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Has anybody seen Victim yet?
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IFC independent film: "After being mysteriously kidnapped by a Doctor and his violent henchman, he's held captive in the converted cellar of an old mansion. For reasons unknown, he's forced to endure heinous physical and psychological torture, but slowly realizes the worst is yet to come when the ...more
From: Michael Binary , 163 months, post #21
Maybe a sort of a remake of A Head for the Devil (just a female head on an other female body) .

From: cj , 163 months, post #22
Looks like IFC has some movies on demand... but this is not one of them.

Apparently showing in theaters only right now... in major metros only.

From: guest (Guest2) , 163 months, post #23
It is on demand but you have to go here to see if you get it.

From: cj , 163 months, post #24
Thanks Guest2... looks like to get it on-demand you have to be a subscriber to one of the mega cable providers.

Be nice if they threw it up on NetFlix too.

From: The Man , 163 months, post #25
It'll probably hit netflix eventually around the time of dvd release. They just started Human Centipede Day and date with the dvd.

From: guest (gargoyl) , 163 months, post #26
Watched the movie last night ($5.99 on Time Warner). The movie looked pretty good for a low budget film, but the dialog was absolutely terrible. The actors were okay, but the characters weren't at all likeable, or believeable. The movie was seriously bad. With a few tweeks in the story, and better dialog this movie could have been something.

From: guest (Blaise) , 163 months, post #27
To be honest, the book wasn't that great either, lol

From: guest (Kris) , 163 months, post #28
So, the doctor's daughter, Rachel was killed, and he kidnaps a man to turn him into his daughter to replace her. The torture/manipulation was to condition the victim to become Rachel.

From: guest (jimbo) , 163 months, post #29
How did they do the voice? Was the transformation close to the daughter or did it look like a guy in drag?

From: guest (Kris) , 163 months, post #30
Message deleted by Lady Sekhmet. Hey Kris, can you pop back and repost this one as a "Major Spoiler"? Use the "spoiler" tag ok? Thanks! :)
From: guest (gargoyl1) , 163 months, post #31
This movie really isn't worth the $5.99 to see it on pay per view... And to answer a previous qestion the new daughter is played byClick to show spoiler
gur znyr npgbe... Qrsvangryl ABG na nggenpgvir irefvba bs uvf erny qnhtugre... Gur srznyr ibvpr, vs vg jnf qbar ol gur znyr npgbe naq abg qhoorq, jnf perrcvyl erny. V unir n uneq gvzr jngpuvat n zna (va n frevbhf cneg) va qent. The problem with this film isn't the look of it, the actors or even the story, so much. The problem is the terrible dialog.

From: guest (NickQuick) , 163 months, post #32
I just saw this at a detroit theater and thought it was GREAT! Very twisted, the young man looks very convincing as a women and the ending is pretty shocking. TG will like this movie ;)

From: guest (guest2) , 163 months, post #33
Here's Femur's review on

I saw the new horror film today that's been mentioned on the TGC Forum (thanks, joe6Pack!). Victim has some mad doctor/brainwashing elements that seem straight out of classic TG tales I've read over the past decade. It is a horror film, so it has it's bloody and violent moments (most of which thankfully take place off-screen), so it's definitely not for everyone. But all in all, an interesting and intriguing film. Stephen Weigand, the actor/model who plays the protagonist, would have looked downright pretty if they'd only shaped his bushy eyebrows! He does a nice femme voice!

From: guest (tgluver23) , 162 months, post #34
Just saw this playing in Sunset laemmels in holllywood. Pretty interesting movie, surprised it's not getting more buzz on these boards and in ts community

From: guest (EvelynLnn) , 162 months, post #35
This was MORE disturbing than Human centipede... WOW!

From: guest (Pat) , 162 months, post #36
How could it be more disturbing than Human Centipede? Are the actors even worse?

From: guest (Blaise) , 162 months, post #37
Thank you very much to the two poster above....NOT!!

Thanks to you two i actually WATCHED that movie! (Human Centipede). It was the vilest most disgusting horror movie ever....i dont think i can ever completely scrub out the images but perhaps with intense meditation and the healing power of time I can block them away for all time....

Honestly people, don't go nausea inducing...

From: guest (Disgusted) , 162 months, post #38
I too was drawn in by the vagueness of earlier posts about human centipede. Because it is so terribly disgusting I am posting this spoiler without the alert. Mad scientist attaches 3 human beings together. He does so by attaching each other through their reproductive system. Yes that means one person in the midle is attached to the "head" person's anus with their mouth. The third person's mouth is then attached to the middle person's anus. You are now adaquately warned.

From: guest (Janice_Color) , 162 months, post #39
Okay I actually saw this after reading a rave review here:

NO it's no that gory AT ALL. This is nothing like human centipede, whoever said hasn't seen the movie. It's more phsycological than anything. Like someone else mentioned the boy makes a VERY convincing ts at the end minus the bushy brows.

From: guest (Lollo) , 162 months, post #40
how can I to see the film?I live in italy...and I cannot use (on demand)..please

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