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Any other good shrinking stuff?
From: guest (Duncan Roo) , 178 months, post #1
I'm a big fan of shrinking things. Anyone know of any media where a person or animal (or mix) shrinks infinitly or at least to an incredibly small size?

Incredible Shrinking Man is one of the first things that springs to mind.

From: Dale Ribbons , 178 months, post #2
In comics, there was Marvel's Ant-Man and DC's Atom.

In movies, there is Dr. Cyclops, the 7th Voyage Of Sinbad, Attack Of The Puppet People. Those are some of my favorites.

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From: guest (Goofus McDoofus) , 178 months, post #3
I remember a short-lived anthology program called "The Dark Room" (I think it starred James Coburn as the host), in which one episode concerned a scientist and all-around bad guy who is experimenting alone in a lab on a Friday night when he accidentally reduces himself to about the size of an ant. The implication was tht he would never be able to survive in that state until his co-workers returned on Monday morning to help him.

There's a soft porn movie (I forget the title) in which a beautiful witch woman sleeps with a number of men and then reduces them to mouse-size and keeps them together in a shoe box. Not to offend, but she accomplished her magic through the use of magical farts.

Don't forget the episode of "The Avengers," in which the villains employ a device that shrinks people to several inches in height. Some important British men are thus shrunk and disposed of (killed) by being placed in a trash can and crushed, washed down a drain, etc. Naturally, Steed and Emma receive the treatment themselves, though they're able to return to nromal.

Before "Cheers," Ted Danson starred in a made for TV movie as a reluctant secret agent working alongside Mary Louise Weller (tell me, what guy would be reluctant to work alongside Mary Louise Weller?) to track down the evil Christopher Lee and his cult of would-be world controllers, who are using a reducing ray on various federal targets. In the end, Danson manages to set the machine so that it fires its shrinking energy straight up, into the reflecting mirror of a passing satellite. Said ray then bounces down on Lee's hideout and reduces it and all inside it to a point too small to be detected. "He has a whole new world to conquer." are Ted's final words about the newly-microscopic Lee.

In the first "Swamp Thing" movie, one of Louis Jourdan's henchmen, the bulky Nicolas Worth, is exposed to a substance that changes him into a physical reflection of his internal spirit, which turns out to be a three foot tall gnome-like creature.

Well, those are a few of the shrinking flicks/TV shows that I recall. Hope you can find them and enjoy them. Goofus McDoofus.

From: guest (JessicaDrew) , 178 months, post #4
The Incredible Shrinking Woman (1981) is one i remember

From: Cobe , 80 months, post #5
(hope this doesn't amount to thread necromancy, but...)

Post #3 mentioned "There's a soft porn movie (I forget the title) in which a beautiful witch woman sleeps with a number of men and then reduces them to mouse-size and keeps them together in a shoe box." That movies was "The Wicked Stepmother" (1989). The film is sometimes touted as "Bette Davis' last film", but in fact the legendary actress walked off the set after maybe a day of filming. Sources are unclear whether she dropped out for health reasons or because the film was such a piece of garbage.

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