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A paralyzed former marine is subjected to an experimental process allowing him to exist in a genetically engineered biological body - alongside the blue three meter tall ammonia breathing alien species called a Na'vi on the planet Pandora. His mission is to settle and exploit the planet's resour ...more
From: guest (uri) , 174 months, post #41
addenda: I chose aluminum because it is about the lightest real-world material from which you could build a mile-long structure that would be able to support its own weight at 1g.

The line should have been "... most of which is going to be ]b]fuel or containment for the fuel"

I chose 1g acceleration because it seemed to fit the profile of mission described in the movie (6 years to go 4.37 l.y, with either a maximum, or an average, speed of 0,7c)

I did not take into account the loss of mass as the ship coverts fuel to thrust. This will decrease the out-bound fuel requirements by as much as 50% (which is still an assload of antimatter).

The value of 0.7c is an interesting choice. The gamma factor (the amount by which the ship's clocks will appear to moving more slowly than clocks in a stationary frame of reference) at 0.7c is 0.714. This means, to the people on the ship, it will appear as if they are traversing 1 l.y. in a little more than one ship's year.

And that is as pedantic as I am prepared to be on the day before a holiday.

From: Mako , 174 months, post #42
How come movies as bad as Transformers aren't subjected to the micro scientific details I read here? I find it laughable considering Avatar was made to Entertain. People could rip Star Wars left and right for it's scientific inaccuracies.

I saw Avatar again yesterday and it holds up well. Again... People can say oh it's Dances In Wolves in space. Uh... So what. Star Wars was The Hidden Fortress in space. So?

The one thing I will say is that I was a little peeved Cameron ripped
off my guy in a wheelchair idea that gets a new body so he can walk again!! Just kidding. I'm sure he had his story well before I made
The Black Rabbit. Oh well...

- Mako -

From: kreplach , 174 months, post #43
You don't need to be a physicist to find big plot holes in most films or TV shows, sci fi or otherwise. Either you choose not to "grade on a curve" or you just go along with it and suspend disbelief enough to try to be entertained. The fact that they shouldn't have been able to get to Pandora or else wouldn't they have needed a mined energy source is not as big a sin in my opinion as the fact that the ore is called unobtainium. That gripe aside, it was a pretty good video game... I mean, movie.

From: guest (Madaba) , 174 months, post #44
"How come movies as bad as Transformers aren't subjected to the micro scientific details I read here? I find it laughable considering Avatar was made to Entertain. People could rip Star Wars left and right for it's scientific inaccuracies."

Are you serious? Transformers was ripped to shreds over and over again for every damn scene. Avatar is getting a pass for a lot of stupid shit for some strange reason.

From: Michael Binary , 174 months, post #45
> I saw Avatar again yesterday and it holds up well. Again... People can say oh it's
> Dances In Wolves in space.

I read an article (Süddeutsche Zeitung, a newspaper) about Cameron's Avatar, and he said it was intended. Furthermore he said, he put a lot of stuff in AVATAR he had read in childhood or when he was a teenager.

> wheelchair idea
Peter Sellers comes to my mind ;-)) SCNR

From: Mako , 174 months, post #46
I'd rather enjoy one of the best sci-fi/fantasy movies made in years than get stuck on the name of the ore. Wow... that just seems really sad to me. Can we say "it's a movie?". Not some NASA documentary. Have fun picking apart the next Star Trek movie. I can see it now... "How can Spock be in two places at once? That is illogical!". Hahahahahahahaha

- Mako -

From: guest (TheSaint) , 174 months, post #47
If you want to rip something apart. This man does it well.

From: guest (Return of the Undead Noble Savages) , 174 months, post #48
310 million US$ to produce it and 150 million US$ to market it.How many other movie
scripts died so that Avatar could live?

From: guest (hallohallo) , 174 months, post #49
does avatar have any real TF in it? or is it just "virtual reality" where the marine is controlling his avatar through computers and sensors? i still want to see the movie

From: Michael Binary , 174 months, post #50
> Hahahahahahahaha
A marine comes to the Na'vi ;-)) SCNR

> does avatar have any real TF in it?
Spoiler:Click to show spoiler
lrf, V'q yvxr gb fnl

From: Michael Binary , 174 months, post #51
I forgot: The rating on the international movie data base is excellent :-)
One of the top movies!

From: guest (sigmapisigma) , 174 months, post #52
How come movies as bad as Transformers aren't subjected to the micro scientific details I read here? I find it laughable considering Avatar was made to Entertain. People could rip Star Wars left and right for it's scientific inaccuracies...

I'd rather enjoy one of the best sci-fi/fantasy movies made in years than get stuck on the name of the ore. Wow... that just seems really sad to me. Can we say "it's a movie?"

uri explained that, as a scientist, he is not the best audience for this kind of movie, but his scientific nit-picking seems to have been secondary to the "trite" plot and the aesthetics of the CGI. As far as I can tell, the detailed analysis he posted here was in direct response to Lady Sekhmet's comment about an "actual scientific critique". I don't think that Lady Sekhmet did meant that "actual" as a flame, but I understand why uri might have thought he was being called out.

