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In the near future, a team is sent on a dangerous mission to Europa to retrieve and bring water back to a dying Earth. Their operation unexpectedly goes awry, jeopardizing not only the lives of those on board but also on earth, resulting in the possible extinction of the human race. One of the mai ...more
From: guest (Jimbo) , 154 months, post #1
Re: PARADOX ALICE what is the TG part of this movie. I know its not out yet but it was posted here on the list, but the element was not mentioned. I watched the trailer but could not tell if there was a TG part in it.

Thanks for the info.

From: guest (Dapper) , 154 months, post #2
Well that blond and Robert Downey Jr looking guy are wearing the same top. That's all I got

From: dis_guise , 154 months, post #3
Alex and Alice with the same surname among the characters = same character? I don't know.

Also I wonder about Europa. Aren't there easier sources of water out there (e.g. the asteroid belt) that wouldn't require landing on a planet? Saturn is further but isn't there ice in the rings, in relatively accessible chunks? Maybe the movie gives some good reasons for Europa, but the place is big enough that the water's "at the bottom of a gravity well."

Trailer makes the production look VERY professional.

From: guest (Ocelot) , 154 months, post #4
Why doesnt the description include the tg element? Has anyone actually seen this or the tg? If not, how the hell did it get approved as an entry?

From: guest (Ocelots Drunk Uncle) , 154 months, post #5
ok Jimbo *snicker* I mean Ocelot. You both seem like a plant to me. Mako is the KING of gender transformation movies -and you are crying foul over this entry? something that most everyone knows has a tg tf element in it? i smell a rat here people. someone is coming back out of their hole just when 'Paradox' is arriving and crying over spilt milk. seems very coincidental to me considering what happened a few months ago

oh and by the way,anyone with 1/2 a brain cell can see an image of someone growing longer nails in the trailer. a sign of a tf tg in the movie i would say

From: The Gambler , 154 months, post #6
Mako made the submission, and since he's a trusted user, the submission goes live on the database right away......

As for why no tg description, guess Mako doesn't want the major plot of the movie gets out too early, I guess. Maybe Mako can come back later and add more info for us. Or, wait until someone gets to see the movie and give us the spoiler....

From: LaKittyBooBoo , 154 months, post #7
I have to agree with the Drunk Uncke on this one.

The insulting fact that someone uses the line "how the hell did it get approved as an entry?" feels personal and angry.

Paradox ALice seems nothing short of amazing by the trailer alone. For anyone that follows Mako, it's been clear this is a transformation movie.

From: Mako , 154 months, post #8
Thanks Gambler :) Looking back on all of our major Mako Pictures Movies, I have always tried to not spoil the TG TF moment. Because whether it's THE KISS, or TLPS... the TG TF moment has always been a crucial part of the story. It's no different with PARADOX ALICE. There's really nothing different I have done here, that I haven't already done on our other releases.

Now I did crunch some numbers to prove a point.

THE LAST PIECE STANDING: was first posted here on this site when the trailer first premiered back in May 2005. The movie was not released to the public/community until 5 months later for viewing/review. No one was kicking and screaming back then about "approval for that entry"

ELEVEN: was first posted here on this site when the trailer first premiered back in Feb 2006. The movie was not released to the public/community until 7 months later for viewing/review. No one was kicking and screaming back then about "approval for that entry"

By the way... all of the information I just gave above... can be found right on this site per past forum entries.

Needless to say... I am saying here on Metamorphose yet again... that PARADOX ALICE does have a major transformation element in the movie. No different than how I had rolled out all of my past projects here on Paul's great site. And most everyone knows that the end results of those movies... had transformation elements in them.

