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dollhouse episode
Dollhouse episode "Belle Chose"
From: freeballer , 177 months, post #1
not sure how many of you are actually keeping up with this eliza dushku show... but the last episode, airing tonight had sort of a switch.

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rpub (qhfuxh) naq nabgure bs gur qbyyf (znyr) -&tg; jub unq na vzcevag bs n culfpub xvyyre "fjvgpu" crefbanyvgvrf. Gur z2s jnf eryngviryl oevrs naq nzbhagrq gb "uvz" ybbxvat va gur zveebe naq fnlvat fbzrguvat yvxr "abj V'z n ... tvey" naq svaqvat uvf bgure ivpgvzf. Juvyr gur znyr qbyy qnaprq yvxr n fyhg va gur pyho naq uvg ba n thl gurer, jub sryg n ovg ubzbcubovp naq chapurq/fynccrq "ure" naq fur xabpxrq uvz bhg, gura yngre tbg fahttyl gb "ure" unaqyre (nabgure znyr)

snickered a little at the imprinted male and handler but the rest was silly and echo didn't really act like prior episode where she "saw herself" from another body

From: guest , 177 months, post #2
I hope this show doesn't get cancelled :( it is much better than it was early last year. People need to give it a chance.

This episode was really good

From: guest , 177 months, post #3
i thought the guy was brilliantly funny after the switch

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Ivpgbe nf Xvxv jnf whfg terng, gur qnapvat penpxrq zr hc naq jura cnhy zrg hc jvgu uvz va gur pyho jnf terng gbb

as said above i too hope it does not get cancelled soon its liek buffy in that it get greater as it goes on, shame that firefly did not get the same chance.

From: Ipkiss , 177 months, post #4
Not a bad episode overall. This show definitely has great potential for our little community.

From: TheDeeMan , 176 months, post #5
God I hate this show. It should have been cancelled. Sarah Connor Chronicles was SO much a better show then this is.


THE CONTINENTALS. Murder, mystery, intrigue, adventure--And cross dressing.

From: guest (Quiksilver) , 176 months, post #6
just watched this on hulu and was kind of disappointed that he didnt explore his body at least a little bit. just made the one quick comment.

From: guest (Nomad) , 176 months, post #7
I agree that he definitely under reacted when he saw the body that he was in. With his feelings and previous actions towards women, which I took as either deep seeded hated, OR envy of, the women in his life, AND so when he suddenly became one, he would either be horrified or thrilled, but he was just like...OK, I'm a girl now.

I do think the show has potential, but for whatever reason, they seem to keep falling short. And the problem lies in the lack of character growth. The shows needs to evolve, and it is very slowly, but the problem lies that the character 'reset' back to dolls every episode. But I'll keep watching for Eliza Dushku and hope that it gets better and that there will be some good episodes along the way. And Summer Glau is going to be on the show in three weeks, and I think they said that she will be joining the cast. Sp that's cool too!

From: Eric , 176 months, post #8
First, its a VERY uneven show.
I disagree with those who think Bufy wasn't good in the beginning. I thought itwas excellent from day one.
The problem with the show is that the central character though in the same form is different each week & is brain dead the rest of the time.

From: guest , 176 months, post #9
i never said it was bad i said it got greater as it went on and i believe that dollhouse will too

From: guest (john) , 176 months, post #10
Hello, can you tell me the name of the episode you talk about ?

Thank you.

From: guest (Heri) , 176 months, post #11
The name is on the home page.
Dollhouse- Season 2 Episode 3: Belle Chose

From: freeballer , 176 months, post #12
summer will definitely be a nice addition, at least for "scenery". The worse things are; The best parts of the show have been misdirections, freakouts or brief. To me any real revelations are killed quickly and the show keeps stalling going up a hill.

I definitely feel once the guy found himself in the women side of it, he should have gone nuts. I can sort of understand the doctor (alpha's victim - doll), who is an imprint of a male doctor would be programmed but because echo's "switch" was a glitch, and the killer was already surprised at being in another body (or out of body) he should have definitely freaked out. Not bad acting, bad writing. Shame

From: guest (john) , 176 months, post #13
Thank you for the information

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