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Fictionmania Search?
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From: guest (Blog) , 139 months, post #21
Are there any stories about slaves, Masters and boys choosing to become
girls, with colour photographs?

From: rugal , 139 months, post #22
God this is old (don't know why the thread aws bumped for a question like that) but...

Why reinvent the wheel?

Because some times things are just outdated. I can understand resistance to change and attachment to something old but at the same time... I'm not some programmer or web design but even I can tell just from looking at the site that Fictionmania is horrifically outdated. When the excuse, for example, for not letting Google crawlers search the site isn't anything to do with privacy but is, instead, "it crashes the vintage software" that should tell you that maybe it's time for an upgrade.

The forums definitely need to be updated too. It's not the mid to late '90s anymore so thread trees are just archaiac when you could easily have a more conventional forum like an ipboard instead.

Although I've found myself visiting Fictionmania less and less not because it's "old" but because of the story quality itself. It's a problem people have been going on about for years but at this point (and really it's been like this for a long time) the new story submissions are completely dominated by sissy crossdressing fetish stuff or bimbo transformations all of them being incredibly long multi-part things and I think it's done a lot to drive people away from the site if they think their submissions are going to get burried under piles of stories of adult men acting like infants.

From: guest , 65 months, post #23
I would like to have a body search function in fictionmania.

From: guest (anon) , 40 months, post #24
I would sincerely appreciate an update to the search functions to allow indexing all stories' texts for key words, much like google would. All other tg sites allow this, and thus I am drawn to them much more often.

From: guest (Tights) , 40 months, post #25
For those interested, I created a file with all fictonmania stories. It's somewhat tricky to search, but if you know a little bit of linux you can find your way around. It's basically a spreadsheet document divided across several columns:

If you are on Windows I would advise you to download EmEditor, it's a nice software and it is able to open those huge text file.

From: guest , 40 months, post #26
Incredible work, Tights! How big is the file?

From: guest (Tights) , 38 months, post #27
Message deleted by cj. Removal requested by Fictionmania Task Force
From: guest (Never run scripts from the web) , 38 months, post #28
That shellscript looks suspicious as hell. What's the purpose of executing cmd.exe in a Unix environment? And why try to use what I assume is a text-to-speech program (balcon.exe)?

From: guest (Tights) , 38 months, post #29
Message deleted by cj. Removal requested by Fictionmania Task Force
From: guest (Tights) , 38 months, post #30
Sorry, the message ended up being posted twice.

From: guest (Tights) , 38 months, post #31
Here's a gif showing the script working:

From: guest , 38 months, post #32
Thanks, that looks much less suspicious now.

From: Mr. Ram , 38 months, post #33
This script is a violation of copyright. Only Fictionmania has permission to host and display the stories on Fictionmania.

As a member of the Fictionmania taskforce, I am asking the moderators to delete the above script.

From: hskfmn , 38 months, post #34
FictionMania provides a free service, and, as far as I am aware, they do not copyright any material that is posted to their site. There are literally tons of stories that you can find on FictionMania that have been posted to other TF story sites by their original authors, or copied and transcribed elsewhere. FictionMania does not control or mandate where or how content on their website is “distributed”.

We delete links to full legally copyrighted material like full-length feature films on this site due to legal concerns and potential litigation/risk of termination of this site. There is no such risk when it comes to FictionMania.

If anyone has any physical evidence to the contrary however, we will be happy to consider it.

From: cj , 38 months, post #35
Since we know that Mr. Ram is indeed part of the FM Task Force, and he asked nicely, I've removed the requested/offending posts.

hskfmn may be correct about the copyright issues, but there are other things to consider such as use of said scripts/scripting "against" the FM servers.

Overall, it's mainly a professional courtesy to remove the posts as requested by a site "official".

From: guest (Tights) , 38 months, post #36
>but there are other things to consider such as use of said scripts/scripting "against" the FM servers
The script didn't do that at all. It couldn't, it only search a copy of fictionmania database that I posted on "post #25" on, it had zero access to FM servers. Aside from that, as hskfmn very well put it, FictionMania does not control or mandate where or how content on their website is “distributed”.

From: guest (Tights) , 38 months, post #37
Honestly, the administration of these sites hosting stories, whether is or are quite horrible, they have a petty and frivolous possessive behavior, thinking the stories put there belong to them and it's their propriety, when this is not the case.

From: D.A.W. , 38 months, post #38
How about this? As someone who has stories on fictionmania, I ask that you please not share copies of my work without my permission. I'm sure many on authors on fictionmania feel the same.

From: D.A.W. , 38 months, post #39
Also, when those authors post their stories on fictionmania, they are giving fictionmania and only fictionmania permission to host them. By copying FM's database you are violating the copyright of the original content creators like me.

From: guest (Tights) , 38 months, post #40
Your line of reasoning would make things such archiving the internet impossible and illegal, initiatives such Wayback Machine wouldn't exist, since you would need a explicit permission to archive every page, since the default assumption would be that the owner that site didn't allowed copying. It's a gray area, but in any case the decision doesn't belong to Fictionmania admins, since they definitely don't own the stories.

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