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Soaps/ Body Swaps
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From: guest (Jill c) , 148 months, post #1
I was flipping through the channels as I was biking at lunch and came upon a soap opera, that got me thinking, all the crazy storylines, vampires on port charles, marlena possessed by a demon on days have they ever done a long storyline on a body swap in any? I thought I remember a body swap or possession on the soap opera Passions, I think it was on NBC.

I mean I could totally see it, it could be female/male, male/male, or what I imagine would work best female/female and it wouldn't even have to be one taking the other one's body, could be by accident or like some type of freaky friday wish by the both of them. So many ideas and storylines trying to fool people, liking or not liking their new life. Then say they swap back and the problems that would arise with that.

From: guest (Pygar) , 148 months, post #2
You'd think!
But I'm pretty sure that "Passions" was the only soap that EVER got into supernatural themes. So, potential notwithstanding, that kind of storyline is virtually nonexistent in most soaps.

From: Mr. Ram , 148 months, post #3
Wait, you were biking and watching soaps?!

Do you run into many things on your bike when you do that? lol

Mr. Ram

From: Eric , 148 months, post #4
There are been 2 limited soaps in Korea with Body swaps.,_Soon-Ae

In this a middle age 40 year old wife & mother switches bodies with her husband's beautiful young mistress.

The other is SECRET GARDEN where a rich, handsome man switches bodies with a very poor, pretty stunt woman that he has a crush on.

On American soaps

A few years ago DAY OF OUR LIVES had the female lead doctor Marlene Evan's body possessed by a devil.

Also, later a rich beautiful socialite has her life stolen by a hired look alike.

But I agree with you a body swap on an american soap would be great.

From: guest (Newman) , 148 months, post #5
"rich beautiful socialite has her life stolen by a hired look alike"

was that in days of our lives, if so or not what episodes or show was that in?

From: guest (Newman) , 148 months, post #6
also what actor and character was that had her life stolen

From: Dale Ribbons , 148 months, post #7
Message deleted by Dale Ribbons. Kind of nasty tone. Sorry.
From: Dale Ribbons , 148 months, post #8
Dark Shadows (1966-1971). Count Petofi steals the body of Quentin Collins in order to escape gypsies out to kill him. Quentin is stuck in Petofi's body for a month of episodes until Barnabas Collins and Angelique help him swap back.

From: guest (Newman) , 148 months, post #9
anyone going to answer my question?

From: guest (Newman) , 148 months, post #10
is this clip related to what you were talking about

From: guest (Newman) , 148 months, post #11
still waiting for a reply?

From: guest (shaketodabake) , 148 months, post #12
During 1999 "Days of Our Lives" had a storyline about the big bad of the show who placed a computer chip into one of the woman(Hope) brain with the memories of a art thief (Gina). at the start of it he switches the chip on and the Gina personality takes over. She starts smoking, acting different.

From: guest (stag) , 148 months, post #13
Pretty sure in Port Charles one of the episodes had the lead Blonde switch PERSONALITIES with the lead brunette, Kelly Monaco. They were still the same people I guess but the nice one was now mean and the mean one was now nice.

From: DB Cooper , 148 months, post #14
I know the soap Joey was on in 'Friends' had fake a plotline where his character died and a woman's brain was transplanted into his body.

From: guest (hereitis) , 148 months, post #15
Secret Garden is on dvd with subtitles

From: DivineBandit , 148 months, post #16
Secret Garden is also available subbed on Hulu, for North American viewers.

From: guest (JadedGirl) , 68 months, post #17
Passions never had a body swap (that I'm aware of), but I think it had a couple of episodes where Charity became possessed. And Port Charles had an episode where two women (one a vampire) swapped bodies for a short time.

From: guest (f2f) , 68 months, post #18
@jadedgirl you have any idea which arc or where? or even the name of the characters?

From: guest (the searcher) , 68 months, post #19
General Hospital has had a story ongoing for the past several years in which a male character had the memories of another man thought dead. (The actor had left the show so they replaced him) It was explained that he had undergone plastic surgery while away.

Then the real man came back and it was discovered that they were both brothers. But a secret experiment had mapped the 1st man's memories and overlaid them on the brother's mind.

This, of course, had the effect of swapping one mind into the body of his brother. Both men currently remember the same past.

But in soapy tradition, the original memories are still on a hard drive and eventually may help him get his memories back! Also, the plastic surgery seems to have been forgotten as his old girlfriend identified him and he has a son he never knew about...)

To be continued this fall... ;)

From: Unknown N19 , 68 months, post #20
I would be very grateful if you can give me information (title or episode number) on the episode that you mentioned (jadedgirl)
Thanks in advance

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