Here's yet more proof that this has been mentioned before even on this site:

Face/Off Thread

Cheers :)

- Mako -

From: guest (Ocelot) , 154 months, post #9
First of all it was not personal and angry. Second I am not Jimbo and screw anyone that thinks that. Third I asked that question because I thought that entries had to be validated before they are posted and even with what mako does I had no idea that he is automatically exempt from that rule. And not knowing that, it's valid to ask why the tg element isn't in the description. I know what mako does but can you really assume every single person who visits this site knows who mako is or what he does? Even with that link to the previous mention of the movie how would anyone who just visited the site know about that link unless that link was in the entry? To mako: thanks for the post we all appreciate it. If there is anger it's all going to that douche bag drunk uncle. You think I'm James you prick? You know for sure? I think your mom beats you up too much so your taking it out on me. You got to stand up for yourself. Your 40 years old! 1/2 a brain cell? You're the one who started the name calling you instigating meathead! But I bet you are all talk...

From: guest (Ocelot) , 154 months, post #10
Message deleted by Dale Ribbons. Personal attacks and sexual comments.
From: guest (Ocelot) , 154 months, post #11
Damn this got me all riled up! To Mako: not every single person including myself has been on the site as long as you so you can't assume we all know about you. I shouldn't of put "hell" in my post but it seems your upset that some people want some clarification. Why can't we question? I mean of all the places to do it wouldn't this be the place? If we question you again are you gonna consider it "kicking and screaming"? This is your public. We are allowed to voice questions and opinions.

From: guest (Bob) , 154 months, post #12
Mako did a very good job providing rational information to explain not only what many people here already knew-but maybe what others did not. I for one love the trailer and am very happy that the movie has been posted here. Have you questioned other entries in this manner? Cause I don't remember seeing you do this before?

Saying things like "I know what mako does" and then saying "you can't assume we all know about you" comes across very contradictory.You obviously know very much about Mako if you brought up James yourself. I'm afraid this thread will need to be micro managed by the 'trusted users' from here on out. Its a shame really, but obviously needed.

From: guest (shua) , 154 months, post #13
"Can't we all just get along?" - Some Guy
Ocelot makes a good point. At the very least thinking in the perspective of the site's casual visitors and not the more hardcore ones that know everything and anything. I too was thinking about where the tf was in the description but I am glad I didn't bring it up otherwise I would get hit with "internet rage" lol!

From: guest (Ocelot) , 154 months, post #14
Me saying "you can't assume we all know about you" doesn't mean just me that's a general expression. I know what I said. If I am contradictory you take everything literally. Also I am not talking about the trailer I am talking about the entry itself. Yeah I have heard of mako and James. So what? Knowing what mako does, I still can't ask the question? And now your saying that I am not happy the movie is here because I asked why it's here? Yeah then your right this thread needs to be micro managed.

From: guest (PacMac82) , 154 months, post #15
Mako your trailer is awesome! So much better than I imagined. Can't wait to see it

From: guest (beetlebum) , 154 months, post #16
dudes I don't know what pipe crack your smokin but I just saw what could be the coolest teaser for a tg change movie I've ever seen. time to chill and give mako and his posse some props, man

From: Eric , 154 months, post #17
It's a pity Mako did not ad a 'spoiler' it would have saved a lot of ink & ill feeling.

From: guest (Ocelots Drunk Uncle) , 154 months, post #18
"Your 40 Years Old!" huh?-you are one confusing human being. keep the insults and bad logic coming,Ocelot. here's a shovel for you too--luv how you turn on mako after coming after me. love it when you prove me right about you

From: LaKittyBooBoo , 154 months, post #19
"It's a pity Mako did not ad a 'spoiler' it would have saved a lot of ink & ill feeling." - Eric

I guess I don't understand. He never had to do that before. Curious how that's all changed recently.

From: guest (Jimbo) , 154 months, post #20
Guys I really was not trying to get anything started. I was just asking a question. As for the "oh and by the way,anyone with 1/2 a brain cell can see an image of someone growing longer nails in the trailer. a sign of a tf tg in the movie i would say" I actually had to re-watch the clip to see the nails growing. It happened so quickly. I didn't realize that nails growing would explain the TG element.


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