. Has the ability to take over other women’s bodies and roll in bed activities.

From: guest , 141 months, post #63
Guest F2F in sorcererss who possess who in the movie?

From: guest , 141 months, post #64
does any1 no a movie where a old grandma switch bodies with a young women and she uses her body to have sex?

From: guest (attila) , 141 months, post #65
It's not a swap--it's possession--but in Inheritance an old woman possesses a young woman and has sex using her body

From: Eric , 141 months, post #66
Skeleton Key, has a deleted scene where the very old owman in Kate Hudson's character's body is going hot &heavy.

From: Eric , 141 months, post #67
Also, here's the URL of y tube video made with the MoVIE PROGRAM
where a very old woamn and Beautiful ypoung girl ( JIll) meet & the old woman thinks the young woman a waste of that body & steals it. Then makes out the girls BF. Oddly enough the make still used a young version of her former face I guess to emind us who was inside the young body as botht he girl and the BF recognize the body as 'Jill's

From: guest (aras) , 141 months, post #68
from series - The Hunger - Menage a Trois

When the young Nurse injects sedative into the Old Woman, somehow she gains the ability to possess the young Nurse for a time.

From: Eric , 141 months, post #69
I rememebr that one & the nurse doesn't rememebr what theold woman did. Intersting castig as Daniel Craig was the Handyman & Lenona Hedley was the young nurse.

At the end I didn't think it clear but it looked like it to me the nurse had been pushed out of her body & the old woman was in it 24/7

From: guest , 141 months, post #70
eric is there an IMDb link for Inheritance and a link to watch the skeleton key deleted scene?

From: guest (aras) , 141 months, post #71


odd why searching for 'inheritance' does not bring it up in their database, I guess they figure its just too obscure. I needed to search for the actors.

From: Eric , 141 months, post #72
I took a quick look & couldn't find one, y best suggestion is to rent the DVD from netflick, sorry

From: guest (guest) , 141 months, post #73
aras, do you give me a link to download Inheritance? A search everywhere, but don't find anything.

From: guest (aras) , 141 months, post #74

1 DVD in stock - 10 bucks

I VERY seldom download much of anything, and do not endorse it.

I did find a trailer you can watch

Honestly 'Inheritance' did not impress me much.
I would have to see it again to nail down why, but I have no desire to. My best memory would be too much was usually eluded to. Seemed to lack climax power. Although the dialogue between the old lady spirit and Abbey was good. I like how to old lady says "I want your body"

I might have had a scene where the girl Abbey was sleeping then a battle of astral spirits occurs (some form of special effect or CGI). I'd have the old lady astral spirit grow stronger during the fight and then somehow incapacitates the girls spirit long enough for the old lady to try to combine her spirit with the girls body.
Abbey's body would offer a few seconds of resistance, but the tenacious old lady succeeds as her spirit sinks into and then connects up the Abbey's Body. Then the girl wakes up and walks over to the mirror makes a smile while admiring herself.

From: guest , 141 months, post #75
what year are this movies in cuz i couldnt find anything Vortex, Belphegor

From: guest (aras) , 141 months, post #76
Belphégor - Le fantome du Louvre - 2001

From: guest , 141 months, post #77
Just to clarify: There is actually not a deleted sex scene in "Skeleton Key." However there is an alternate ending which features the now possessed Kate Hudson character kissing the lawyer who is really "Papa Justify."

Regarding "Inheritance," yes that one does indeed have a sex scene. While it may have been interesting, or even perhaps even very thrilling to see Abbey slowly "becoming" Mrs Baker in her sleep, just bear in mind that at the end of the day it was an independent film, so unfortunately no dazzling special effects.

From: guest , 141 months, post #78
so theres no sex scene in the skeleton key? right?

From: guest , 141 months, post #79
i cant find that alternate ending of Skeleton Key anywhere

From: guest (aras) , 141 months, post #80

highly doubtful you will find it as a 'download' for free
pickup the DVD or Bluray
I own the Bluray and watched the said scene, not even worth seeking IMO. Its a 2 second kiss.. that' s it!!
In fact wasn't even worth me loading into the Bluray player just for that :)

I agree it would have been nice for the movie to have a bit more post swap minutes covering Mama Cecile as the NEW Caroline.
Maybe they hit the town for a night of dancing, then later in the evening a real sex scene in bed would have been a blast.
I know Hollywood would be thinking 'whats the point?, the movie is over once the swap happens'

FWIW, 'Miss Mystic' was ultra low budget and I LOVED it!
Had that 'BAM' climax when it revealed the swap took place, even the simple but effective background music added to it. Perhaps also the post swap gloating also really revs my excitement. The old Gran left zero doubt she was totally ecstatic about being in a teen girl body!

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