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Review: Synapse
A man is unwillingly used as a guinea pig in an attempt to transfer minds into new bodies. His mind gets put into a young woman's body, but she escapes and joins a revolutionary group.
From: Ron , 663 months, post #1
Interesting, if dumbed-down, adaptation of Jean Stine's "Season of the Witch" with some 1990s updates thrown in. The stern post World War 3 government that declares Andre's body forfeit is now an evil mega-corporation. He's an industrial thief instead of an idle hustler; and the whole saga is more a violent "fight the system" action/adventure yarn than the personal journey the novel was. The book gave short shrift to Andre's first few hours in a new body and the movie shortchanges that part of the story even further. When Andre watches the two revolutionaries making love, you get the impression the movie's about to go somewhwere, but once introduced, that thread is never picked up and that's the end of it. (edited out?)

Still it was riveting to actually SEE Andre awaken and realize he's in Josette's body.


Two changes make the movie much more tidy and centripedal than the book. At the end, Andre, now Celeste, gets payback and the ultimate in closure by blowing to smithereens the nasty executive in the old Andre body... a free choice and no going back.

But Celeste also keeps Andre alive by carrying her former self's baby, conceived back when she was him. Admittedly, all a little too pat and very Hollywood, but still satisfying.

From: anonymous , 663 months, post #2
Good movie mared by bad action sequences. Very well acted on the whole especially by the Scientist & Karen Duffy as the man in the woman's body does very well especially at the end when she actepts her new self - thinking she a lot better off as a caring woman with love than the unhappy loney man. Some scenes have real power - for exampled when Ce;est' shoots & destroyers her former body being used by the villian!

From: , 663 months, post #3
I saw this video also, about 3 or 4 times. I loved it.

I agree, the scene where he/she awakens after the transformation is terrific. Not enough of the hero/heroines origin or of his being tutored as a woman and I would love to have seen more, but overall, one of the best TG flicks I've seen.

From: Caitlin B , 663 months, post #4
Mostly a violence platform, a few good scenes.

From: Mike Allegretto , 663 months, post #5
Tg element was throughout the movie but the acting was very wooden.

From: Robert , 663 months, post #6
I loved this movie! The scene where he wakes up and discovers who body he is in is GREAT! He has a realistic reaction to waking up in a womans body. The only disappointment is they don't show his training as a woman but all in all not a bad TG movie amnd one of the few that are not a comedey.

From: anonymous , 295 months, post #7
See Duncan Scot Fitzhugh's evaluation of the likelihood of this "acceptance" theme under the "Ice Angel" entry. Makes you think.

From: guest , 201 months, post #8
Does the man know the woman of the body that he gets put into? I saw some of the clips on Youtube but I couldn't understand what they were saying because some idiot has some foreign language being played over the English. Does the man in the woman's body meet up with someone that has been put in his original male body near the end of the movie?

From: cj , 201 months, post #9
Click to show spoiler
Naqer'f oenva vf genafcynagrq vagb Wbfrggr'f obql. V pna'g erpnyy, qrsvavgviryl, vs Naqer naq Wbfrggr jrer va n sbezny eryngvbafuvc - ohg gurl jrer pregnvayl va na vagvzngr eryngvbafuvc... Fb, gb nafjre lbhe svefg dhrfgvba... Lrf, Naqer qvq xabj Wbfrggr - gur jbzna jubfr obql uvf oenva jnf cynprq vagb.

Click to show spoiler
Naqer'f obql jnf pynvzrq ol gur urnq bs gur Yvsr Pbecbengvba, nsgre Naqer jnf erzbirq sebz vg. Lrf, gurl qb zrrg yngre (nsgre orvat cynprq vagb gurve "arj" obqvrf)... naq, lrf, vg vf arne gur raq bs gur zbivr.

From: guest (Brainsmart) , 201 months, post #10
Tinkermaniac is not an idiot. He went through alot of trouble to post those clips on youtube. And he warn everybody before that the clips would not be in english. Now I think you need to say sorry to tinkermaniac for calling him an idiot.

From: Tinkerman , 201 months, post #11
>>I couldn't understand what they were saying because some idiot has some foreign
>>language being played over the English.

English isn't the only language in the world, you know. You got same clip without translation? So post it and everyone will be happy.

From: Tinkerman , 201 months, post #12
Brainsmart, thanks...

P.S. Is there a possibility to edit posts instead of adding a new one?

From: cj , 201 months, post #13
>>> "Is there a possibility to edit posts instead of adding a new one?"

Currently, no. Unless you count trusted users 'deleting' the post.

From: bdaddyn , 201 months, post #14
Great movie. I watched it a few days ago. Thumbs up.

From: guest (Oldie) , 40 months, post #15
Memory Run/Synapse (full movie)

Love the ending

From: guest (Lynda) , 40 months, post #16
Best ending to a TG movie, along with Sam and Cleo/Leo

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