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narnia 3
Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
In the next chapter of the Chronicles or Narnia series. Lucy and Edmund, along with their cousin Eustace, are transported back to Narnia thanks to a painting of a boat. They find themselves in water and are picked up by Prince Caspian who is now a few years older and king on his boat the Dawn Tread ...more
From: guest (Swiftner) , 162 months, post #1
There are several transformations in the new Narnia movie.

Click to show spoiler
Rhfgnpr gheaf vagb n qentba nsgre fgrnyvat gur Qentbaf gernfher, Yhpl gheaf vagb Fhfna va n qernz hfvat n fcryy, naq n zna vf ghearq vagb tbyq nsgre snyyvat vagb n zntvp fcevat.

From: guest , 162 months, post #2
Click to show spoiler
Pbhyq lbh rkcynva gur genafsbezngvba Yhpl znqr gb Fhfna? Naq znlor jung fur qvq nsgre, be jul? Gunaxf!

From: guest (Swiftner) , 162 months, post #3
Expansion on Lucy to Susan abridged. I'd like to also note that this is a really good movie and well worth it (especially in 3D)

Click to show spoiler
Yhpl vf wrnybhf bs Fhfna'f ornhgl naq cbchynevgl naq qrfcrengryl jnagf gb or yvxr ure. Juvyr ybbxvat guebhtu n fcryy obbx sbe n qvssrerag fcryy fur fghzoyrf hcba n fcryy gb ghea ure vagb gur guvat fur qrfverf zbfg. Yngre va orq fur ernqf gur fcryy. Fur trgf bhg bs orq naq ybbxf va gur zveebe jurer ure avtug tbja gheaf vagb n oyhr qerff naq fur fybjyl zbecuf vagb Fhfna (or ernql orpnhfr vg'f fb frnzyrff naq fzbbgu sbe n zbecu vg'f rnfl gb zvff). Gur zveebe bcraf naq fur fgrcf guebhtu gb n cnegl jurer fur vf cbchyne naq fur unf ure cvpgher gnxra jvgu ure oebguref. Gung'f jura fur ernyvmrf gung va guvf ernyvgl "Yhpl" qbrf abg rkvfg naq nf fhpu arire qvfpbirerq Aneavn naq ure obguref gurersber unir ab zrzbel bs Aneavn. Gura jvgu gur uryc bs Nfyna fur qvfpbiref ure bja frys jbegu naq jnxrf sebz jung vf abj qvfpbirerq gb or n qernz jurer fur jnf orvat grzcgrq. Fur gura qrfgeblf gur cntr jvgu gur fcryy va gur svercynpr. N jnfgr VZUB, tbbq guvat V erzrzorerq gur fcryy : ).

From: guest , 162 months, post #4
thank you!

From: jamesbaker1987 , 162 months, post #5
Any clips?

From: kreplach , 162 months, post #6
It's only in theaters. Any clips would have to have been posted by the film studio or filmed off a screen with a video camera. I'm sure once it's out on disc pirated clips will surface but that's probably at least six months down the road.

From: dis_guise , 162 months, post #7
Slightly different from the book, but in the same spirit so I'll give 'em credit.

From: guest (Swiftner) , 162 months, post #8
They did deviate from the book a bit and cut out/changed scenes that I really liked in the book, but I actually liked it which is rare for movies these days.

From: guest , 162 months, post #9
There's a brief preview in the official trailer.

From: guest (tgfave) , 161 months, post #10
here it's

From: guest (tehswitcher) , 161 months, post #11
A bit too seemless.....

From: guest , 161 months, post #12
Personally it's one of my all-time fave morph scenes, though it was better on a big clear movie screen. :) Can't wait until it's on Blu-Ray.

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