I agree with uri's position on the Na'vi (and why is there an apostrophe in that word?). Anthropomorphic aliens are boring and the performance capture animation was a little creepy. The idea that an intelligent species that evolved on a planet light years away from earth would not only look like humans but have a spoken language, and a non-verbal language (facial expressions, body postures) which conveyed the same emotions in the same ways as human language, is really very silly.

I hadn't given any thought to the unobtainium as a plot device, but it really doesn't seem like all that much of a prize. I wonder why they just didn't go all the way to Cavorite? You still get a planet that looks like a Roger Dean album cover painting, but the prize would be a whole lot more valuable.

I did really enjoy the movie, but I can see how it might have been difficult for someone who thinks about this kind of thing for a living to maintain a willing suspension of disbelief.

What is interesting in this thread are the attempts, by some, to invalidate the negative reviews of the movie. I wonder what that's about?

From: kreplach , 174 months, post #53
For the record, Mako, I was saying the opposite of it should be a NASA documentary. However, I do think "unobtanium" is a poor joke that falls flat and takes you out of the moment of the movie. Not a big deal, just a quibble.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 174 months, post #54
What ever happened to just enjoying the fantasy of the film? Anyone who has seen Disney's Fantasia will tell you how awesome it was, and yet it had no real storyline and certainly had no basis in reality. The whole point was to tickle the imagination, to allow you sit back and immerse yourself in an impossible world.

Avatar is a fantasy. If you can't watch it without your mind fixating on technical inconsistencies or even impossibilities, well I feel bad for you. For myself, it was very enjoyable. I've seen it twice in theater so far, and it was a treat each time.

What I find really perplexing is that here we have a robust film that has as part of the plot line the idea that you can transfer your consciousness into an alien body. Of all places, I would have expected the folks on Metamorphosis to embrace the film. The goddess knows its far more enjoyable that the vast majority of TF fiction out there.

And for those who hated it, all I can suggest is that you get yourself a nice bottle of Merlot, draw a warm bath with scented oils and candles, relax and laugh at the implausibility of your own existence. You need to lighten up and just enjoy the beauty of things without deconstructing them :)

From: Mako , 174 months, post #55
Well... let me take a step back and remember... not everyone is the same:

People can get hung up on details that others don't all the time. For example I had issues with the new STAR TREK movie's logic that took me right out of the film (I know some of the major makers of that movie - and they knew they had story holes - but JJ didn't care - is what I was told) HAHAHAHAHA.

Anyways... my point... is that I couldn't enjoy the movie as much cause I got too hung up on it. I know other people that loved the movie and didn't have issues with it like I have. And I get the sense AVATAR is no different. Although... I'm on the other end of the playing field this time. Even after watching the movie 2x now... I enjoyed it so much... I just don't care or see the issues that some other people do.

Lady S - I too thought AVATAR was a perfect movie for any TF/Body Swap fan - just in the premise of inhabiting another being. Living that life. And discovering what it's like to not be stuck in your own skin. It's a spiritual and intellectual awakening that's a big part of why some of us are so into TF themes.

Kreplach - I know what you're going after with the poor joke of the name. And I see your point. It just didn't have the same effect on me as it has yourself. Cheers ;)

- Mako -

From: guest (sigmapisigma) , 174 months, post #56
Kreplach - You know that "unobtainium" is an old joke in the SF community yes? Are you objecting to the in-jokiness of the name, or just to the jokiness of the name?

Lady Sekhmet - I was kind of surprised to see Avatar listed here. The "AVTR" technology is not a transformation, IMO. It is a telefactor device, just a very sophisticated waldo.

However, even if the hero was physically transformed into a Na'vi, that would not give the director and writers license to make a boring movie. Some of us go to the movies hoping to be engaged intellectually as well as emotionally or viscerally. It is a perfectly valid position to be disappointed by a hackneyed plot, or flaws in story logic. You can overlook these things, congratulations. The fact that some others could not, or chose not to, does not mean that you did not enjoy the movie, nor that you are a stupid person for having enjoyed the movie.

From: guest (uri) , 174 months, post #57
quote Mako: How come movies as bad as Transformers aren't subjected to the micro scientific details I read here? I find it laughable considering Avatar was made to Entertain. People could rip Star Wars left and right for it's scientific inaccuracies

You aren't hanging out in the right places. Look at the science blogs hosted by Discover or Seed Magazine. The science content of movies is a frequent topic for posts.

IRL, science instructors spend a lot of time fielding questions about SF movies and TV shows. True, we mostly try to correct inaccuracies and misconceptions. but we occasionally get to talk about ideas that are introduced -- but not fully developed -- as part of a movie plot.

Movies like "The Core", "The Day After Tomorrow", "Deep Impact" and "2012", get ripped apart by science instructors, frequently for the benefit of a class of undergraduates.

