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Has anybody seen Victim yet?
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IFC independent film: "After being mysteriously kidnapped by a Doctor and his violent henchman, he's held captive in the converted cellar of an old mansion. For reasons unknown, he's forced to endure heinous physical and psychological torture, but slowly realizes the worst is yet to come when the ...more
From: guest , 163 months, post #1
The trailer looks like something straight out of fictionmania. However, not necessarily a story I would like very much personally.

Has anybody seen it or does anyone know how one might be able to go about seeing it?

From: guest (Helping) , 163 months, post #2
Here is the page on a site that has info about it for VOD.

At the top click "How to get IFCfilms on demand"

Hopefully this helps.

From: guest (eh) , 163 months, post #3
Hey... how about that? Seems pretty twisted. I bet it'll probably take a better look at the situation than most fictionmania writers who throw in acceptance and demand for cock within hours or days of the transformation.

Despite the TG angle, I probably don't want to watch this any more than I want to watch Human Centipede. That should get added to the database I guess... under mythical or misc or fucked up or something.

From: hskfmn , 163 months, post #4
That IS fucked up! Holy crap!

From: Guyote , 163 months, post #5
Speaking as a horror, film fan, rather than a TG fan, it looks pretty sweet. Wasn't this based on a Spanish novel about a surgeon getting revenge for the murder of his daughter though? Sure this was mentioned before on this site.

From: kreplach , 163 months, post #6
Guyote, you're thinking of Almodóvar's La piel que habito (The Skin I Inhabit) which seems to have a very similar plot.

From: Guyote , 163 months, post #7
That's the one. Thanks.

Not sure what audience they're hoping to target for this film. I imagine most male horror fans will be squicked out by the castration, and most female audiences will be squicked out by the torture porn. The transgender community will just find it offensive. Still, I'll probably go see it. Is it having a general release?

From: guest (Guest2) , 163 months, post #8
theres a big thread on tgcomics. femur has seen it and has posted some spoilers. saint posted some pics.

From: Julie , 163 months, post #9
Looks interesting to me!

From: guest (Miss Pinky) , 163 months, post #10
You sure theres a thread on TGcomics? I did a search for 'victim' on the forum and found nothing.

From: guest (Guest2) , 163 months, post #11
Exceptionally Creepy New TG Film? and Retribution both deal with the film.

From: guest (yoodles) , 163 months, post #12
its on comcast on demand 6.99 rental i watched it today pretty interesting.

From: guest (Blaise) , 163 months, post #13
The poster above is incorrect. The film is based on a novel (stretching the term as it's more like an extended short story!) called Tarantula by Thierry Jonquet.

I bought it from Amazon and found it a good read if more than a little brief. Before anyone asks, there's no point providing any excerts or trying to scan any bits because the 'TF' is very integral to the whole story and is only referred to obliquely throughout the story.

Basically though, from what I can see from the trailer its the same story. Skilled plastic surgeon uses basement as a prison to keep a young hood captive while he uses surgery and brutal physical and psychological torture/domination to turn him into a young woman in revenge.


From: guest (Blaise) , 163 months, post #14
Hehe, reading further, we're all right! :-P

Guyote asked if victim was based on (etc) and Kreplach said he was thinking about 'The Skin I Inhabit'. It wasn't, it was Tarantula as mentioned above, but apparently 'The Skin I inhabit' is a film currently in post- production that's also based on Tarantula (Mygale to use it's original Spanish title) by Thierry Jonquet.

Since '

From: guest (Blaise) , 163 months, post #15
sorry ...' Since 'The Skin I inhabit' has been on and off the table for so long this release of a hastily produced 'Victim' does seem as pointed out by one TGComics Forum poster an attempt to get in quick by Hollywood. They do love their remakes....

From: guest (Jimbo) , 163 months, post #16
was the transformation good. can anyone provide more details about the surgery. Did he accept it? I saw a female back and heard a female voice. did they use a female to do a double or was it a man in drag? Any more spoiler info please.


From: guest (magic) , 163 months, post #17
Not really a transformation. Yawn.

From: guest (Guest2) , 163 months, post #18
Almod�var announced way back in 2001 that he would write and direct The Skin I Live In i.e. Mygal i.e. Tarantula. He didn't start preproduction until early this year. Victim was based on a short film Retribution, by the same writer/director Matt Eskandari. It stands to reason that Eskandari heard about Tarantual, liked the idea, made a short film to interest financiers, and then made Victim. It's just a coincidence that Almodovar finally enter post production of The Skin I Live In at the time they got distribution. Either way, I can't wait to see both movies/interpretations.

From: guest (Guest2) , 163 months, post #19
I meant to mention that Retribution and Victim where shot around 2007 and didn't get released until now.

From: guest (guestguest) , 163 months, post #20
Any pictures or other clips?

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