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The Mighty Avengers
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Mighty Avengers #2
The male villain Ultron is returning as a female. Ultron is an AI robot that wishes to destroy all humans. He is constantly destroyed and rebuilt. He was originally built with the mental engrams of a human male (Hank Pym).
From: JayGee , 213 months, post #1
This seems to confirm the rumor:

link here

From: guest , 213 months, post #2
here�s the pic !

From: Dale Ribbons , 213 months, post #3
I wasn't too sure about this entry at first, but thinking about it, it does make sense. As a robot, I would immediately say Ultron was sexless, but he does act like a male, even going so far as to create two different 'female' brides. So I guess the TG angle fits.

From: guest (Comp) , 213 months, post #4
Weirder and Weirder

Tony Stark is the Female Ultron!

From: guest (Marvel) , 213 months, post #5
I do not thin that Female Ultron is Tony Stark.

From: supergirl , 213 months, post #6
this is the only panel showing tony stark transformed into ultron,

From: guest , 213 months, post #7
It would serve Iron Man right, after everything he did during Civil War

From: guest (EdG) , 213 months, post #8
It's quite possible that Tony was in the armor, given the Extremis virus that changed him recently (just before the war), his body could be changed into that female Ultron. Tony's armor comes from within him now and he'd likely be affected by whatever Ultron used to take over.

From: Random , 213 months, post #9
Tony was in the armor. A couple of pages before you see his body(and armor) being twisted and changed just before it is changed into the new Ultron. As to what Ultron used to take over, the program was downloaded into Tony's armor and overwrote the programming of it.

From: guest (buster) , 213 months, post #10
Iron man's armor comes from inside him now? HUH? Ultron posseses the armor and turns Tony Stark female? What? This kind of stuff ( and the recent death of Captain America ) makes me glad that I stopped following comics a few years ago.
From the 1960's cartoon version of Iron Man:

Tony Stark makes you feel
He's a cool exec with a heart of steel.
But as Iron Man with jets aflame
He fights and he fights with repulsor rays!
Amazing power,
Iron Man,
Ablaze with power

From: guest (ScotiaNova) , 213 months, post #11
What do you mean Captian America is dead? Spoilers!?

From: guest (buster) , 213 months, post #12
I thought that everyone knew about Captain America's death. I read about it on Yahoo and in my local paper last Wednesday. Captain America is shot by a sniper while leaving a courthouse. It was a bad, bad day...

From: guest (ScotiaNova) , 213 months, post #13
You clarify and defend your spoilers by going into greater detail about your spoilers?
What kind of a fiend are you

From: guest (FS) , 213 months, post #14
Whether or not Captain America's dead, his 'downfall,' for lack of a better term, was sealed the moment he lost Civil War. I still think he should have killed Iron Man when he had the chance.

From: Dale Ribbons , 213 months, post #15
Yeah, because killing your opponent is the sign of a true hero.

All of the above is why I don't spend all my money on buying new comics anymore. FEH!

From: guest (EdG) , 212 months, post #16
According to Warbird (the former Ms. Marvel) Captain America survived the shooting although only a few know it. This was also in Mighty Avengers #1 when she was talking to Spider-Woman. Besides I have a feeling Cap might be one of the major players in the coming World War Hulk storyline. And nobody dies forever in the Marvel universe. Hell they even brought Bucky back!

From: guest (FS) , 212 months, post #17
Actually, I heard that Warbird might just be deluding herself into believing that Cap survived.
And yes, no one does stay dead forever, but part of that reason may be that they try to kill off such popular characters, How many times has Magneto or Dr. Doom been killed and then brought back? Because they're just too popular to stay dead, they should just stop trying to kill them off.
But, I get the feeling that things are going to be very different from now on, I wonder if they're going to make a more determined effort to keep Cap dead...that is, if he really is dead...

From: cj , 212 months, post #18
This is a permanently attached thread... please keep the discussion ON TOPIC.

From: DaveS , 211 months, post #19
Issue #2 of Mighty Avengers went on sale today, and it does seem to corroborate what was posted in the original (issue 2) entry.

Click to show spoiler
Gur srznyr Hygeba nccrnef gb unir pbcvrq gur sbez bs Gur Jnfc, Wnarg Ina Qlar. Arne gur raq bs gur vffhr, jura gur Jnfc nfxf jul Hygeba ybbxf yvxr ure, Hygeba fnlf vg'f orpnhfr fur (ur?) ybirf ure. Guvf pbasvezf gb gur Jnfc gung vg VF Hygeba, jub unf gur ratenzf bs ure rk, Unax Clz.

From: guest (InKpott) , 211 months, post #20
Actually , to be more exact , if Ultron is shaped like a female ,the "unit " would be a gynenold , gynoid or something in that range . Just pull out a Webster's Dictionary and see/check it . . . .

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