However, scientifically literate writers sometimes allude to some technology which is intended to overcome a physical constraint that would prevent a plot device from functioning as required by the story.

The "Heisenberg Compensator" component of the transporters in the Star Trek universe, for instance. The writers never try to explain how it works, which is fine. It does, however, give a Trekker physics professor an opportunity to talk to her students about WHY such a device would be required to make the transporter possible. ^,^

"Star Wars" generally gets a pass because -- for Episodes IV-VI anyway -- George Lucas wasn't even pretending to be writing science fiction. It is a universe in which magic works. "Star Wars" doesn't bother scientists for the same reason that "Lord of the Rings" doesn't bother historians.

Lady S. Guest (SigmaPiSigma) has it mostly right. I really don't care that much about the scientific wrongness and would have ignored the inaccuracies and improbabilities, except that I didn't have anywhere else to go.

As others have observed, it is a longer, louder, flashier version of "The Last Samurai" or "Dances with Wolves". I wasn't interested in seeing another white guy undergo a spiritual awakening among the not-white-but-noble savages, win the heart of the most beautiful of the not-white maidens, and become a war-chief to her not-white people. I always knew exactly where the movie was going, many long, loud, flashy minutes before it got there.

I could say that I feel sorry for anyone who lacks the discernment and sophistication to recognize how vapidly ethnocentric and stale the plot was -- but that would be offensively patronizing.

SigmaPiSigma - Roger Dean! Thank you! Those floating mountains were tweaking my entorhinal cortex, but I could not make the connection.

From: Mako , 174 months, post #58
Thanks for the links. But in my original question (which you quoted)... I asked specifically about this forum. Not somewhere else like DISCOVER, which is not normally in the practice of reviewing movies for entertainment reasons. If in the future - I want to read about the broken science of Transformers 3 or Avatar 2 - then now I have such a link - so thank you.

Quote from URI: "I could say that I feel sorry for anyone who lacks the discernment and sophistication to recognize how vapidly ethnocentric and stale the plot was -- but that would be offensively patronizing".

I could also say I feel sorry for anyone who lacks imagination; empathy; an emotional connection to people; and respect for free thinking individuals - but that would also be offensively patronizing too. ;)

- Mako -

From: guest (uri) , 174 months, post #59
Mako - In the second half of post 57, I was responding to what what Lady Sekhmet wrote in post #54.

As SigmaPiSigma noted, post #40/41 -- the lengthy description of the evolutionary improbability of the Na'vi, the techno-babble nonsense of the AVTR proxies, and the physics of interstellar travel -- was also addressed to Lady S.

In the future, I think I will just ignore Lady S.

About the reviews in this forum, FWIW I contributed to a similar digression on the science content of the television series 'V" just a few months ago.

As an aside, a friend off mine made a comment about Avatar that you might find amusing. Like you, he is a movie editor (albeit, from a generation ago; he cut film and did sound mixing on Hollywood features in the 70s and early 80s). Like me, he is a curmudgeon.

He said something to the effect of: "James Cameron is only making movies so he can shoot the 'making-of' featurette for the DVD".

This was in response to all hype about the "performance capture" technology, and the ubiquitous footage of Cameron walking around the soundstage with his "Magic Widow" virtual camera.

From: guest , 174 months, post #60
I think what many people are forgetting here is that Big-multimillion dollar, mass released Blockbuster films like James Cameron's Avatar, Star Wars, Transformers, Star Trek, 2012,, etc, etc is FICTION.

It doesn't really matter if it can be explained perfectly in scientific terms, if the plot/dialogue is cheesy, or if it has enormous plot holes, because that's not what these kinds of films are made for. These Film aren't supposed to be intelligent in any way. They are designed to appeal to mass audiences and ultimately generate the most amount of profit they can.

The Directors of these films don't want to make their films intelligent, as intelligent films tend to drive people away. Directors want these sorts of films to have explosions, actions, romance, comedy, and other such things doesn't require the audience to think to much about.

Of course those who want to be provoked, and want explanations as to why things work the way they do in the film, are offended by such "stupid, un-realistic" films. But these people are the minority, and the Directors want to appeal to the majority, which don't want "smart, realistic" films.

What I'm trying to get across here is that Avatar is doing great in generating huge sums of revenue, which is ultimately what large budgets films with big name actors and directors are meant to do.

More intelligent Sci-fi crowds tend to watch Indie Sci-Fi Films: films with smaller budgets, lesser-known (or unknown) actors and more realism. "Moon" is an example of one such film

Then there are the films that Border on the line of Indie and Blockbuster, who have large-ish budgets, lesser-known/unknown actors and directors, but usually at least one person working on the film is big name. This sort of film tries to appeal to both audiences, the intellectual crowd and the less-intellectual crowd. These films will try to balance the realism and intelligence with mindless action scenes. The only example that comes to my mind at this time is District 9.

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