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Review: Switch
Steve Brooks, (Perry King) is a notoriously sexist man with a preference for blondes. One night, three women wronged by him gang up to murder him after seducing him into thinking that they want to have a four-way with him in a hot tub. Given the way Steve has treated women, God isn't sure if Ste ...more
From: Caitlin B , 663 months, post #1
Some witty lines and a very convincing performance by Ellen Barkin compensates for very weak male fantasy vehicle.

To enjoy these aspect check all sense of reality at the door and bring heavy Suspension of Disbelieve pills. Key to the film's "plot" is that the protagonist must find a woman who genuinely loves him -- oops but its now her.

Our newly femininine protagonist meets this challenge by deciding not to have an abortion after getting pregnant while passed out drunk. Similar nonsense about women exercising power in the workplace by causing erections in co-workers. Clue: nobody gives six figure jobs for getting them hot, prostitutes are a lot cheaper.

From: Gavin , 663 months, post #2
Again I wasn't particularly impressed. Blake Edwards has definitely done funnier stuff than this movie.

From: Mike Allegretto , 663 months, post #3
A classic!

From: anonymous , 273 months, post #4
The most boring TG movie I've ever seen. The plot is really stupid and Ellen Barkin not my favourite actress to play in such a role.

From: myke , 265 months, post #5
Yeap, one of the best

From: Dale Ribbons , 229 months, post #6
An uneven movie. There were parts I liked and parts I didn't. I thought Ellen Barkin was very good.

From: JayGee , 229 months, post #7
I was really unimpressed with the film. For one thing, the Ellen Barken charecter wasn't even consistant with the male she was supposed to have been. For instance, he had this annoying smooth way of talking; when he turned into a woman, s/he suddenly develped a tough, urban New York accent. Way too many jokes about his/her inability to walk in high heels. (By flat shoes, for goodness sake!)

In order to prove s/he is tough, s/he kept getting into physical altercations that would have winded him/her up in jail.

Supposedly he male had been a debaucher; a seducer. He would set up his friends with his various girlfriends. Yet at the same time, no woman liked him. Isn't this contradictory? The film seems to assume that women would fall for his lines easily, yet had enough awareness that they were falling for his lines, and hate him for it. I guess that would be true if women were stupid, but experience seems to show me otherwise.

Also, while Ellen Barkin is quite attractive, it's a bit strange that everyone she wanted to seduce would fall for her completely. Men, lesbians, everyone.

In short, it was a waste of talent, both Ellen Barkins, Jimmy Smits, and Blake Edwards, all three of whom had done much better in other works.

From: ``````````` , 229 months, post #8
I also agreed that this movie sucked.
I watched about half of it, and was really uninterested 1/4 of the way through, just because of the terrible acting/plot line/directing/editing.

From: TG Fan , 228 months, post #9
There was a tremendous opportunity here that was lost forever when Kelly McGillis (who was originally signed to play the lead role) walked off the project. Kelly McGillis (the actress from "Witness") wanted to do "Switch" as a comedy, but far more, she wanted to explore what how a young man would really feel to be suddenly transformed into a beautiful woman. Kelly McGillis wanted to portray what a real man's feelings would have been to be suddenly confronted with being in a beautiful female body: surprise, humiliation, gradual and grudging acceptance of being female, ultimately taking pride in being a beautiful woman, etc. Kelly McGillis walked off the project saying that Blake Edwards only wanted to do cheap bathroom humor, a one-joke move, which is exactly what it turned out to be.

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