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Female Bodyswap/Possession/Transformation with Sex Scenes
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From: guest , 149 months, post #41
Once Upon A Temptress (1988)
Ginger Effect (1985)
Ghost Widow

From: guest (stag) , 149 months, post #42
witches brew


they don't show a scene but it's implied. the old witch in the young witches bodies starts to make out with the husband in their bedroom. the old/young witch took over the girls body while she was in the shower. the kissing occurs just after she gets out of the shower and drys off. she's in a bath robe when they start to kiss. they cut later to them sleeping in bed as they receive a call saying the old woman (now the young witch) has been taken to the hospital.

From: guest (RikJohnson) , 149 months, post #43
Guest F2F wrote:
>>Below by categories of: Mild & Implied, Some Nudity, Hard core
>>- Mild & Implied -
>>Being Human
>>Buffy "Who’s That Girl

Great list though some of these have so many films under the same title that a year and main actor would be helpful in weeding out the undesired films.
For example, _Chameleon_ can be either a hard-core film or one abouts ome guy pretending to be a kid.

From: guest (stag) , 149 months, post #44
maybe in the movie Disturbance/Choker, but it would be implied.


end of the movie the wife tells the daughter shes pregnant. the husband and wife are then shown in the bedroom talking. he quit his job with the alien hunters and she's thrilled. she wants to give me him a special treat so says to close his eyes. the audience then finds out the leader alien was able to take over the alien hunter wifes body. so maybe they had sex after she took over. they don't specify how much time goes after the alien leader takes over the wifes body.

From: guest , 149 months, post #45
is there a clip for it stag or a link to watch it?

From: guest (stag) , 148 months, post #46

From: guest (jay) , 148 months, post #47
hey stag you have a clip for witches brew? i want to see it thanks

From: guest (stag) , 148 months, post #48
i have the witches brew VHS, but i don't have a VCR so I can't put up any clips. some day, and ya'll will be the first to know.

From: guest , 147 months, post #49
is there any more?

From: guest , 147 months, post #50
There's those Japenese Red String Movies, i no theres a movie about a Japanese mom and daughter switch its on a porn site but u can watch it

From: guest , 147 months, post #51
Theres one called Possessed Pussy with Bailey Blue does any1 no wat happen to it? it was supposed to be released but it never came out does any1 hav a link?

From: guest , 147 months, post #52
my friend told me about a website called clips4sale it cost to buy the clips but the previews are ok. it took me a hour to find all these and i barely scratch the surface if u find more comment on it

From: cj , 147 months, post #53
stag, look around for someone who does vhs to dvd transfers. Wedding and Graduation places may know of someone who does these transfers as well as local electronics and repair shops.

From: guest , 147 months, post #54
some of the websites will lead u to the possession/switch scene other u have to search for it but the title of the scene is in the link so jux copy and paste it in the search bar after u go to the website

From: guest , 147 months, post #55
is there any links to download or to watch the videos?

From: cj , 147 months, post #56
guest, read and heed the Posting Guidelines

Do not post direct links to complete copyrighted works. Links provided by (or approved by) the copyright holder may be exempt.

I take it that you've already searched for video via google, youtube, vimeo, etc... and you've searched the torrent sites and IRC.channels? If not - start there. If you've exhausted all those avenues - see if anyone here knows where to find a CLIP of the material in question. Thank you.

From: Quiksilver , 146 months, post #57
for some reason the site takes a LONGGGGG time to load. any thoughts?

From: guest (jay) , 146 months, post #58
hey stag you should check this out buy this i will wait for the witch brew

From: guest (stag) , 146 months, post #59
I got a VCR and i bought something similar off amazon for cheaper, but i can't figure out how to work it.

From: Bodyswap1 , 146 months, post #60
Sounds like that Roxio thing might be a good thing to have.

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