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A paralyzed former marine is subjected to an experimental process allowing him to exist in a genetically engineered biological body - alongside the blue three meter tall ammonia breathing alien species called a Na'vi on the planet Pandora. His mission is to settle and exploit the planet's resour ...more
From: Lady Sekhmet , 181 months, post #1
I posted about this James Cameron film last year, and it looks like it's on track for Christmas.

And just released is a fantastic trailer - I have VERY high hopes for this film!

Avatar Trailer

From: eh? , 181 months, post #2
There is a ridiculous amount of hype around this film. I'm happy to finally see a trailer and find out what this thing is all about.

From: guest (TheSaint) , 181 months, post #3
Apparently, the trailer does nothing to evoke the experience the film will offer in the theater. My buddy got back from the 16 minute preview and was impressed. He said, web trailers don't do it justice.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 181 months, post #4
Your friend was seriously lucky to get into that - it sold out very fast. It's still hard to tell how much they will focus on the transformation aspect, but it's definitely going to be strong on storyline rather than trying to just be glitzy special effects. I for one welcome that.

Now, where do I sign up for my own Na'vi body :)

From: guest (TheSaint) , 181 months, post #5
I know. I'm extremely jealous. He even told me that James Cameron would be introducing the footage. I geeked out. I learned later that it was just a video of Cameron. That made me feel a little better.

I'm pretty sure it's just a "mind transfer" tale, but the Na'vi were designed to resemble the actors they are playing. Sigourney Weaver will be a Na'vi as well. Maybe even Michelle Rodriguez.

It's funny, every time I get excited about Avatar, half my friends roll their eyes because they think I'm talking "The Last Airbender."

From: Lady Sekhmet , 180 months, post #6
New photos from the film released:

Avatar High-Res Photos

This film can't be released soon enough for me :)

From: guest , 180 months, post #7
heeey what's wrong with the last airbender... that's a pretty good show :-)

From: TheDeeMan , 180 months, post #8
I saw this trailer and was not impressed. I'm hoping the movie is better.

Probably will wait to the 2nd weekend to see it as well. So that I can get as many opinions and read as many reviews as I can before I decide to go.


THE CONTINENTALS Murder, mystery, intrigue, adventure--And cross dressing.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 180 months, post #9
I plan to go the first day - I don't want any reviews to spoil it for me. If I go in hoping it will be good it helps me overlook any bad stuff. Also, we have some fantastic IMAX 3D theaters here in LA that make virtually all movies fun :)

Besides, this movie is right up my alley - I love the whole "human in an anthropomorphic body" theme, even if it's not central to the plot.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 177 months, post #10
This is a fantastic movie! And if ya have an IMAX 3D theater near you - GO!

From: JayGee , 177 months, post #11
The problem with the last airbender:

The characters were mostly Asian. The writing in the original was Chinese. But they're being played by white people and the writing was changed to jibberish. This is an insult to Asians in general, Asian actors in particular, and the original cartoonist.

From: guest (beth) , 177 months, post #12
jaygee, Avatar the movie, is unrelated to avatar the last airbender

avatar the movie is a cross between starship troopers and dances with wolves, but that aside is awsome

From: guest (Allie) , 177 months, post #13
Saw the movie at midnight. AMAZING!

I see why when they list his films that they mention Titanic over True Lies more. The film is a love story woven into an action film in the way only James Cameron can. I like to think that it was more along the lines of Terminator. With the love story there and the action there as well. It is a very beautiful film. I do not want to say more about it than what has been said on TV shows, websites, and in reviews. I will say that the film is so beautiful overall that when I was watching, I just kind of teared up. Not many films do that. I reccomend this film to anyone and everyone who loves movies.

From: guest (watcher) , 177 months, post #14
Hype, Hype, Hype...
From what I've seen and read, Avatar looks like another computer-generated cartoon. Maybe better written than most. Just my opinion...

From: guest , 177 months, post #15
Very comparable to Star Wars 77. Not the most original story, 2 dimensional characters, and yet an amazing and enjoyable experience that looses half of the point if not seen in the theater.

See Avatar in 3D and go for a ride. It's not The Coen Brothers, but it is not the shlock Michael Bay has been shoving down our throats. You can actually follow the action and the world is fully realized. It's a trip.

From: Mako , 177 months, post #16

Amazing film!! This movie has so many layers going in what Cameron is commenting on. That's what good Sci-Fi does. Everything from race relations to terrorism to a military bought to push the agenda of a few and do more harm than good. Hmmm... doesn't sound like science fiction to me ;) Hahahahaha

And that's all before some of the best visual effects ever made for the big screen. I will go back at least 2-3 times to watch this. It has a Star Wars/Matrix for the first time "WTF that was amazing" quality to it. I can see where this movie can and will divide people. Both on a political level - and for those who can't get into the characters cause they're blue ;)

- Mako -

From: guest , 177 months, post #17
Does Michelle Rodriguez's character have an avatar?

From: guest (me) , 177 months, post #18

From: guest , 177 months, post #19
A quarter billion doolars BETTER produce a good movie.

The thing is however,I've been just as entertained by simpler movies costing a
eeny teeny tiiny fraction of a quarter billion.

Total waste of money.They'd have been better off giving a million to 250 amateur
filmmakers to make 250 movies.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 177 months, post #20
One of the interesting things I carried away from this film was how quickly I adjusted to the alien people. There are actually moments where I was jarred by the juxtaposition of humans and the Na'vi - so accustomed had I become during the film to being "One with the People". To me, this is a very important comment about the whole transformation genre - that we as humans have enormous flexibility when it comes to adapting to new forms. Of course, it's also possible that those of us with a predilection for transformation are simply better suited to getting comfortable in such a role. *shrugs*

Like Mako, I plan to see this film several times in the theater, and look forward to adding the blueray edition to my collection when it arrives :)

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